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Taxonomy: IM/TH- Image registration : PET
BReP-SNAP-I-15 | Design and Manufacture of Anatomically Realistic, Actuated, Elastic Lung Inserts for PET/CT Phantom Studies with Respiratory Motion D Black1*, Y Oloumi1, J Wong1, R Fedrigo1,2, C Uribe3, D Kadrmas4, A Rahmim1,2, I Klyuzhin2, (1) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CA, (2) BC Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, CA, (3) BC Cancer, Vancouver, BC, CA, (4) University Of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT |
BReP-SNAP-I-38 | Patient Dose Estimates After Lactated Ringer's Related Breakthrough of a Rubidium-82 Generator N Busse1*, B Lofton2, J Stickel3, (1) Denver Health, Denver, CO, (2) Colorado Assn in Medical Phys (CAMP), Colorado Springs, CO, (3) Colorado Assn in Medical Phys (CAMP), Golden, CO |
BReP-SNAP-I-39 | Phantom-Guided Optimization of BSREM Reconstruction Parameters Using Shell-Less Radioactive Epoxy Lesions for [18F]F-DCFPyL Prostate Cancer Imaging R Fedrigo1;2*, D Kadrmas3, P Edem4, F Benard1;2;4, A Rahmim1;2;4, C Uribe-Munoz4, (1) BC Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, CA, (2) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CA, (3) University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah (4) BC Cancer, Vancouver, BC, CA, |
PO-GeP-I-25 | Advanced Silicon Photomultiplier ASIC Readout for PET Imaging Applications D Yang1, X Cheng1, W Zhang2, D Gong2, Q Sun2, J Ye2, Y Shao1, D Yang1*, (1) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Dallas, TX, (2) Southern Methodist University |
PO-GeP-I-82 | Development of a Pulsed Accelerator for Short Half Life PET Isotope Production Q Diot1*, D Westerly2, M Miften3, (1) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, (2) Univ. of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO, (3) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO |
PO-GeP-I-136 | Impact of Low Contrast Objects On a PET Continuous Bed Motion Data Driven Gating Algorithm J Meier*, O Mawlawi, MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX |
PO-GeP-I-161 | Optimization of [18F]FDG Injected Activity for a New GE Discovery MI PET/CT Scanner Using a NEMA Phantom A Hart1*, T O'Briain1, M Bazalova-Carter1, A Rahmim2,3, W Beckham1,3, C Uribe-munoz4, (1) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA, (2) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CA, (3) BC Cancer, Victoria, BC, (4) BC Cancer, Vancouver, BC, CA |
PO-GeP-I-169 | Positron Emission Tomography Scatter Image Reconstruction with CNN Machine Learning G Fontaine*, S Pistorius, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB |
PO-GeP-I-190 | Shape Analysis in PET Images Using Convolutional Neural Nets: Limitations of Standard Architectures I Klyuzhin1,2*, A Rahmim1,2, (1) BC Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, CA, (2) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CA |
PO-GeP-I-192 | Small Animal LYSO-PET Detector Design L Dingjie1, Y FAN2*, (1) Henan Cancer Hospital, Henan, ,CN, (2) Henan Cancer Hospital, Zhengzhou, ,CN |
PO-GeP-I-199 | Study On the Influence of Lung Cancer Target Delineation with Different SUV Thresholds On Feature Extraction in 18F-FDG-PET Images C Ma*, Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute,Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, N/ACN, |
PO-GeP-M-323 | Partial Volume Correction (PVC) in Quantitative 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging On Intratumoral Dose Response Assessment S Chen*, S Chang, D Krauss, D Yan, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI |
PO-GeP-M-403 | To Distinguish Peripheral Lung Cancer and Pulmonary Inflammatory Pseudotumor Using CT-Radiomics Features Extracted From PET/CT Images C Ma, Y Yin*, Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute,Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, ShandongCN, |
SU-CD-TRACK 4-0 | The Era for Theranostics in Imaging and Therapy M Graham1*, G Sgouros2*, M Natwa3*, (1) University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, (2) Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Baltimore, MD, (3) The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH |
SU-F-TRACK 1-3 | Development and Evaluation of a High-Performance Onboard Animal PET for Preclinical Radiotherapy Research X Cheng*, K Hu, D Yang, Y Shao, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX |
WE-D-TRACK 1-5 | Ultra-High Throughput PET Coincidence Processor Based On Scatter-Gather Hierarchy X Cheng, K Hu, D Yang, Y Shao*, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX |
WE-D-TRACK 1-7 | Improved Low Count PET Recovery Using a Novel CNN Architecture K Spuhler1*, M Serrano-Sosa2, C Huang3 (1) NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, (2) Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, (3) Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY |