| | PO-GeP-T-1 : 18 MV Radiation Sensitivity Comparison of Platinum and Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Magnetic Resonance Based MAGICA Polymer Gel Dosimetery N.Riyahi Alam*, S.Shoobklaei, s.salimi, S.Farahani, F.Farokhi |
| | PO-GeP-T-2 : 1-D Scanning Water Phantom for 2-D IC Array and LDIC M.Moyers*, D.Yu, Z.Zhou, Z.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-3 : 3D-Printed Headrest for Frameless Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: Design and Validation G.Baltz*, T.Briere, D.Luo, R.Howell, S.Krafft, E.Han |
| | PO-GeP-T-4 : A Beam Model Accuracy Comparison of Small, Medium, and Large Segments for IMRT Treatment Plans K.Fischer*, K.Fischer, J.Rembish, S.Stathakis |
| | PO-GeP-T-5 : A Beam-Angle-Selection Method to Improve Inter-Fraction Motion Robustness for Lung Tumor Irradiation with Passive Proton Scattering Y.Zhang*, M.Ho, Z.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-6 : A Clinical Validation of the MR-Compatible Delta4 QA System in a 0.35 Tesla MR-Linac V.Desai*, J.Bayouth, J.Smilowitz, P.Yadav |
| | PO-GeP-T-7 : A Comparative Dosimetric Evaluation in Carcinoma Right Breast for Convex Chest Wall, Post Breast Conservation Surgery Using Two Distinct Radiotherapy Techniques H.Kaur*, S.Hazarika, J.Ninan, A.Khatri, P.Chandrasenan, K.Verma, S.Goel, P.Handa, S.Pande |
| | PO-GeP-T-8 : A Comparison of External Beam Radiotherapy and Radiopharmaceutical Lineal Energy Distributions Using Monte Carlo Track Structure Simulations D.Adam*, J.Grudzinski, B.Bednarz |
| | PO-GeP-T-9 : A Comparison of Machine Learning Models in Electron Output Prediction J.Box*, S.Ahmad, Y.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-10 : A Comparison of Prediction Models in Autocorrelated Processes for Quality Assurance j.Lah*, G.Kim, D.Shin |
| | PO-GeP-T-11 : A Comparison of Two Immobilization Systems for Prostate Radiotherapy F.Mostafaei*, S.Dougherty, R.Hamilton |
| | PO-GeP-T-12 : A Comprehensive Evaluation of the IQM System Accuracy for Standard Fields and Error Detection Sensitivity for Lung SBRT and Nasopharynx VMAT Plans T.Alharthi*, A.George, S.Arumugam, L.Holloway, D.Thwaites, P.Vial |
| | PO-GeP-T-14 : A Continuous Dose Calculation Method for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Using Pencil Beam Convolution in a Homogeneous Phantom W.Tseng*, B.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-T-15 : A Control-Theoretic Framework for Intra-Fraction Motion Management in MRI-Guided Radiotherapy H.Moazami Goudarzi*, T.Mazur, S.Mirzapour, G.Sharp, E.Salari |
| | PO-GeP-T-16 : A Cost-Effective Solution to Providing Bio-Positional Feedback To DIBH Patients Treated with Surface Guided Radiation Therapy M.Reyhan*, B.Swann, K.Greene, M.McKenna, R.Singh, N.Yue |
| | PO-GeP-T-17 : A Custom-Made Jig for In-Air Ionization Chamber Measurements and Quality Assurance of the Mark I-68 Cs-137 Irradiator S.Jayarathna*, R.Tailor, H.Moktan Tamang, S.Cho |
| | PO-GeP-T-18 : A Database-Driven Verification System for CT Simulation, Contouring and Plan Optimization M.Ayles*, P.Munger, D.Martin, M.Brunet-Benkhoucha, G.Jarry, L.Archambault |
| | PO-GeP-T-19 : A DNA-Based Detector for Quantification of DNA Damage From Ionizing Radiation M.Tambasco* |
| | PO-GeP-T-20 : A Dosimetric Analysis of the Impact of Patient Motion On Occurrence and Volume of Radiation Pneumonitis B.Zhou*, M.Chen, F.Yin, X.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-21 : A Dosimetric Comparison of TBI with a Dedicated Co-60 Irradiator to Tomotherapy-Based TBI and TMLI S.Ahmed*, J.Burmeister, M.Dominello, A.Hammoud, A.Nalichowski, J.Burmeister |
| | PO-GeP-T-22 : A Dosimetric Study On the Use of 3D Printed Customized Bolus in Photon Therapy L.Kai Jian*, J.Zhang#, H.Liu, D.JIANG |
| | PO-GeP-T-23 : A Dosimetric Validation of the Acuros XB Algorithm in the Clinic for Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy Plans R.Srivastava*, K.Basta, C.Wagter |
| | PO-GeP-T-24 : A Dosimetry Evaluation Study for the New Treatment Planning System of United Imaging Healthcare: Preliminary Experience From One Institution X.Zhu*, W.Hu, J.Wang, J.Peng, H.Guo, L.Yu |
| | PO-GeP-T-25 : A Fast Dose and Fluence Optimization Engine Using Matrix Sparsity for Adaptive Radiotherapy H.Stephens*, Q.Wu, W.Wang, X.Li, J.Zhang, C.Wang, Y.Sheng, Y.Ge, Q.Wu |
| | PO-GeP-T-26 : A Fast Monte Carlo-Based Dose Calculation Platform for Pre-Clinical Radiobiology Experiments Using An X-Ray Irradiator H.Liu*, Y.Zhong, X.Jia |
| | PO-GeP-T-27 : A Feasibility Study of MRI Guided Pre-Plan Using Advanced Gynecological Applicator Venezia Y.Huang*, F.Su, X.Li, H.Zhao, G.Nelson, M.Szegedi, L.Burt, D.Gaffney, G.Suneja, B.Salter |
| | PO-GeP-T-28 : A Feasibility Study to Standardize Prostate Planning Using An MR-Guided Radiotherapy Platform C.Zatwarnicki*, I.Zawisza, H.Zhang, C.Kota |
| | PO-GeP-T-30 : A Low-Cost Perturbation Detection System for Surface Guided Radiation Therapy Cameras J.Patrick*, Z.Saleh, U.Langner, C.Collins, J.Brindle, E.Klein |
| | PO-GeP-T-31 : A Method for Determining Optimal Arc Parameters in VMAT B.Perumal*, H.Etti, V.Ranganathan, N.Ramar, G.Joe Anto, M.S R |
| | PO-GeP-T-32 : A Method for the Daily Quality Assurance of a Six-Degree-Of-Freedom Treatment Table O.Dona*, Y.Wang, A.Xu, C.Wuu |
| | PO-GeP-T-33 : A Monte Carlo Investigation of Dose Reporting Issue in the Presence of High Hounsfield-Unit Material in Clinical AAA Dose Calculation Algorithm X.Chen*, J.Fan, I.Veltchev, J.Li, J.Liu, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-34 : A Monte Carlo-Based Analytic Model of Neutron Dose Equivalent for a Mevion Gantry-Mounted Passively Scattered Proton System M.BaradaranGhahfarokhi*, F.Reynoso, B.Sun, A.Darafsheh, M.Prusator, S.Mutic, T.Zhao |
| | PO-GeP-T-35 : A More Accurate Method of Patient Specific Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Modeling in MCNP J.Seekamp*, N.Sperling |
| | PO-GeP-T-36 : A New Approach to AlignRT Data Preparing, Checking and Dispatching Using Offline Workstations for Surface-Guided Radiotherapy K.O'Grady*, G.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-37 : A New Formula of NTCP Based On LKB Model J.Zhang#*, J.Shen, Z.Dai, C.Chen, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-T-38 : A New HVL-Free Method to Calibrate Surface Electronic Brachytherapy Devices Using Depth-Dose Ratios C.Valdes Cortez*, Y.Niatsetski, F.Ballester, J.Vijande, C.Candela-juan, J.Perez-Calatayud |
| | PO-GeP-T-39 : A New Mathematical Modeling Method Designed for Individual Template in Interstitial Brachytherapy S.Wang*, X.Fan, Y.Peng, R.Zhang, M.Miao, Z.Chi |
| | PO-GeP-T-40 : A Novel Absolute Radiation Dosimetry Approach Measuring Reactive Oxygen Species J.Rahimian*, M.Hitchler |
| | PO-GeP-T-41 : A Novel and Innovative Device to Retract Rectum During Radiation Therapy Applications of Pelvic Tumors E.Parsai, G.Giri*, M.Elahinia, P.Bayatimalayeri, D.Elliott |
| | PO-GeP-T-42 : A Novel Approach to Delivering Multi-Leaf Collimator Based Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy K.Maloney*, G.Cardarelli, E.Klein, M.Schwer |
| | PO-GeP-T-43 : A Novel Compensator for Compensator Based IMRT Device for Low- and Middle- Income Countries B.Sengupta*, K.Oh, E.Ford |
| | PO-GeP-T-44 : A Novel Computer Graphical User Interface for MLC Leaf Sequencing Based On the Shape Optimization Technique J.Jing*, h.lin, J.Chow |
| | PO-GeP-T-45 : A Novel Conformity Index to Minimize Volume Effects: Application in SRS/SRT S.Oh*, Y.Liang, H.Lee, D.Lee, J.Sohn |
| | PO-GeP-T-46 : A Novel Framework for An In-Room Collision Monitoring System During Radiotherapy Treatment Delivery Z.Saleh*, J.Patrick, M.Schwer, U.Langner, R.Munbodh, J.Brindle, D.Wazer, E.Klein |
| | PO-GeP-T-47 : A Novel Homogeneity Index Based On the Partial Proportion of the Dose Volume Histogram(DVHs) J.Shen*, Z.Dai, C.Chen, H.Liu, J.Zhang# |
| | PO-GeP-T-48 : A Novel Method for Beam Data and Model Analytics in the Eclipse Treatment Planning System J.Rogers* |
| | PO-GeP-T-49 : A Novel Method for Determining Optic Nerve and Disc Location for Eye Plaque Treatment Planning S.Scarboro*, M.Astrahan |
| | PO-GeP-T-50 : A Novel Method Using KV and MV Imaging of a Linear Accelerator to Improve Metal and MRI Compatible HDR Applicator Source Simulation And Delivery D.Nicewonger*, K.Rasmussen, S.Stathakis, K.Fischer, J.McCulloch, M.Naessig, A.Licon, I.Alecu, N.Papanikolaou, N.Kirby, D.Saenz, P.Myers |
| | PO-GeP-T-51 : A Novel Multielectrode Linac Beam Monitoring Chamber: Real-Time Detection of Linac Output as Well as MLC Segment Sizes and Locations Z.Han*, D.Brivio, J.Kukluk, Y.Lyatskaya, P.Zygmanski |
| | PO-GeP-T-53 : A Novel Technique for Three Dimensional Dose Reconstructions From a Single Planar Dose Measurement in Patient Specific Quality Assurance of Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Plans A.Manikandan*, S.Koushik, G.Krishnan, K.Patro, M.Noufal, R.Thiyagarajan, D.Sharma |
| | PO-GeP-T-54 : A Novel Use of 3D-Printed Template in Vaginal HDR Brachytherapy Y.Liao*, P.Barry, K.Tatebe, D.Wang, J.Turian |
| | PO-GeP-T-55 : A Parametric Approach Towards New Proton Facility Shielding Considerations in the Era of Proton FLASH Therapy N.Gupta*, D.DiCostanzo, A.Ayan, J.Woollard, J.Meissner, K.Hintenlang |
| | PO-GeP-T-56 : A Patient Plan Verification Confidence Limits Been Founded for TOMOTHERAPY HDA Type Machine T.Pang*, L.Yu, B.Yang, J.Qiu |
| | PO-GeP-T-57 : A Patient Timeout System (PTS) Utilizing Delivery System Relay Interlocks for Pre-Treatment Patient Verification D.Barbee* |
| | PO-GeP-T-58 : A Phantom Study to Compare 3D-Printed and Traditionally Hand-Made Boluses in Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer M.Wong* |
| | PO-GeP-T-59 : A Planning Study to Reduce Heart Dose with Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) for Left Breast Electron Boost L.Zhang*, G.Li, W.Lu, S.Powell, L.Hong |
| | PO-GeP-T-60 : A Practical Approach of Organ Specific Biologically Effective Dose Calculation for Re-Irradiation A.Tai*, E.Quashie, E.Ahunbay, K.Kainz, X.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-62 : A Preliminary Study On Quality Control for Treatment Planning of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma Z.Tian*, T.Wang, X.Yang, D.Giles, E.Butker, M.Walb, W.Curran, S.Kahn, T.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-T-63 : A Public Collection of Reference Dosimetry Ionization Chamber Models in EGSnrc R.Townson*, J.Lad, F.Tessier |
| | PO-GeP-T-64 : A Quantitative Relationship Relating Seed Placement Accuracy and Dosimetry in Permanent Breast Seed Implant Brachytherapy A.Guebert*, M.Roumeliotis, T.Meyer, S.Quirk |
| | PO-GeP-T-65 : A Risk Bias Weighted Approach to FMEA for An Adaptive Radiation Therapy Workflow N.Islam*, R.Lalonde, S.Jang, M.Huq |
| | PO-GeP-T-66 : A Route to Sustain Support for Physics Continuous Quality Improvement in Radiation Oncology P.Galavis*, D.Barbee, C.Hitchen, A.Mccarthy |
| | PO-GeP-T-67 : A Simple Approach for Efficient Use of Compensators in Total Body Irradiation Using An In-House TBI System A.Eldib*, T.Lin, M.Hossain, J.Liu, J.Panetta, L.Chen, R.Price, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-68 : A Simple Technique for Measuring the Latency of Non-Radiographic Localization Systems R.Popple*, E.Covington |
| | PO-GeP-T-69 : A Small Footprint Couch-Top Support Device for Image-Guided Radiotherapy of Heavy Patients H.Chen*, E.Draeger, M.Shafiq ul Hassan, Z.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-70 : A Study of Reoxygenation of Cancer Cells After Application of Radiation of Different Sized Doses Using a Diffusion Model Y.Watanabe, E.Dahlman* |
| | PO-GeP-T-71 : A Study of the Effects of Vascular Damage On Tumor Volume After Hypo-Fraction Radiotherapy by Using a Cellular Automata Model D.Kawahara*, L.Wu, Y.Nagata, Y.Watanabe |
| | PO-GeP-T-72 : A Study On Active Scanning Path Optimization for Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Based On Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm L.Zhang*, |
| | PO-GeP-T-73 : A Systematic Log File Analysis Tool for the Mevion S250i Hyperscan System: First Year Experience M.Newpower*, H.Jin, A.Bunker, S.Ahmad, Y.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-74 : A Systematic Study On the Angular Dependence of 2D Ion Chamber Array for Accurate IMRT Plan Quality Assurance J.Xu*, J.Liu, I.Veltchev, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-76 : Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation On Halcyon Linac K.Yun*, J.Snyder, M.Bernard, D.Pokhrel |
| | PO-GeP-T-77 : Acceptance Test and Commissioning: Establishing the Characteristics of LEP 300 Kilovoltage Radiotherapy Equipment N.KWON*, D.Shin, Y.Bae, H.Kyeong, D.Kim, W.Chung, D.Shin, J.Kim, D.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-78 : Accuracy of Measured Displacement of Two Infrared Respiratory Motion Markers for Various Orientations K.Singh*, S.de Boer, I.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-79 : Accurate Applicator Gap Measurements for Intraoperative Radiation Therapy Using LIDAR D.Craft*, M.Armstrong, D.Harrington |
| | PO-GeP-T-80 : Accurate Simulation and Validation of the Detector Response for Improved Bragg Peak Localization Via Ionoacoustics H.Wieser*, P.Dash, A.Savoia, W.Assmann, K.Parodi, J.Lascaud |
| | PO-GeP-T-81 : Accurately Modeling Pan and Tilt Beam Motion to Assess the Safety of Dynamic Tumour Tracking On the Vero4DRT Linear Accelerator E.Carpentier*, E.Dunne, A.Bergman, E.Gete, M.Camborde, T.Karan, C.Swift, M.Liu, R.Ma, T.Zhang, A.Mestrovic |
| | PO-GeP-T-82 : Acquisition of 3D Dose Distribution for Helical Tomotherapy S.Lim* |
| | PO-GeP-T-83 : Actual Dose of Breast TARGIT A Clinical Trial with Intrabeam IORT for a Realistic Spherical Target Volume H.Zhang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-84 : Acuros-Based Planning with Density Override for Lung SBRT by a Dynamic Conformal Arc Technique: Comparative Evaluation with AAA-Based Planning in Terms of Four-Dimensional Delivered Dose I.Yeo*, N.Joyce, D.Singh, M.Milano, Y.Chen, D.Rosenzweig |
| | PO-GeP-T-85 : ADAM-Pelvic Phantom Update: Using Different Dosimetrydetectors to Measure the Dose by An End-To-End Validation W.Johnen*, C.Gillmann, M.Marot, A.Schwahofer, A.Runz, G.Echner |
| | PO-GeP-T-86 : Adaptive Planning of Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Patients Based On Target Excursion and Deformation H.Saleh*, F.Wang, D.Soultan |
| | PO-GeP-T-87 : Adaptive Planning, Yes Or No: On Lung SBRT Tumors with Large Shifts During Daily Image Guidance T.Ma*, C.Liu, S.Ahmed, N.Yu, P.Qi, K.Stephans, G.Videtic, P.Xia |
| | PO-GeP-T-88 : Adaptive Proton Therapy Dose Evaluation and Planning Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography C.Ackerman*, P.Tsai, h.Zhai, M.Kang, C.Apinorasethkul, D.Bhatti, H.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-89 : Adrenal SBRT Treatment Using ExaCradle Dampening System F.Clemente-Gutiérrez*, F.San Miguel Avedillo, P.Chamorro Serrano |
| | PO-GeP-T-90 : Advanced Whole Breast Radiation Therapy for Node-Negative Left-Sided Breast Cancer Patients Y.Xie*, R.Zhang, D.Bourgeois, B.Guo |
| | PO-GeP-T-91 : Advancing RBE Models for High LET Particles Beyond the Linear-Quadratic Model O.Vassiliev*, C.Peterson, D.Grosshans, R.Mohan |
| | PO-GeP-T-92 : An Adaptive Method for Recalibrating Gafchromic EBT3 Film L.Chang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-93 : An Alternative Approach to Verify 6FFF Beam Dosimetry for Ethos and MR Linac Without Using a 3D Water Tank Y.Hao*, B.Cai, O.Green, N.Knutson, S.Yaddanapudi, T.Zhao, V.Rodriguez, M.Schmidt, S.Mutic, B.Sun |
| | PO-GeP-T-94 : An Automated Non-Coplanar VMAT Planning Study for Dose Escalation in Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer Patients K.Woods*, R.Chin, K.Sheng, J.Hegde, M.Cao |
| | PO-GeP-T-95 : An Efficient Optimization Method for Prostate LDR Planning by Including Prior Knowledge G.Szalkowski*, R.Chen, T.Royce, A.Wang, J.Lian |
| | PO-GeP-T-96 : An Evaluation of SRS MapCHECK for the QA of Stereotactic Radiotherapy Plans for Patients with Multiple Metastasis and Small Targets R.Teboh Forbang*, A.Ndlovu |
| | PO-GeP-T-97 : An Inexpensive Approach in the Construction of Custom Molds for the Treatment of Lesions On Curved Surfaces in Brachytherapy C.Wallace, J.Miller, L.Che Fru* |
| | PO-GeP-T-98 : An Innovative Approach for Partial Breast Irradiation Using Stranded Yb-169 Seeds with SAVI Applicator as Temporary Breast Implant S.Awan*, S.Gupta-burt, R.Badkul, S.Howard, A.Meigooni |
| | PO-GeP-T-99 : An Innovative Approach for Treatment of Nonmelanoma of Skin Cancer (NMSC) of Facial Region Using Patient Specific Custom 3D Mold with Yb-169 Novel Brachytherapy Source S.Awan*, A.Tejwani, S.Gupta-burt, R.Badkul, A.Meigooni |
| | PO-GeP-T-100 : An Intelligent IMRT Optimization Method Based On Radiobiological Effects Oriented by Dose Prediction X.Lu*, Y.Li, A.Wu, M.Qi, Y.Liu, L.Zhou, T.Song |
| | PO-GeP-T-101 : An Investigation Into VMATPatient-Specific QA Pass Rates Influenced by Linac Performance S.Kucuker Dogan*, D.Schulze, M.Gopalakrishnan, D.Cutright |
| | PO-GeP-T-102 : An Investigation Study Into the Dose Enhancement of Gold Concentration in Radiation Therapy Procedures K.Chatzipapas, V.Zoiopoulou, P.Papadimitroulas, G.Loudos, N.Papanikolaou, G.Kagadis* |
| | PO-GeP-T-103 : An LET-Based Cell Survival RBE Model for X-Rays and Gamma Radiation O.Vassiliev*, C.Peterson, D.Grosshans, R.Mohan |
| | PO-GeP-T-104 : An Open Source Motorized Water Phantom for MR-Linac Commissioning C.Guthier*, E.Huynh, C.Williams |
| | PO-GeP-T-105 : An Update of Virtual LINAC for External Beam Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning R.Sheu*, A.Powers, D.Huang, Y.Lo |
| | PO-GeP-T-106 : Analysis of a Machine Learning Based Planning Tool for Parotid Dose Prediction and Sparing N.Shaheen*, R.BAYLISS, P.Hill |
| | PO-GeP-T-107 : Analysis of Setup Error for Craniospinal Irradiation Using Helical TomoTherapy J.Lee, E.Kim, N.Kim, H.Byun, C.Suh, Y.Chung*, H.Yoon |
| | PO-GeP-T-108 : Analytic Source Model of Kilovoltage Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for GPU-Based Dose Calculation K.Fujii*, Y.Fujita |
| | PO-GeP-T-109 : Angular Dependency of the Measurements of the Novel SRS MapCheck Device in the Magnetic Field O.Pen*, A.Price |
| | PO-GeP-T-110 : Animal Survival in a Total Body Irradiation Model: Conventional Vs. PLDR Radiotherapy D.Cvetkovic*, J.Panetta, L.Chen, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-111 : Aperture Area in IMRT Studied Via Accumulated Dose Uncertainty Potential E.Shiba*, A.Saito, M.Furumi, D.Kawahara, K.Miki, Y.Murakami, T.Ohguri, S.Ozawa, M.Tsuneda, K.Yahara, T.Nishio, Y.Korogi, Y.Nagata |
| | PO-GeP-T-112 : Application of Fast Inverse Dose Optimization for Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy M.MacFarlane*, S.Mossahebi, J.Chen, N.Lamichhane, M.Guerrero |
| | PO-GeP-T-113 : Application of IAEA TRS-483 Protocol for Validating the Collimator Output Factors of a Gamma Knife Unit Using Diode Detectors S.Cyriac*, J.Liu, E.Calugaru, J.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-T-114 : Application of the Integral Quality Monitor (IQM) Transmission Detector for Optimization of Dosimetric Leaf Gap and Multi-Leaf Collimator Transmission Factor S.Martinez*, D.Dean, M.Ghafarian, M.Price, K.Homann |
| | PO-GeP-T-115 : Applying Cloud-Based Technology and Multi-Institutional Participation to Guide Best Practice in Treatment Planning S.Quirk*, H.Morrison, N.Logie, P.Grendarova, T.Phan, K.Long, D.Graham, T.Meyer, B.Nelms, M.Roumeliotis |
| | PO-GeP-T-116 : Ardunio Controlled Low Cost, Practical Dosimetry Beam Scanning System N.Demez* |
| | PO-GeP-T-117 : Are All Volumes of Brain Metastases Suitable for Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery? C.Liu*, S.Ahmed, T.Ma, G.Neyman, J.Suh, P.Xia |
| | PO-GeP-T-118 : Array Measurement and Evaluation of 2D Dosimetric Leaf Gap of a MLC System T.Chen*, J.Xue, D.Barbee |
| | PO-GeP-T-119 : Assessing Improvement in Setup Reproducibility for Head and Neck Patients Following 2 Cycles of Process Improvement A.Heikal*, B.Aboughoche, M.Brennan, H.Warkentin |
| | PO-GeP-T-120 : Assessing the Accuracy of Ion Chamber Air Kerma Measurements in Synchrotron Produced Monochromatic X-Ray Beams I.El Gamal*, B.Muir, M.McEwen |
| | PO-GeP-T-121 : Assessing the Effect of Multiple Delivery Parameters in Patient-Specific QA for Poor Pass-Rates Using A Diode Array and Treatment Plans From Two Different Planning Systems J.Bogue*, E.Parsai |
| | PO-GeP-T-122 : Assessing the Importance of Oral Cavity Dosimetry On Patient Reported Xerostomia and Dysgeusia in Patients Receiving De-Intensified Treatment for Oropharynx Cancer D.Fried*, A.Fuquay, S.Das, C.Shen, K.Pearlstein, B.Chera |
| | PO-GeP-T-123 : Assessing Variation in Local Lung Function Prior To, During and Following Radiation Therapy M.Flakus*, E.Wallat, W.Shao, A.Wuschner, G.Christensen, J.Reinhardt, D.Shanmuganayagam, J.Bayouth |
| | PO-GeP-T-124 : Assessment of a Commercial Treatment Planning System Dose Calculation Accuracy for Small Static Fields L.Maduro*, J.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-T-125 : Assessment of a Knowledge-Based RapidPlan Model for Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI) G.Luo*, G.Twork, M.Price, G.Ding |
| | PO-GeP-T-126 : Assessment of Beam and Delivery Quality for Interchanging Intensity-Modulated Treatment Plans with Two 6MV Beam-Matched Linear Accelerators C.Fang, Y.Song, W.Xu, L.Cao, Y.Tao, Z.Wang, L.Zhu, B.Qu, S.Xu* |
| | PO-GeP-T-127 : Assessment of Microdosimetric Measurement Uncertainty in Carbon Ion Radiotherapy S.Hartzell*, F.Guan, O.Vassiliev, P.Taylor, C.Peterson, S.Kry |
| | PO-GeP-T-128 : Assessment of Plan Quality Variability in Head and Neck Treatments Using Feasibility Predictions in a Commercial Software S.Ahmed*, C.Liu, D.LaHurd, E.Murray, M.Kolar, N.Joshi, N.Woody, S.Koyfman, P.Xia |
| | PO-GeP-T-129 : Assessment of the Efficiency Index in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Planning D.Wieczorek*, R.Tolakanahalli, R.Kotecha, A.Gutierrez, M.Hall, M.Rubens |
| | PO-GeP-T-130 : Assessments and Analytical Predictions of Lung Tumor Motion Based On 4DCT Scans S.Li*, B.Wang, T.Giaddui, A.Hollander, B.Micaily, C.Miyamoto |
| | PO-GeP-T-131 : Atlas-Based PTV Contouring for Total Marrow Irradiation A.Cherpak*, K.Chytyk-Praznik, L.Mulroy |
| | PO-GeP-T-132 : Automated Algorithm for Generation of Patient-Morphed Computational Phantoms for Radiation Dosimetry L.Carter*, J.Lewis, A.Kesner |
| | PO-GeP-T-133 : Automated Linac QA Using Scripting and Varian Developer Mode K.Pearman*, N.Koch, C.Vanderstraeten, B.Sintay, D.Wiant, Q.Shang, T.Hayes, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-T-134 : Automated MLC QA Using XML Script and Developer Mode in TrueBeam C.Venencia*, A.Alarcon |
| | PO-GeP-T-135 : Automated Picket Fence Test for Full MLC Bank On the Elekta Unity D.Dunkerley*, A.Boczkowski, S.Strand, T.Geoghegan, J.St-Aubin, S.Yaddanapudi, J.Snyder, D.Hyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-136 : Automated Proton Beam Model Validation A.Egan*, D.Maes, R.Regmi, C.Bloch, J.Saini, P.Taddei, S.Bowen, T.Wong |
| | PO-GeP-T-137 : Automated Real Time Pre-Irradiation Chart Check Tool A.Pompos*, Y.Park, M.Lin, A.Godley, J.Tan, S.Jiang |
| | PO-GeP-T-138 : Automated, Predictive, and Optimized Average Dose for Organs at Risk in Proton Beam Therapy S.Petro*, B.Morris, K.Lai, L.Rigsby, S.Hedrick |
| | PO-GeP-T-139 : Automatic Catheter Reconstruction of Flap Applicators in MRI-Guided HDR Surface Brachytherapy I.Buzurovic*, E.Kaza, D.O'Farrell, T.Harris, S.Friesen, P.Devlin, R.Cormack |
| | PO-GeP-T-140 : Automatic Eclipse Planning Using Script and RapidPlan for Prostate SBRT A.Alarcon*, C.Venencia |
| | PO-GeP-T-141 : Automatic IMRT Planning Via Static Field Fluence Prediction (AIP-SFFP): A Novel Local Attention Deep-Learning Design for Head-And-Neck IMRT Application X.Li, J.Zhang, Y.Sheng, Y.Chang, H.Stephens, Q.Wu, F.Yin, Y.Ge, Q.Wu, C.Wang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-142 : Automatic Position Determination for Qfix Couch System Using ESAPI H.Wang*, T.Chen, A.Rea, A.Mccarthy, D.Barbee |
| | PO-GeP-T-143 : Automatic Selection of An Absolute-Dose Verification Point for Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Via Dose Uncertainty Potential Accumulation Model A.Saito*, T.Nakashima, D.Kawahara, E.Shiba, T.Matsuura, K.fukata, K.Miki, M.Tsuneda, T.Nishio, Y.Nagata |
| | PO-GeP-T-144 : Automation of Eyeplaque Procedures for Greater Integration and Safety Q.Diot*, D.Westerly, M.Miften |
| | PO-GeP-T-145 : Automation of the Treatment Planning Process for IMRT Prostate Cases P.Kapoor* |
| | PO-GeP-T-146 : Beam Arrangement as a Method to Reduce Dose to An Implanted Cardiac Device for Cranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy Patients A.Licon*, K.Rasmussen, N.Kirby, S.Stathakis, N.Papanikolaou, P.Myers, R.Crownover, D.Saenz |
| | PO-GeP-T-147 : Beam Characteristics of a Directional X-Ray Source for Intraoperative Radiotherapy M.Kim*, W.Harris, D.Bollinger, S.Anamalayil, N.Taunk, B.Teo |
| | PO-GeP-T-148 : Beam Characteristics of Energy-Modulated Proton Beams for Single-Energy-Modulated Proton Arc Therapy (SEM-PAT) S.Mossahebi*, A.Modiri, P.Sabouri, E.Makdsay Hana, A.Sawant, B.Yi |
| | PO-GeP-T-149 : Beam Characteristics of the First Clinical 360-Rotational Compact Scanning Pencil Beam Proton Treatment System and Differences From a Multi-Room System C.Shang*, G.Evans, M.Rahman, L.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-150 : Beam Model Matching of the Low-Intensity PBS Spot Halo with and Without a Range-Shifter at a Multi-Room Facility C.Ainsley* |
| | PO-GeP-T-151 : Beam Parameters of Pediatric Plans with a Pencil Beam Scanning Proton System and Their Effects On Patient-Specific Quality Assurance S.Al-ward*, L.Zhao |
| | PO-GeP-T-152 : Benchmark Performance Measurements of a Novel Biology-Guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) Machine Using TG-148 and TG-142 D.Zaks*, R.Bassalow, O.Volotskova, M.Narayanan, C.Huntzinger, S.Shirvani, S.Mazin, G.Kuduvalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-153 : Benchmarking DVH Prediction Uncertainty Between Different Knowledge-Based Models B.Covele*, K.Moore |
| | PO-GeP-T-154 : Beyond TG119: Providing Multiple Institutional Planning and Dosimetry Comparisons for Stereotactic Radiosurgery Commissioning J.Burmeister*, R.Culcasi, G.Baran, M.Dominello, A.Molineu, S.Benedict, R.Popple, B.Salter, K.Yenice |
| | PO-GeP-T-155 : Biological Dosimetry of Spatially Modulated Proton Minibeam N.Cao*, D.Miles, K.Yagle, D.Argento, G.Moffitt, R.Emery, J.Meyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-156 : Biological Plan Evaluation for Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Comparison Between Single-Isocenter and Multiple-Isocenter Techniques M.Lee*, H.Wang, H.Tsai |
| | PO-GeP-T-157 : Bolusing Effect of Fiberglass Casting Material for 6MV Photon Beam Treatments Measured with Parallel Plate and Gafchhomic Film B.Hasson*, T.Li, C.Geraghty, J.Carroll |
| | PO-GeP-T-158 : BolusVisionOnline: 3D Soft Bolus Printing Utilizing Eclipse Scripting API (ESAPI) J.Tan*, T.Chiu, S.Jiang |
| | PO-GeP-T-159 : Boosting the Abscopal Effect with a Boost Dose of Radiotherapy and Immunoadjuvants in the Treatment of Aggressive Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: A Preclinical Study V.Ainsworth*, S.Yasmin-Karim, K.DeCosmo, R.Mueller, J.Wood, W.Ngwa |
| | PO-GeP-T-160 : Brachytherapy LDR Prostate Plans Robustness Test Based On Random Sampling M.Rodriguez* |
| | PO-GeP-T-161 : Brachytherapy Technique Commissioning Using the HYPERSCINT Plastic Scintillation Detector M.Goulet*, N.Octave, P.Duguay-drouin |
| | PO-GeP-T-162 : Brachytherapy Workflow for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: A Survey of Canadian Medical Physicists G.Menon*, L.Baldwin, B.Burke, A.Heikal |
| | PO-GeP-T-163 : Building a Dose Verification Model for M6â„¢ Cyberknife System Using Monte Carlo Simulation C.Shang, T.Leventouri, W.Muhammad, T.Neupane* |
| | PO-GeP-T-164 : Can Knowledge-Based Dose Prediction Models Inform Brachytherapy Needle Decision-Making for Cervical Cancer? K.Kallis*, D.Brown, D.Scanderbeg, K.Kisling, B.Covele, A.Simon, C.Yashar, J.Einck, L.Mell, J.Mayadev, K.Moore, S.Meyers |
| | PO-GeP-T-165 : Can We Use a Decay Plan for GammaPod APBI Treatments? M.Guerrero*, B.Zhang, E.Nichols, S.Becker |
| | PO-GeP-T-166 : Cardiac Dose Control and Optimization Strategy for Left Breast Cancer Radiotherapy with Non-Uniform VMAT Technology S.Zhang, Z.Pan, J.Qiu* |
| | PO-GeP-T-167 : Case-Study of a Comparison Between MRI-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy (MRI-ART) and Robustly-Optimized Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy (RO-IMPT) in the Treatment of SBRT Liver Cancer G.Simpson, K.Padgett, N.Dogan, L.Portelance, M.Butkus, |
| | PO-GeP-T-168 : CdTe-Based Semiconductor Detector for Correction-Less Small-Field Dosimetry F.Akbari*, D.Shvydka, E.Parsai |
| | PO-GeP-T-169 : Characteristics and Effective Point of Measurement of a MicroSilicon Detector in Electron Beam Dosimetry I.Das*, S.Srivastava |
| | PO-GeP-T-170 : Characteristics of Unshielded MicroSilicon Diode Detector in Photon Small Fields I.Das*, S.Srivastava |
| | PO-GeP-T-171 : Characterization of IMRT, SBRT and SRS Patient Plan Quality Assurance of a Novel Biology-Guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) Machine D.Zaks*, A.Purwar, M.Narayanan, S.Khan, J.White, A.Da Silva, C.Han, J.Liang, D.Du, A.Liu, Y.Voronenko, D.Pal, D.Rigie, J.Burns, G.Kuduvalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-172 : Characterization of Linac Mechanical Performance for Multi-Target Single-Isocenter Frameless SRS Using a Custom Phantom I.Rusu*, H.Kang, S.Gros, M.Mysz, A.Sethi, J.Roeske |
| | PO-GeP-T-173 : Characterization of Radiation Response of MRI-Guided 3D Conformal Treatment of U251 and 9L Glioblastoma Rat Models Using a Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) G.Valadie*, G.Cabral, S.Shadaia, K.Farmer, S.Panda, N.Tavarekere, I.Lee, R.Knight, M.Joiner, S.Brown, J.Ewing |
| | PO-GeP-T-174 : Characterization of the Hyperscint Dosimetry System for Real-Time Dosimetry Measurements with the Varian TrueBeamLinac C.Penner*, C.Hoehr, C.Mendez, C.Duzenli |
| | PO-GeP-T-175 : Characterization of the IMRT and SBRT Performance of a Novel Biology-Guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) Machine Using ArcCHECK D.Zaks, M.Narayanan*, R.Bassalow, O.Volotskova, Y.Voronenko, D.Pal, D.Rigie, J.Burns, A.Purwar, P.Olcott, G.Kuduvalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-176 : Characterization of the IMRT Performance of a Novel Biology-Guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) Machine Using the TG-119 Methodology A.Purwar*, M.Narayanan, S.Khan, D.Zaks, J.White, C.Huntzinger, S.Shirvani, S.Mazin, G.Kuduvalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-177 : Characterization of the Limitations of the Mobius3D Dosimetric Leaf Gap Offset Correction A.Shepard*, J.Hansen, M.Belanger, S.Frigo |
| | PO-GeP-T-178 : Characterization of the New MicroSilicon X Diode Detector S.Stathakis*, C.Kabat, P.Mavroidis, N.Papanikolaou |
| | PO-GeP-T-179 : Characterization of the PTW MicroSilicon Detector A.Turnidge*, M.Heard, S.Junell |
| | PO-GeP-T-180 : Characterization of the Response of EBT-XD Radiochromic Films to Proton Therapy Beams A.Darafsheh*, T.Zhao, R.Khan |
| | PO-GeP-T-181 : Checking Sanity and Integrity of Treatment Plans in MR-Linac Based Adaptive Radiotherapy P.Zhang*, J.Xiong, S.Burleson, A.Li, J.Mechalakos, N.Tyagi |
| | PO-GeP-T-182 : Checkpoint Blockade Inhibitors in Combination with Radiation Therapy in Breast Cancer B.Sanstrum, R.Piranlioglu, F.Kong, C.Ferguson, J.Barret, H.Korkaya, A.Al-Basheer* |
| | PO-GeP-T-183 : CivaSheet Commissioning and Workflow Planning S.Morelli*, J.Woollard, A.Ayan, N.Gupta |
| | PO-GeP-T-184 : Clinical Context of Neutron Dose Contribution From 10MV FFF Vs 15MV Photon Beams J.Vickress*, G.Zeng, R.Sankreacha |
| | PO-GeP-T-185 : Clinical Evaluation of An Automated Adaptive Proton Therapy Workflow Using Contour Propagation and Dose Evaluation V.Taasti*, F.Vaassen, C.Hazelaar, A.Vaniqui, W.Van Elmpt, R.Canters, M.Unipan |
| | PO-GeP-T-186 : Clinical Experience Implementing An Ion Chamber Array for Monthly Beam Constancy Versus Ion Chamber in Water D.Barbee*, S.Taneja, A.Rea |
| | PO-GeP-T-188 : Clinical Implementation of a New a Single-Isocenter Multiple-Target Cranial Optimization Algorithm C.Knill*, R.Sandhu, R.Halford, L.Lin, Z.Seymour, I.Grills, P.Chinnaiyan |
| | PO-GeP-T-189 : Clinical Implementation of Monte Carlo Modeling of the Elekta VersaHD with Agility Collimator H.Parenica*, C.Kabat, P.Papaconstadopoulos, N.Kirby, P.Myers, T.Wagner, N.Papanikolaou, S.Stathakis |
| | PO-GeP-T-190 : Clinical Implementation of TG-218: Process-Based IMRT Analytics B.Granger*, J.McGlade, F.Mourtada |
| | PO-GeP-T-191 : Clinical Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Gantry as a Test Bench for the FLASH Effect K.Nesteruk*, S.Psoroulas, M.Togno, S.Safai, M.Grossmann, A.Lomax, D.Weber, D.Meer |
| | PO-GeP-T-193 : Clustered Pencil Beam Scanning (CPBS) Delivery Technique for Potential FLASH Proton Treatment H.Kim*, B.Teo, K.Cengel, L.Yin, M.Kim, S.Huang, J.Konzer, T.Li, S.Avery, R.Wiersma, D.Carlson, A.Lin, T.Busch, C.Koumenis, J.Metz, L.Dong, E.Diffenderfer, J.Zou |
| | PO-GeP-T-194 : CNC-Laser Assisted Automated Electron Cutout Fabrication with 3D Print-Based Quality Assurance and Computer Vision T.Chiu*, D.Shrestha, Z.Xiong, M.Lin, Y.Park, A.Godley, R.Reynolds |
| | PO-GeP-T-195 : Combining Radiotherapy with Immunoadjuvant Gold Nanoparticles to Enhance the Abscopal Effect in Pancreatic Cancer Model N.Bih*, S.Yasmin-Karim, J.Wood, W.Ngwa |
| | PO-GeP-T-196 : Commissioning and Dosimetric Analysis of Indigenously Developed Interstitial Plus Intracavitary Gynaecological Template in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy V.Kaliyaperumal*, S.Banerjee, S.Abraham, D.Kamaraj, M.Raju, D.Manigandan, T.Kataria |
| | PO-GeP-T-197 : Commissioning and Preliminary Clinical Experience with a New CT-Integrated Linear Accelerator L.Yu*, J.Zhao, J.Wang, Z.Zhang, W.Hu |
| | PO-GeP-T-198 : Commissioning of a 3D Scanner for Digitizing and Ordering Electron Cutouts Using 3-D Printed Phantoms M.Malin*, S.Taneja, D.Barbee |
| | PO-GeP-T-199 : Commissioning of a Deep Learning-Based Radiotherapy Dose Calculation Engine X.Zhong*, Y.Xing, D.Nguyen, R.McBeth, R.Norouzi-Kandalan, Y.Zhang, M.Lin, W.Lu, S.Jiang |
| | PO-GeP-T-200 : Commissioning of a Free Breathing Amplitude Gated Treatment Program Using Varian TrueBeam 2.7 Imaging Capabilities S.Hickling*, A.Veres, M.Grams |
| | PO-GeP-T-201 : Commissioning of An Xstrahl SARRP in the Novel Micro-RayStation Treatment Planning System Y.Poirier*, A.Anvari, R.Nilsson, A.Gerry, C.Johnstone, A.Sawant |
| | PO-GeP-T-202 : Commissioning of Proton Beam Uniform Scanning for a Commercial Treatment Planning System A.Egan*, D.Maes, T.Nevitt, E.Leuro, A.Fung, R.Regmi, C.Bloch, J.Saini, P.Taddei, S.Bowen, M.Janson, T.Wong |
| | PO-GeP-T-203 : Commissioning of Venezia Lunar Ovoid Applicator Using Electron Autoradiograph X.Li, F.Su*, Y.Huang, G.Stinnett, H.Zhao, J.Kunz, G.Nelson, M.Szegedi, B.Salter |
| | PO-GeP-T-204 : Commissioning Report of a High Field MR-Linac System N.Tyagi*, E.Subashi, P.Godoy Scripes, J.Mechalakos, X.Gonzalez Souto, S.Lim |
| | PO-GeP-T-205 : Community Hospital Experience Commissioning a New MR-Based HDR Program J.Fagerstrom*, J.Marotta, J.Cantley |
| | PO-GeP-T-206 : Comparative Study of SRS End-To-End QA Processes of a Diode Array Device and An Anthropomorphic Phantom Loaded with Radiochromic XD Film S.Lim*, M.Chan, L.KUO, T.Li, X.Li, A.Ballangrud, D.Lovelock |
| | PO-GeP-T-207 : Comparing Biological Equivalent Dose of Liver Tumor Treatment Schemes Using Universal Survive Curve C.Ding*, M.Folkert, R.Timmerman |
| | PO-GeP-T-208 : Comparing Chest and Abdominal Patient Monitoring and Visual Feedback Systems for Deep Inspiration Breath Hold: Results From the BRAVEHeart Clinical Trial H.Byrne*, C.Stanton, B.Zwan, E.Steiner, K.Makhija, J.Atyeo, K.Richardson, L.Ambrose, R.Bromley, J.Booth, M.Morgia, G.Lamoury, P.Keall |
| | PO-GeP-T-209 : Comparing Non-Invasive High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Using Partially-Shielded Applicators to Intracavitary/Interstitial Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer K.Hopfensperger*, Q.Adams, Y.Kim, X.Wu, W.Xu, K.Patwardhan, B.Thammavong, R.Flynn |
| | PO-GeP-T-210 : Comparing SBRT Lung Treatment Plans Using Acuros and AAA to Evaluate Dosimetric Guidelines M.Webster*, J.Yeo, S.Tanny, N.Joyce |
| | PO-GeP-T-211 : Comparing Surface Dose in Pinnacle and Eclipse Using a Commercial OSLD W.Short*, J.Yakoubian |
| | PO-GeP-T-212 : Comparing VMAT and AP/PA Techniques for TBI: Plan Quality, Delivery Efficiency, and Lung Dose Rate B.Guo*, A.Magnelli, S.Cherian, P.Xia |
| | PO-GeP-T-213 : Comparison Between COMS Plaques and Personalized 3D Printed 103Pd-Loaded Plaques with Dose Modulations for Ocular Melanomas Y.Ma*, M.Fortin, L.Beaulieu |
| | PO-GeP-T-214 : Comparison of AAA and Acuros XB Dose Calculation Algorithms for SRS F.Yeh*, J.Adamson, Z.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-215 : Comparison of An Improved X-Ray Source for Use in All Applications with the Existing Xoft X-Ray Source L.Kelley*, T.Rusch, R.Neimeyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-216 : Comparison of Beam Energy Metrics for Acceptance of Halcyon Linear Accelerator S.Gao*, M.Chetvertkov, B.Cai, A.Dwivedi, D.Mihailidis, X.Ray, T.Netherton, W.Simon, L.Court, P.Balter |
| | PO-GeP-T-217 : Comparison of Clinical Trial and Non-Trial Pass Rates for IROC Houston's HN and Lung Phantoms H.Mehrens*, T.Nguyen, N.Hernandez, B.Lewis, N.Pajot, A.Molineu, D.Followill |
| | PO-GeP-T-218 : Comparison of Dose Distribution by the Difference of Dose Calculation Algorithm for the Same Treatment Plan K.Inoue*, H.Matsukawa, Y.Kasai, K.Edamitsu, K.Matsumoto, Y.Takayama, T.Hirose, J.Fukunaga, Y.Shioyama, T.Sasaki |
| | PO-GeP-T-219 : Comparison of Dosimetry Parameters for Two Xoft Axxent Source Models A.Walter*, D.Anderson, L.DeWerd |
| | PO-GeP-T-220 : Comparison of Elekta ICOM Services and TRF Log Files C.Kabat*, N.Papanikolaou, P.Mavroidis, S.Stathakis |
| | PO-GeP-T-221 : Comparison of Five Types of Adaptive X-Ray Treatment Planning Technique for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer M.Saito*, T.Komiyama, K.Marino, S.Aoki, Y.Maehata, M.Matsuda, T.Akita, H.Suzuki, K.Ueda, H.Onishi |
| | PO-GeP-T-222 : Comparison of Forward-Planned and Inversely-Optimized Dose Distributions for Patients Treated Using An Hybrid Interstitial Gynecological Applicator Placed Under MRI Guidance for Treatment of Cervical Cancer S.Simiele*, G.Mcginnis, M.Cunningham, C.Starks, L.Colbert, M.Joyner, L.Lin, A.Jhingran, P.Eifel, A.Venkatesan, A.Klopp |
| | PO-GeP-T-223 : Comparison of Location Accuracy Between the Jaw and MLC Using a High Sampling Rate Log File M.Seo*, S.Nishiyama, K.Makabe, M.Kuramochi, T.Suzuki, H.Tomita |
| | PO-GeP-T-224 : Comparison of MLC Beam Model Parameter Values in RayStation for VMAT Deliveries J.Hansen*, M.Belanger, A.Shepard, S.Frigo |
| | PO-GeP-T-225 : Comparison of Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy Planning with 3D and 4D Robust Optimization Versus Photon IMRT for Lung Cancer M.Huang*, J.Torok, H.Chen, Y.Lin, L.Ren, M.Blakey, Y.Xiao, A.Kassaee, C.Kelsey, F.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-T-226 : Comparison of Photoneutron Dose Equivalent Measurements for Two Different Medical Clinac H.Khilafath*, G.Bharanidharan, P.Mahadevan, J.Vellingiri, A.Prakash Rao, D.Mohapatra, N.Sekar, T.Palraj, G.Singaravelu |
| | PO-GeP-T-227 : Comparison of Prone Versus Supine Position and Different Planning Technique of Anal Cancer Treated with Pencil-Beam Scanning Proton Beam: Cross Institutional Dosimetric and IGRT Studies S.Ito*, A.Anand, J.Lentz, C.Beltran |
| | PO-GeP-T-228 : Comparison of Pulsed Low Dose Rate and Conventional Radiotherapy Using An In-Vivo Model J.Panetta*, D.Cvetkovic, L.Chen, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-229 : Comparison of Reference Dosimetry Protocols for Small Radiosurgery Fields Z.Iqbal*, T.Chiu, D.Parsons, A.Godley, X.Gu, S.Stojadinovic |
| | PO-GeP-T-230 : Comparison of Relative Dosimetric Response of KCl:Eu2+ Between Proton and Photon Irradiation: Implications for LET Independence J.Setianegara*, T.Mazur, B.Maraghechi, A.Darafsheh, D.Yang, T.Zhao, H.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-231 : Comparison of the REB Enhancement Owing to Iodine, Calculated by MKM and LEM Y.Chiang*, C.Lee, T.Chao |
| | PO-GeP-T-232 : Comparison of Tumor Volume Measurements Using MR Images and Caliper Measurements J.Panetta*, D.Cvetkovic, L.Chen, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-233 : Comparison of Two Commercial Software Packages for Y-90 SIRT Dosimetry M.Studenski*, M.Witte, B.Spieler, M.Georgiou, L.Portelance |
| | PO-GeP-T-234 : Comparison of Vendor-Dependent Versus Commercially-Available, Independent LINAC Quality Assurance (QA) for Daily QA C.Stambaugh*, C.Melhus |
| | PO-GeP-T-235 : Comparison Study for Portal Dosimetry Vs Diode Array in VMAT/IMRT Patient QA N.Demez*, D.Soultan, R.Badkul |
| | PO-GeP-T-236 : Compounding Automation Features From Multiple APIs for Automated Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance M.Schmidt*, C.Raman, Y.Wu, N.Knutson, F.Reynoso, Y.Hao, M.Yaqoub, G.Hugo, E.Sajo, B.Sun |
| | PO-GeP-T-237 : Comprehensive Calibration and Evaluation of a Cone-Beam CT On a Pre-Clinical Small Animal Radiation Research Platform Y.Huang*, Y.Zhong, C.Wang, Y.Gonzalez, C.Shen, X.Jia |
| | PO-GeP-T-238 : Comprehensive Evaluation and Implementation of Two Independent Methods for Beam Monitor Calibration for Proton Scanning Beam J.Shen*, X.Ding, Y.Hu, Y.Kang, W.Liu, W.Deng, M.Bues |
| | PO-GeP-T-239 : Comprehensive Peripheral Dosimetry for Estimation of Fetal Dose in the Setting of Intracranial Radiation Therapy A.Rodrigues*, E.Cullom, K.Pant, F.Yin, W.Giles |
| | PO-GeP-T-240 : Computational Evaluation of Different Dose Engines and In-Vivo Measurements of a VMAT Chest Wall Irradiation Case with Brass Bolus M.Zaini* |
| | PO-GeP-T-241 : Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Image Quality Assurance: Establishing a Quantitative Program S.Taneja*, D.Barbee, A.Rea, M.Malin |
| | PO-GeP-T-242 : Constrained Optimization for Marker-Based Tumour Tracking in VMAT A.Omotayo*, B.McCurdy, S.Venkataraman |
| | PO-GeP-T-244 : Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for Centrally Located Lung Tumours S.Lydiard*, U.Machold, G.Le Grice, L.Lao, C.King, S.Hussain |
| | PO-GeP-T-245 : Control Point-Specific Repositioning to Reduce the Dosimetric Impact of Intrafraction Motion for Small Targets Treated with Virtual Cones C.Church*, A.Syme, D.Parsons |
| | PO-GeP-T-246 : Controlled Modulation Planning Techniques in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) for Breast Cancer J.Yu*, A.Gutierrez, M.Fagundes |
| | PO-GeP-T-247 : Correlation Between Radiation-Induced Foci and Tumor Nuclei Size Distribution B.Behmand*, Y.Kamio, M.Evans, S.Abbasinejad Enger |
| | PO-GeP-T-248 : Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques for Breast Cancer Patients Y.Xie*, R.Zhang, B.Guo |
| | PO-GeP-T-249 : Creating a High Quality Reference Data Set for SRS Cones N.Knutson*, Y.Hao, T.Mazur, B.Maraghechi, M.Schmidt, F.Reynoso |
| | PO-GeP-T-250 : Creation and Validation of An Interactive Electron Cutout Library K.Crotteau*, M.Keohane, A.Riegel |
| | PO-GeP-T-251 : Currency-Based Shielding of Electron Beams A.Rea*, G.Jennings, B.Cooper, D.Barbee |
| | PO-GeP-T-252 : Custom Bolus Fabrication Process Improvement with Thermoplastic and CNC Machined Molds M.Lafreniere*, A.Villa, E.Hirata, M.Sharma, K.Hasse, E.Lam, M.Descovich |
| | PO-GeP-T-253 : Cyberknife MultiPlan IMRT QA Comparison Between MapCHECK2 and SRS MapCHECK W.Feng*, J.Feng, J.Yang, J.Zhou, C.Yang, L.Zhou, J.Sakellakis, P.Abbass |
| | PO-GeP-T-254 : Data-Driven Dose Volume Histogram Prediction M.Polizzi*, R.Watkins, W.Watkins |
| | PO-GeP-T-255 : Decreasing Head and Neck Treatment Planning Time Using Automation A.Ward*, S.Petro, E.Gittings, S.Hedrick |
| | PO-GeP-T-256 : Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Scatter Prediction in Lung Proton SBRT Treatment S.Gadoue* |
| | PO-GeP-T-257 : Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) Technique and Irradiated Lung Mass and Volume During Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer and Associated Lymph Nodes O.Villa*, M.Coonce, G.Jozsef |
| | PO-GeP-T-258 : Delivery of Proton Monoenergetic Arc Therapy (PMAT) and Measurements with Radiochromic Films A.Haertter*, J.Liu, A.Bertolet Reina, A.Carabe-Fernandez |
| | PO-GeP-T-259 : Delivery Quality Assurance System Based On Simultaneous Verification of Three-Dimensional Dose Distribution and Mechanical Motion Y.Tanaka*, M.Ishigami, H.Miyauchi, K.Takahashi, M.Nakano, T.Hasegawa, M.Hashimoto |
| | PO-GeP-T-260 : Design and Evaluation of Catheter Immobilizer for Free-Hand High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy T.Nano, W.Chen*, D.Capaldi, I.Hsu, A.Wong, J.Cunha |
| | PO-GeP-T-261 : Design and Testing of An Active Matrix Pixel, Data Acquisition and Microcontroller System for Dosimetric Measurements D.Roa*, R.Challco, Z.Arqque, O.Paucar, C.GUZMAN CALCINA, A.Gonzales Galvez, A.Gonzales, M.Montoya, J.Hernandez-Bello |
| | PO-GeP-T-262 : Design of An Electron Compensator for Total Skin Electron Therapy with a Single Gantry Angle M.Kaluarachchi*, J.Patrick, E.Klein |
| | PO-GeP-T-263 : Design of Custom, 3D-Printed Surface Brachytherapy Applicators K.Chytyk-Praznik*, P.Oliver, J.Allan, L.Best, J.Robar |
| | PO-GeP-T-264 : Design, Production and Evaluation of Personalized 3D-Printed IC-Brachytherapy Applicators B.Basaric*, L.Morgan, C.Engelberts, M.Crocker, R.Orbovic, E.Orton, J.Robar |
| | PO-GeP-T-265 : Details Count! Micrometric Airgaps Between Phantom Slabs Influence Film Dosimetry When Micro-Fractionated X-Ray Beams Are Used P.Pellicioli*, M.Donzelli, R.Hugtenburg, F.Esteve, E.Brauer-Krisch, M.Krisch |
| | PO-GeP-T-266 : Detectability of MLC Stop Position Error During Treatment by Gantry-Mounted Transmission Detector H.Honda*, M.Tominaga, M.Sasaki, Y.Uto, M.Oita, T.Mochizuki, Y.Hamamoto, T.Kido, Y.Ishii, R.Yamamoto, K.Omoto |
| | PO-GeP-T-267 : Detection of Errors in HDR Brachytherapy With An in Vivo Dosimeter With Real-Time Positional Tracking Information D.Tho*, L.Beaulieu |
| | PO-GeP-T-268 : Determination of a Quality Index for Stereotactic Radiosurgery Based On FMEA Risk Analysis F.Teixeira*, C.de Almeida, M.Huq |
| | PO-GeP-T-269 : Determination of Absorbed Dose to Water Using Fricke Dosimetry for 6 MV Photons Beams C.Salata*, V.Guimaraes, A.Mantuano, A.Pickler, C.Mota, M.Santos, C.de Almeida |
| | PO-GeP-T-270 : Determination of Absorbed-Dose-To-Water From Common Targeted Radionuclide Therapy Agents A.Bertinetti*, B.Bednarz, B.Palmer, R.Hernandez, B.Smith, C.Hammer, J.Grudzinski, W.Culberson |
| | PO-GeP-T-271 : Determination of Acceptable Air Gap Differences From the Treatment Plan for the Mevion S250i Hyperscan System M.Newpower*, Z.Richards, S.Ahmad, H.Jin |
| | PO-GeP-T-272 : Determination of Chamber Geometry Correction Factors for Phantom-Based Absorbed Dose Determination in External Therapeutic Low Energy KV X-Ray Beams L.Bueermann*, S.Ketelhut |
| | PO-GeP-T-273 : Determination of Confidence Limits for Linac-Based SRS Point, Composite and Per-Field Measurements From a Clinically Comprehensive SRS Test Suit G.Baran*, R.Culcasi, M.Dominello, J.Burmeister |
| | PO-GeP-T-274 : Determination of Machine-Specific Tolerances Based On Long-Term Monthly QA Dosimetry Results in Proton Therapy S.Rana*, H.Grewal, M.Chacko, C.Eckert, M.Storey, J.Chang, A.Rosenfeld |
| | PO-GeP-T-276 : Determination of the Optimal Fall-Off Value for the NTO in Centrally Located Lung Masses and Prostate Patients M.Gagne*, S.James, C.Huh, A.Al-Basheer |
| | PO-GeP-T-277 : Determination Off-Axis Dosimetric Leaf Gap Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters and An Electronic Portal Imaging Device T.Santosh*, D.Janakiraman, M.Kather Hussain, A.Sebastin, S.John Edward Selvin, A.Sebastin, J.Raj |
| | PO-GeP-T-278 : Determining Diffusion of Radioactive Activity Within Mice Tumor Model From a Novel Elastin-Like Polypeptide (ELP) Brachytherapy Source H.Song*, J.Milligan, K.Lafata, G.Kelly, A.Chilkoti, J.Cai, F.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-T-279 : Develop An Accurate Model of Spot-Scanning Treatment Delivery Time for a Compact Superconducting Synchrocyclotron Proton System G.Liu*, L.Zhao, W.Zheng, A.Qin, D.Yan, G.Janssens, C.Stevens, J.Shen, P.Kabolizadeh, X.Li, X.Ding |
| | PO-GeP-T-280 : Development and Clinical Validation of a Robust Knowledge-Based Planning (KBP) Model for SBRT Treatment of Centrally Located Lung Tumors J.Visak*, R.McGarry, M.Randall, D.Pokhrel |
| | PO-GeP-T-281 : Development and Validation of a 0.35T MR-Guided Linear Accelerator Monte Carlo Model in GEANT4 A.Khan*, E.Simiele, P.Yadav |
| | PO-GeP-T-282 : Development and Verification of Mailed Audit Alanine Dosimeters for Radiotherapy in China K.Wang*, S.Jin, J.Zhang |
| | PO-GeP-T-283 : Development of a 3D Printed Geiger Mueller Calibration Geometry to Verify the Activity of a Novel Endoscopic Alpha Emitters Brachytherapy Loading Device for Pancreatic Cancer Y.Kamio*, J.Carrier, S.Bedwani |
| | PO-GeP-T-284 : Development of a Dose Evaluation Method for Lymphnodes Using TOPAS and Mesh-Type Reference Computational Human Phantoms D.Yoo*, H.Park, J.Shin, J.Schuemann, J.Pursley, J.Son, J.Kim, C.Kim, C.Min, H.Paganetti |
| | PO-GeP-T-285 : Development of a Framework for Monte Carlo Dose Calculation of Intensity Modulated Proton Plans H.Loebner*, D.Frei, W.Volken, S.Mueller, D.Aebersold, M.Stampanoni, P.Manser, M.Fix, R.Kueng |
| | PO-GeP-T-286 : Development of a Full Monte Carlo Therapeutic Dose Calculation Toolkit for Halcyon Using Geant4 R.Liu*, Z.Ji, B.Cai, G.Hugo, S.Mutic, T.Zhao |
| | PO-GeP-T-287 : Development of a Known-Volume Spherical Ionization Chamber E.King*, L.DeWerd |
| | PO-GeP-T-288 : Development of a Pre-Clinical MR-Guided Radiotherapy Model to Assess Gadolinium-Induced Renal Toxicity M.Petronek*, E.Steinbach, A.Kalen, C.Callaghan, D.Hyer, R.Flynn, D.Spitz, J.Buatti, V.Magnotta, D.Zepedo-orozco, J.St-Aubin, B.Allen |
| | PO-GeP-T-289 : Development of a Simultaneous Optimization Process for Photon, Electron and Proton Beams (TriB-RT) R.Kueng*, S.Mueller, H.Loebner, D.Frei, W.Volken, D.Aebersold, M.Stampanoni, M.Fix, P.Manser |
| | PO-GeP-T-290 : Development of a Water Calorimeter with Plane-Parallel Glass Vessel for Absolute Measurement of Absorbed Dose to Water z.wang, S.Jin, K.Wang, J.Zhang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-291 : Development of An Age-Scalable Colon Model with Substructures for Colon Radiation Therapy Dosimetry in Large Pediatric Cohorts for Late-Effects Studies C.Owens*, A.Gupta, S.Shrestha, S.Smith, C.Lee, C.Peterson, A.Paulino, S.Kry, D.Followill, R.Howell |
| | PO-GeP-T-292 : Development of An Automated Pre-Treatment Data-Transfer Evaluation J.Rembish*, N.Bice, C.Kabat, S.Stathakis, N.Papanikolaou, P.Myers |
| | PO-GeP-T-293 : Development of An Automated Quality Control Test of the Asymmetric Jaws Position P.Martinez*, M.D'souza, J.Groeneveld, C.Kirkby, D.Sinn, W.Smith |
| | PO-GeP-T-294 : Development of An Automated Routine for Finding the Precise Location of Scintillators Elements and Their Emission Spectrum in a Multi-Point Scintillation Detector B.Lessard*, F.Larose, F.Berthiaume, S.Lambert-girard, F.Therriault-Proulx, L.Archambault |
| | PO-GeP-T-295 : Development of Dosimetric Verification System for HDR Brachytherapy: A Feasibility Study S.Kang*, J.Chung, W.Cho, S.Kang, K.Kim, D.Shin, T.Suh |
| | PO-GeP-T-296 : Development of Energy Layer Optimization Considering Minimum MU Constraint for Single Field Optimization in Spot-Scanning Proton Therapy S.Hirayama*, T.Toshito, S.Fujitaka, T.Umekawa, R.Fujimoto, A.Ushikubo, Y.Nagamine, K.Hayashi, H.Ogino |
| | PO-GeP-T-297 : Development of Infrared (IR) Marker for Thermoplastic Immobilization Tool Y.Kim*, T.Kim, T.Suh |
| | PO-GeP-T-298 : Development of Multiple Dwell Techniques in Horizontally-Oriented Leipzig-Style Applicators for Surface Brachytherapy Guided by a Model-Based Dose Calculation Algorithm E.Draeger*, D.Pinkham, Z.Chen, C.Tien |
| | PO-GeP-T-299 : Development of Patient Height-Specific 3D Age-Scaling Factors to Generate DICOM Computational Phantoms for Retrospective Late-Effects Studies A.Gupta*, C.Owens, S.Shrestha, S.Smith, R.Weathers, R.Howell |
| | PO-GeP-T-300 : Development of QA Programs for the Halcyon Linac K.Motegi*, H.Tachibana, K.Hotta, H.Baba, R.Takahashi, T.Akimoto |
| | PO-GeP-T-301 : Development of Real Time Thermoplastic Mask Compression Force Monitoring System Using Force Sensing Register (FSR) Sensor T.Kim*, S.Kim, D.Shin, D.Shin, T.Suh |
| | PO-GeP-T-302 : Development of Real-Time Dwell Verifier for HDR Brachytherapy Based On 64 Channels of Scintillation Fiber System N.KWON*, J.Kim, J.Kim, K.Kim, G.Jahng, S.Choi, D.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-303 : Development of the Scintillator Imaging System for the Measurement of the Dose Volume with High-Sampling Rate M.Tsuneda*, T.Nishio, T.Ezura, K.Karasawa |
| | PO-GeP-T-304 : Device Fabrication and Characterization of OFET-RAD for Dosimetric Response of Megavoltage X-Rays A.Zeidell, T.Ren*, D.Filson, H.Haneef, J.Bourland, J.Anthony, O.Jurchescu |
| | PO-GeP-T-305 : Did Proton High Linear-Energy Transfer (LET) Cause the Strange Smell During Cranial-Spinal Irradiation? Z.Su*, W.Hsi, M.Artz, D.Indelicato |
| | PO-GeP-T-306 : Do Organ-At-Risk Contours Need to Be Accurate in Prostate Radiotherapy? H.Liu*, B.Sintay, Q.Shang, D.Wiant |
| | PO-GeP-T-307 : Does Custom Made Immobilization Improve Patient Setup? Analysis of Vacuum Bag Vs Off the Shelf Immobilization for Pelvis and Thorax Treatments S.Hadley*, Y.Sun |
| | PO-GeP-T-308 : Does Radiomics Have the Potential to Assess KV-CBCT Image Performance Acquired From Phantom Data Used for Daily QA? M.Shenouda*, N.Baughan, J.Cruz Bastida, E.Pearson, H.Al-Hallaq |
| | PO-GeP-T-309 : Dose Calculation Accuracy Comparison of BrainLab Monte Carlo and Eclipse Acuros XB for SRS/SBRT Planning J.Yoon*, A.Gray |
| | PO-GeP-T-310 : Dose Prediction for Patient-Specific QA Using a Convolutional Neural Network K.Mund*, G.Yan |
| | PO-GeP-T-311 : Dose Shadowing Due to Gold Fudicial Markers in Proton Therapy R.Regmi*, D.Maes, J.Saini, A.Egan, S.Bowen, T.Wong |
| | PO-GeP-T-312 : Dose Simulations of a Novel Aluminium-Alloy 3D Range-Modulator for Proton Therapy Y.Simeonov*, U.Weber, C.Schuy, P.Penchev, R.Engenhart-cabillic, K.Zink |
| | PO-GeP-T-313 : Dose-Rate and "SSD" Dependence of Commercially Available Diamond and Diode Detectors A.Khan*, W.Culberson, L.DeWerd |
| | PO-GeP-T-314 : Dose-Volume Comparison of Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy and Passive Scattering Proton Therapy Treatment Plans for Early-Stage Glottic Cancer T.Kato*, N.Fuwa, M.Murakami |
| | PO-GeP-T-315 : Dose-Volume Effects in TCP for Hypoxic and Oxygenated Tumors A.Chvetsov*, R.Stewart, M.Kim, J.Meyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-316 : Dosimetric Advantage of Individual Field Simultaneously Optimized Scanning Proton Beam Therapy Over VMAT for Gynecological Cancer R.Ger*, J.Lentz, S.Vora, M.Bues, D.Hernandez Morales, C.Schulz, P.Lara, A.Ridgway, J.Gagneur, A.Anand |
| | PO-GeP-T-317 : Dosimetric Advantages of Partial Prostate SBRT Compared to Whole-Gland SBRT C.Langmack*, B.Traughber, M.Kharouta, R.Ellis, E.Fredman, L.Ponsky, M.Machtay, T.Baig, K.Xu, T.Podder |
| | PO-GeP-T-318 : Dosimetric Analysis and Comparison of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Versus Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy For Liver Carcinoma B.Chiang*, E.Schnell, K.Hibbitts, T.Herman, S.Ahmad |
| | PO-GeP-T-319 : Dosimetric Analysis On the Effect of Target Motion in the Fixed-Beam IMRT, RapidArc and Tomotherapy J.Song*, S.Cho |
| | PO-GeP-T-320 : Dosimetric and NTCP Analysis of Hippocampus, Parotid and Lacrimal Glands Sparing After Whole Brain IMRT M.Oakey*, J.Fenoli, K.Wang, S.Das, P.Mavroidis |
| | PO-GeP-T-321 : Dosimetric Assessment of Transparent Polymer-Gel Type Bolus for Commonly Used Breast Treatment Delivery Techniques D.Fiedler*, S.Hoffman, J.Roeske, H.Kang |
| | PO-GeP-T-322 : Dosimetric Changes of the Parotid as a Result of Head and Neck Adaptive Radiotherapy M.Aristophanous, A.Caringi*, N.Allgood, P.Zhang, Y.Hu, L.Cervino, M.Hunt, P.Zhang |
| | PO-GeP-T-323 : Dosimetric Characterization of Bonvoisin-Gerard Esophageal Applicators with High Contrast Agent K.Xu*, B.Traughber, E.Harris, T.Podder |
| | PO-GeP-T-324 : Dosimetric Comparison Between Static Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer L.Jing, W.Lu*, W.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-T-325 : Dosimetric Comparison Between Two Dose Calculation Algorithms Available in Gamma Knife Planning System (the Traditional TMR10 and the New Convolution Algorithms) M.Fager*, Ã.Carlsson Tedgren, M.Gubanski, P.Förander, H.Benmakhlouf |
| | PO-GeP-T-326 : Dosimetric Comparison of Elekta Vaginal CT/MR Multi-Lumen and Segmented Single Lumen Cylinder HDR Applicators of the Same Diameter S.James*, M.Gagne, A.Al-Basheer, C.Huh |
| | PO-GeP-T-327 : Dosimetric Comparison of Gamma Knife(R) IconTM and Linear Accelerator-Based FSRT Plans for the Re-Irradiation of Large (> 14 Cc) Recurrent Glioblastomas M.Schelin*, H.Liu, W.Shi, Y.Yu, K.Mooney |
| | PO-GeP-T-328 : Dosimetric Comparison of Hybrid Plan, 3DCRT and VMAT in Patients with Left-Sided Breast Cancer S.Ahn*, E.Ju, N.Jung, Y.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-329 : Dosimetric Comparison of IFSO and IMPT Methods in Scanning Beam Proton Therapy of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of The Anus A.Anand*, J.Lentz, S.Ito, C.Beltran, M.Bues, B.Kazemba, J.Archuleta, T.Sio, W.Rule, C.Hallemeier, M.Haddock, J.Ashman |
| | PO-GeP-T-330 : Dosimetric Comparison of Inverse Planning Simulated Annealing and Graphical Optimization in Oncentra Based MUPIT Interstitial Plans G.Narayanasamy*, S.Morrill, M.Bimali, E.Galhardo, F.Kalantari Mahmoudabadi, G.Lewis |
| | PO-GeP-T-331 : Dosimetric Comparison of Lung Cancer SBRT Treatment Plans Using Varian Truebeam and Vitalbeam H.Sha*, P.Aryal |
| | PO-GeP-T-332 : Dosimetric Comparison of Radioactive Bone Cements for the Treatment of Spinal Metastases P.Rafiepour, S.Sina*, P.Azimi, R.Faghihi |
| | PO-GeP-T-333 : Dosimetric Comparison of Vaginal Ovoid with Cylinder Brachytherapy for Borderline Size of Tumor at the Vaginal Cuff X.Wu*, A.Nikolaev, D.Bridges, S.Shen, R.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-334 : Dosimetric Data for Small Fields (Square and Stereotactic Cone) for Commissioning of 6MV FFF Beams in the RayStation Treatment Planning System Y.Lee*, Y.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-335 : Dosimetric Effect of the Applicator Removal From Target Volumes for Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with the Venezia Applicator Z.Xu*, B.Traughber, E.Harris, T.Podder |
| | PO-GeP-T-336 : Dosimetric Effect of Unplanned Rectal Gas Cavities for 1.5-T MR-Linac Guided Prostate SBRT M.Wronski*, M.Ruschin, C.Mccann, M.Davidson, B.Keller, A.Kim, J.Detsky, A.Loblaw, K.Wong, M.Campbell, D.Vesprini |
| | PO-GeP-T-337 : Dosimetric Equivalence of FB and DIBH Plans for Post-Lumpectomy Electron Boosts R.Thapa*, J.Siebers, K.Forbes, D.Lain, K.Ward, A.Murray, K.Wijesooriya |
| | PO-GeP-T-338 : Dosimetric Evaluation of 3 and 4 Field Radiation Therapy of Breast Cancer S.Dang*, E.Osei, J.Darko |
| | PO-GeP-T-339 : Dosimetric Evaluation of a Cone-Based and a MLC-Based Treatment Planning Technique for Multiple Brain Metastases Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) N.Vallone*, J.Brindle, Z.Saleh, M.Schwer, T.Dipetrillo, J.Hepel, T.Kinsella, K.Leonard, P.Koffer, E.Yu, Y.Yang |
| | PO-GeP-T-340 : Dosimetric Evaluation of a New Integrated SBRT/IMRT Treatment System D.wu*, A.Eldib, L.Chen, Q.Jiang, B.Wang, T.Dos Santos, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-341 : Dosimetric Evaluation of Forwarding-Optimizing-Fluence-Script and Hybrid IMRT Planning Techniques for Whole Left Breast Treatment D.Wang*, M.Weiss, H.Perlingiero, M.Kalman, Y.Hu, A.Denittis,
| | PO-GeP-T-342 : Dosimetric Evaluation of Jaw Tracking Technique for Multiple Off-Axis Targets J.Yoon* |
| | PO-GeP-T-343 : Dosimetric Evaluation of Whole Pelvis Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer H.Mansoor*, E.Osei, J.Darko |
| | PO-GeP-T-344 : Dosimetric Impact Caused by Ignoring the Output Correction Factors On Small Brain Tumor Treatment in CyberKnife L.Jin*, R.Price, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-345 : Dosimetric Impact of Calculation Grid Size for Spine SBRT Plans Using Acuros XB Algorithm R.Badkul*, D.Hart |
| | PO-GeP-T-346 : Dosimetric Impact of Intra-Fraction Lung Tumor Rotation in Real-Time Tumor-Tracking Radiotherapy Using a Developed 6DoF Robotic Phantom System T.Shiinoki*, F.Fujii, Y.Yuasa, T.Nonomura, K.Fujimoto, T.Sera, H.Tanaka |
| | PO-GeP-T-347 : Dosimetric Impact of TG43 Formalism Versus Monte Carlo in HDR Breast Cancer Brachytherapy V.Turgeon*, B.Bahoric, M.Morcos, S.Abbasinejad Enger |
| | PO-GeP-T-348 : Dosimetric Impact of the Use of Jaw Tracking for Fields Smaller Than 3x3cm2 in Lung SBRT VMAT Plans E.Hubley*, R.Scheuermann, D.Carlson, C.Kennedy |
| | PO-GeP-T-349 : Dosimetric Implications for Post-Mastectomy Radiation Treatment (PMRT) with AlloX2 Tissue Expander J.Pan*, M.Lafreniere, J.Yang, E.Hirata, M.Sharma |
| | PO-GeP-T-350 : Dosimetric Robustness Analysis of Iodinated Rectal SpaceOARVue Hydrogel Using RayStations Dose Deformation Toolbox D.McClatchy*, K.Remillard, A.Saraf, J.Efstathiou, J.Pursley |
| | PO-GeP-T-351 : Dosimetric Studies Affecting the Quality of Delivered Radiation Plan with and Without Rotational Setup Corrections for Treating Prostate Cancer R.Gupta*, R.Lalonde, M.Huq |
| | PO-GeP-T-352 : Dosimetric Uncertainties Associated with Small Electron Field Dosimetry S.Ahmad*, I.Ali |
| | PO-GeP-T-353 : Dosimetric Validation of Varian ICVI Conical Data for 6FFF and 10FFF On TrueBeam Linacs P.Charland* |
| | PO-GeP-T-354 : Dosimetrical Assessment of JawTracking Technique in RapidArc for Patients with Lateralized Targets R.Diaz Moreno*, C.Venencia, A.Garcia, M.Almada, F.Muñoz |
| | PO-GeP-T-355 : Dosimetry Comparison of Jaw Tracking Technique (JTT) and Static Jaw Technique (SJT) in Single Isocenter Multiple Metastases (SIMM) Cranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) Treatment Planning Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) T.Tseng*, R.Sheu, S.Green, Y.Lo |
| | PO-GeP-T-356 : Dosimetry of a Preclinical Proton Irradiator N.Viscariello*, N.Cao, J.Meyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-357 : Dosimetry of Synchrotron-Based FLASH Irradiation Using Low-Sensitivity Radiochromic Film K.Yasui*, T.Toshito, C.Omachi, Y.Shinozawa, M.Umezawa, H.Ogino |
| | PO-GeP-T-358 : Dosimetry of the Beta Ophthalmic Applicator Utilized in the Cook Et Al. RCT for Scar Prophylaxis in Glaucoma Trabeculectomy Surgery A.Cohen*, L.Marsteller, I.Murdoch, N.Joubert, J.Wetter, G.Maree, W.Lutz |
| | PO-GeP-T-359 : Dosimetry Study of [131I]ICF01012 in Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Melanoma G.Fois*, P.Auzeloux, T.Billoux, F.Cachin, F.Degoul, E.Jouberton, S.Levesque, E.Miot-noirault, N.Sas, L.Maigne |
| | PO-GeP-T-360 : Dynamic Dose Measurements of Gamma Knife ICON Using a New Scintillation Detector System Y.Watanabe*, M.Feijoo, S.Beron, G.Perera |
| | PO-GeP-T-361 : Early Detection of LINAC Failure with Automated Machine Performance Check (MPC) C.Teng*, A.Amoush, T.Wolken, T.Tseng, R.Sheu, Y.Lo |
| | PO-GeP-T-362 : Eclipse Output Factor Table: Should It Be Extended for Small Field Radiosurgery? G.Wu*, T.Roberts |
| | PO-GeP-T-363 : Effect of Air Density in Low-Energy X-Ray Spectra and Its Influence On Absorbed Dose to Water G.Massillon-JL*, A.Moreno RamÃrez |
| | PO-GeP-T-364 : Effect of Hydrogel Spacer On High and Moderate Rectal Doses for Prostate SBRT A.Powers*, R.Sheu, Y.Lo, R.Stock, S.Blacksburg |
| | PO-GeP-T-365 : Effect of Magnetic Field On the Response of EBT-XD and EBT3 Radiochromic Films in MRIgRT A.Darafsheh, Y.Hao*, B.Maraghechi, R.Khan |
| | PO-GeP-T-366 : Effect of Pitch and Modulation Factor in Plan Quality for Helical Tomotherapy by Using AAPM TG119 Test Suites V.Kaliyaperumal*, T.Kataria, M.Veni, T.Selvan, D.Manigandan, T.Nair, A.Ahmed, R.Selvaraj |
| | PO-GeP-T-367 : Effect of Smoothening Algorithms On Small Field Measured Beam Profile Data A.Mangat*, G.Sahani |
| | PO-GeP-T-368 : Effect of Systematic Error of Ovoid Path Reconstruction in Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy Treatment Using Venezia Applicator M.Paudel*, J.Da Re, A.Shaaer, E.Leung, A.Ravi |
| | PO-GeP-T-369 : Effect of Tumor Involvement On Activity Determination of Resin Yttrium-90 in Selective Internal Radiation Therapy of Metastatic Liver Cancer J.Li*, Y.Yu |
| | PO-GeP-T-370 : Effect of X-Ray Irradiation On the Ultrasound Imaging Signal of a Novel Photoacoustic Contrast Agent F.Forghani*, A.Mahl, G.Shakya, M.Borden, T.Patton, Y.Vinogradskiy, B.Jones, M.Miften, D.Thomas |
| | PO-GeP-T-371 : Effects of Tissue Inhomogeneity and Applicator Physical Properties On 3-D HDR Tandem and Ovoid Treatment Plans D.Kahn*, J.Roberson, Z.Xu, J.Kim, S.Lu, A.Hsia, X.Qian, S.Ryu |
| | PO-GeP-T-372 : Effects On Modern Microprocessors and Method of Shielding From Neutron Irradiation in Photon Therapy Vaults J.Herrington*, Y.Chen, S.Ahmad |
| | PO-GeP-T-373 : Efficient Estimation of Electron Cutout Factor Using Eclipse Electron Monte Carlo Model F.Kalantari Mahmoudabadi, G.Narayanasamy, S.Morrill, G.Deshazer, S.Gholami, E.Galhardo* |
| | PO-GeP-T-374 : Efficient Proton Arc Therapy with Column-Generation Planning M.Chen*, X.Gu, W.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-T-375 : Efficient Quality Assurance Method for Multi-Lesion Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment with a Single Isocenter H.Kang*, S.Gros, R.Patel |
| | PO-GeP-T-376 : Empirical Investigation of Dosimetric Effects of Biozorb Markers for Proton Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation M.Parham, S.Ahmad, H.Jin* |
| | PO-GeP-T-377 : Endometrial Treatments with Electronic Brachytherapy. Comparison to Ir192 and Co60 HDR Sources S.Lozares*, A.Gandia, V.Alba, S.Jimenez, M.Hernández-hernández, J.Font, D.Villa-gazulla, A.Campos, S.Flamarique |
| | PO-GeP-T-378 : Energy Layer Filtering and Splitting in Breath Sampled Re-Painting for Lung SBRT Using Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Beams K.Stiles*, C.Chang, A.Stanforth, Y.Wang, J.Demoor, K.Higgins, M.McDonald, J.Bradley, T.Liu, X.Yang, L.Lin, J.Zhou |
| | PO-GeP-T-379 : Enhanced Cell Killing in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Cell Line, BxPC-3, Irradiated with a Novel 2.5 MV Photon Beam Using Gold Nanoparticles B.Yao*, A.Nurul, D.Letourneau, P.Lindsay, A.Taggar, R.Karshafian, M.Rajic, R.Khan, J.Grafe |
| | PO-GeP-T-380 : Enhanced Sparing of Organs at Risk with the Single-Energy-Modulated Proton Arc Therapy (SEM-PAT); A Proof of Concept in Central Lung and Pelvis A.Modiri*, S.Mossahebi, P.Mohindra, R.Miller, A.Sawant, S.Chen, B.Yi |
| | PO-GeP-T-381 : Enhancement of Abscopal Effect in Orthotopic Breast Cancer Animal Model with and Without Use of Nanoparticles as Radiosensitizer K.DeCosmo*, S.Yasmin-Karim, V.Ainsworth, Y.Zegeye, R.Mueller, W.Ngwa |
| | PO-GeP-T-382 : Enhancement of Gene Therapy with MR-Guided Pulsed High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU) for Prostate Cancer L.Chen*, X.Chen, D.Cvetkovic, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-383 : Enhancement of SRS Patient QA Via 3D Dose Reconstruction From Multiple 2D Planar Measurements O.Fasina*, J.Duan, F.Yin, G.Cui |
| | PO-GeP-T-384 : EPID 2D TRANSMISION IN VIVO DOSIMETRY: Can It Detect Clinically Relevant Differences in Lung SBRT? N.Jornet*, P.Carrasco De Fez, A.Latorre-mussoll, P.Gallego, P.Delgado, J.Perea-alija, M.Ribas Morales |
| | PO-GeP-T-385 : Error Detection Sensitivity of the SNC and PTW Patient-Specific Qualityassurance Devices B.Rudek*, M.Manavalan, J.Xue |
| | PO-GeP-T-386 : Escalating Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Dose in the Treatment of Large (> 5 Cm) Lung Tumors Via a Novel Dynamic Conformal Arc (DCA)-Based SIB-VMAT D.Pokhrel*, L.Critchfield, M.Bernard, M.Randall, R.McGarry |
| | PO-GeP-T-387 : Establishing Total Time Index as An Investigative Parameter for Radiation Protection of Patients Undergoing High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy E.Oyekunle*, R.Obed, B.Akinlade |
| | PO-GeP-T-388 : Estimated Linear Energy Transfer and Depth Dose Profiles Through Combined Radioluminescence Imaging & Monte Carlo Calculation M.Rahman*, P.Bruza, R.Zhang, Y.Lin, K.Langen, D.Gladstone, B.Pogue |
| | PO-GeP-T-389 : Estimation of Neutron RBE for Mutagenesis by Simulating Clustered DNA Damage L.Montgomery*, A.Landry, C.Lund, J.Kildea |
| | PO-GeP-T-390 : Estimation of the Delivered Dose to Small Bowel During VMAT for Gynecological Cancer Based On Daily CBCT. Is the Impact of Inter-Fractional Variations Large? A.Weiner*, C.Trustram Eve, T.Rainer, C.Shen, K.Wang, S.Stathakis, J.Hammers, S.Das, P.Mavroidis |
| | PO-GeP-T-391 : Evaluating Knowledge-Based Planning Performance for Challenging Cases: Prostate Bed VMAT with Nodal Involvement and Significant OAR Overlaps L.Fu*, Y.Lo |
| | PO-GeP-T-392 : Evaluating Patient Setup Accuracy Using a Subset of CBCT Projections in Fiducial Tracking of Abdominal SBRT O.Oderinde*, H.Mostafavi, D.Simpson, J.Murphy, L.Cervino, G.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-393 : Evaluation and Commissioning of the SDX Spirometer Based System for Use in Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Treatment Under Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold L.Perles*, M.Hobson, A.Gutierrez |
| | PO-GeP-T-394 : Evaluation of a Commercial Tungsten Eye Shield for Orthovoltage Beams Using Gafchromic Film M.Shafiq ul Hassan, H.Chen*, J.Bond, D.Allen, Z.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-395 : Evaluation of a Deep-Learning-Based Seed Identification Model for Prostate Post-Implant Dosimetry: Comparison with Human Operators Y.Yuan*, R.Sheu, Y.Lo |
| | PO-GeP-T-396 : Evaluation of a Diode Array for Patient Specific QA of An Automated VMAT SRS System R.Popple*, R.Sullivan, Y.Yuan, X.Wu |
| | PO-GeP-T-397 : Evaluation of a Novel AI-Driven Automated Treatment Planning System X.Ray*, M.Moazzezi, C.Bojechko, K.Moore |
| | PO-GeP-T-398 : Evaluation of a Novel Automation Software for Generating Field-In-Field Plans for Various Treatment Sites C.Esquivel*, L.Patton, B.Doozan, K.Nelson, D.Boga, T.Navarro |
| | PO-GeP-T-399 : Evaluation of a Novel EPID Based Dosimetry System for Verification of VMAT QA in Comparison with Traditional 3D Detector Quality Assurance R.Varadhan*, S.Way, C.Overbeck, M.Bedoya, A.Jahagirdar, R.Malmin, R.Malmin |
| | PO-GeP-T-400 : Evaluation of a Silicone-Based Custom Bolus for Radiation Therapy T.Bingham*, K.Wang, A.Rickards, D.Anderson, J.Trousdale, R.Price, J.Tward |
| | PO-GeP-T-401 : Evaluation of a Transmission Quality Assurance Device Mounted On a Gantry of LINAC for 4 MV X-Ray Beam H.Yokoyama*, H.Kojima, A.Takemura, T.Nguyen, S.Ueda, K.Noto, H.Adachi |
| | PO-GeP-T-402 : Evaluation of a Treatment Planning System for the Treatment of Superficial Lesions with 50 KVp X-Rays S.Gros*, A.Sethi, S.Hoffman, R.Patel, H.Kang |
| | PO-GeP-T-403 : Evaluation of Automated Machine Performance Check in Periodic Quality Assurance of the Halcyon D.Mynampati*, S.Hsu, P.Brodin, A.Basavatia, W.Tomé |
| | PO-GeP-T-404 : Evaluation of Correlation Between Tumour Volume and Plan Quality Metrics in Stereotactic Radiotherapy N.Loganathan*, V.Goel |
| | PO-GeP-T-405 : Evaluation of Different Physical Parameters to Interpret the Biological Effects of Particle Therapy D.Ma*, L.Bronk, U.Titt, D.Grosshans, R.Mohan, F.Guan |
| | PO-GeP-T-406 : Evaluation of Dose Variation Between CyberKnife Monte Carlo and Ray-Tracing Dose Calculation Algorithms for Lung Tumors Using An Anthropomorphic Digital Phantom K.Yang*, J.Jung, R.Patel, S.Sharma, A.Ju |
| | PO-GeP-T-407 : Evaluation of Heterogeneities in Proton Therapy W.Harris*, W.Nie, A.Kassaee, A.Kassaee |
| | PO-GeP-T-408 : Evaluation of New Markers for the Interstitial Plastic Component in MR-Based Cervix Brachytherapy J.Chimeno Hernandez, F.Blazquez, G.Montoliu, J.Bosque, G.Jose, J.Ruiz Rodriguez, V.Carmona Meseguer, F.Lliso-Valverde, J.Perez-Calatayud* |
| | PO-GeP-T-409 : Evaluation of PET/clinical Parameters to Predict Toxicity in Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy Patients with Relapsed/refractory Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma C.Uche*, C.Wright, J.Baron, M.Lariviere, A.Barsky, D.Miller, A.Maity, J.Plastaras, Y.Xiao |
| | PO-GeP-T-410 : Evaluation of Plan Quality Metrics in Lung SBRT D.Pearson*, F.Akbari, S.Taghizadehghahremanloo |
| | PO-GeP-T-411 : Evaluation of PTW MicroSilicon Diode Detector for Small Field Dosimetry with the Elekta Versa HD Linear Accelerator J.Kim, C.Hong, H.Kang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-412 : Evaluation of Range Robustness for a Dynamically Collimated Proton Therapy Treatment Plan L.Bennett*, D.Hyer, K.Erhart, B.Smith, N.Nelson, T.Geoghegan, P.Hill, R.Flynn |
| | PO-GeP-T-413 : Evaluation of Respiratory Phase Shifts Between Lung Tumor and External Marker Motions Using a 320-Slice Volumetric 4D-CT Y.Akino*, O.Suzuki, H.Shiomi, F.Isohashi, Y.Seo, K.Tamari, T.Hirata, K.Ogawa |
| | PO-GeP-T-414 : Evaluation of Rotational Set Up Errors in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) and Feasibility of Six Dimensional (6D) Robust Optimization M.Noufal*, D.Sharma, K.Patro, A.Manikandan, G.Krishnan, R.Thiyagarajan, R.Jalali |
| | PO-GeP-T-415 : Evaluation of Single Isocenter Multiple Lesion Plan Quality Optimized with Different Aperture Shape Controller Setting S.Li* |
| | PO-GeP-T-416 : Evaluation of Small Field Dosimetric Parameters in TrueBeam Using a 3D PinPoint Ion Chamber in Two Orientations A.Rojas Lopez, A.Garcia, A.Alarcon, C.Venencia* |
| | PO-GeP-T-417 : Evaluation of SRSMapCHECK for Small-Field CyberKnife G4 Patient Specific Quality Control B.Wilson*, J.Szanto |
| | PO-GeP-T-418 : Evaluation of the Cumulative Signal Response with the Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) and the Integral Quality Monitor (IQM) for Patient-Specific SBRT QA A.Harpley*, M.Morales, M.Price |
| | PO-GeP-T-419 : Evaluation of the Optimal Collimator Angle in a Prostate VMAT Plan Using a Novel MLC QA with a High Sampling Rate Log File S.Nishiyama*, M.Seo, K.Makabe, M.Kuramochi, T.Suzuki, H.Tomita |
| | PO-GeP-T-420 : Evaluation of the RayStation Monte Carlo Dose Algorithm for Small-Field Surface-Collimated Electrons J.Fenoli*, M.Oakey, S.Andrew, R.McGurk |
| | PO-GeP-T-421 : Evaluation of the Response of TLD Capsules and OSLD Nanodot Dosimeters in the Presence of a Magnetic Field P.Alvarez, R.Howell, D.Followill, S.Smith* |
| | PO-GeP-T-422 : Evaluation of the W2-Scintillator Detector for Routine QA of the Leksell Gamma Knife B.Rudek*, K.Bernstein, T.Qu |
| | PO-GeP-T-423 : Evaluation of Three Conversion Factors From Dose to Medium to Dose to Water in the Radiotherapy Dosimetry H.Alhamada* |
| | PO-GeP-T-424 : Evaluation of Treatment Planning System Accuracy in Estimating the Stopping Power Ratio of Immobilization Devices for Proton Therapy K.Jiang*, M.MacFarlane, S.Mossahebi, M.Zakhary |
| | PO-GeP-T-425 : Evaluation of Trends and Performance Indicators for IROC Houston's SRS Head Phantom H.Mehrens*, T.Nguyen, M.Glenn, D.Branco, S.Edward, S.Hartzell, N.Hernandez, P.Alvarez, A.Molineu, P.Taylor, D.Followill, S.Kry |
| | PO-GeP-T-426 : Evaluation of Tumor Volume Change Using Transit Dosimetry in Lung Radiotherapy X.Shen*, S.Hsu, D.Mynampati, P.Brodin, A.Basavatia, N.Ohri, W.Bodner, W.Tomé |
| | PO-GeP-T-427 : Evaluation of Various Modulation Indices for Predicting VMAT Delivery Accuracy T.Kusunoki*, S.Hatanaka, M.Hariu, M.Shimbo, T.Ezura, D.Yoshida, T.Takahashi |
| | PO-GeP-T-428 : Evaluation On Dosimetric Effects of Irregular Motion During 4DCT Scanning Using a Self-Developed Lung Phantom R.Zhao*, H.Wei, H.Xiaodong |
| | PO-GeP-T-429 : Evaluation of Prescription Dose Using Follow-Up Images of Head and Neck IMRT M.Yamashita*, M.Kokubo, H.Tanabe, M.Sueoka, H.Mizuno, M.Koizumi |
| | PO-GeP-T-430 : Examination of the Best Head Tilt Angle for Parotid Gland Preservation in Whole-Brain Radiotherapy Using Four-Field Box Technique H.Shimizu*, K.Sasaki, T.Aoyama, H.Tachibana, H.Tanaka, Y.Koide, T.Iwata, T.Kitagawa, T.Kodaira |
| | PO-GeP-T-431 : Examining ArcCHECK Array Calibration Validity and Its Impact On Patient Specific QA Results H.Nusrat*, L.Lukhumaidze, A.Singh, P.Au, Y.Lee, M.Davidson |
| | PO-GeP-T-432 : Examining the Capability of Precision, IPlan, Raystation and Monaco to Satisfy the UNC Treatment Planning Protocol of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Multi-Lesion Brain Cases E.Schreiber*, M.Dance, S.Stathakis, A.Licon, N.Papanikolaou, S.Das, P.Mavroidis |
| | PO-GeP-T-433 : Experimental and Monte Carlo Analysis of Gold Nanoparticle Dose Enhancement Using 6 MV and 18 MV External Beam Energies T.Gray*, N.Bassiri, S.David, D.Patel, S.Stathakis, N.Kirby, K.Mayer |
| | PO-GeP-T-434 : Experimental and Monte Carlo Dosimetry of a Dynamic Collimation System Prototype B.Smith*, M.Pankuch, D.Hyer, W.Culberson |
| | PO-GeP-T-435 : Experimental Interpretation of the Dose Interplay in Treating Lung Cancer Using Proton Pencil Beam Scanning: Target Coverage, Motion Amplitude and Paintings M.Kang*, W.Xiong, L.Hu, I.Choi, C.Simone, H.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-436 : Experimental Results of Protoacoustics Capability to Verify Proton Range for CNS Cases S.Avery*, W.Nie, J.Sohn, J.Eichenberger, K.Jones, J.Dorsey, A.Kassaee, C.Sehgal |
| | PO-GeP-T-437 : Experimental Study for the Absorbed-Dose to Water of Heavy Ion Beam by An Ionization Method S.Jin*, K.Wang, J.Zhang, z.wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-438 : Experimental Validation of Delivery of Robust Mixed-Beam Radiotherapy Plans E.Heath*, S.Mueller, G.Guyer, A.Duetschler, M.Fix, P.Manser |
| | PO-GeP-T-439 : Experimental Verification of Reference Dosimetry Correction Factors for Leksell Gamma Knife Icon Beams W.Hager*, V.Kaveckyte, H.Benmakhlouf |
| | PO-GeP-T-440 : Explore the Potential Clinical and Dosimetric Advantage of Using Spot-Scanning Proton Arc Therapy (SPArc) for Ocular Melanoma R.Deraniyagala*, A.Zureick, M.Mamalui, R.Dagan, M.Rutenberg, L.Zhao, G.Liu, P.Kabolizadeh, C.Stevens, X.Li, X.Ding |
| | PO-GeP-T-441 : Eye Plaque Brachytherapy Treatment Planning with Fundus Image-Based Tumor Modeling: Retrospective Institutional Experience I.Chibirev*, S.Meltsner, Z.Chang, M.Materin, D.Kirsch, O.Craciunescu |
| | PO-GeP-T-442 : Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for PET Applications in Radiation Therapy Quality Management A.Rodrigues*, J.O'Daniel, Y.Mowery, F.Yin, Y.Cui |
| | PO-GeP-T-443 : Fast Monte Carlo Dose Estimation for Proton Therapy Using a Dual-Pyramid Deep Learning Framework J.Harms*, Y.Lei, S.Charyyev, A.Stanforth, J.Zhou, L.Lin, W.Curran, T.Liu, X.Yang |
| | PO-GeP-T-444 : Feasability Study Of Stereotactic Intracranial Treatments On Halcyon Treatment Machine F.Josserand Pietri*, D.NGUYEN, V.Passerat, N.Barbet, M.Khodri |
| | PO-GeP-T-445 : Feasibility of An Automated Clinical Workflow for Assessing Risk Organ Doses in Lung Re-Irradiation Patients Using EQD2 D.Aramburu Núñez*, A.Shepherd, X.Li, A.Wu, C.Simone, A.Rimner, A.Jackson, L.Santanam, E.Yorke |
| | PO-GeP-T-446 : Feasibility of Custom Image-Based Immobilization (IBI) as a Replacement Immobilization Device Without Re-Simulation V.Yu*, L.Voros, S.Hellman, D.Lovelock, M.Hunt |
| | PO-GeP-T-447 : Feasibility of End-To-End Quality Assurance of FSRT Brain Treatments Using An In-House Developed Anthropomorphic Head Phantom K.Alexander, K.Dekker, T.Olding, L.Schreiner* |
| | PO-GeP-T-448 : Feasibility of High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Inverse Optimization of Treatment Plans for Patients with Dominant Intraprostatic Lesions Partially Covered by Pubic Arch Interference P.Martinez*, K.Martell, E.Watt, S.Husain, T.Meyer, K.Thind |
| | PO-GeP-T-449 : Feasibility of MR Only Intra-Operative Trans-Perineal Interstitial Gynecological HDR Brachytherapy M.Paudel*, A.Shaaer, F.Tonolete, M.Smith, E.Leung, A.Ravi |
| | PO-GeP-T-450 : Feasibility of Newly Designed Overlapping Half Beam Based Multi-Isocentric Volumetric Arc Modulated Therapy (OHMI-VMAT) Method for Pediatric Total Body Irradiation J.Lee*, B.Park, S.Hong |
| | PO-GeP-T-451 : Feasibility of Patient Specific 3D-Printed Template to Increase Coverage of Advanced Gynaecological Applicator W.Lee*, K.Kwan, W.Yip, S.Cheung, H.Lee |
| | PO-GeP-T-452 : Feasibility of Plastic Scintillator Dosimeters for FLASH Therapy D.Cecchi*, F.Therriault-Proulx, M.Bazalova-Carter |
| | PO-GeP-T-453 : Feasibility of Relating LETd Differences to Toxicity for Head & Neck Proton Therapy D.Wagenaar*, J.Langendijk, A.Van Der Schaaf, S.Both |
| | PO-GeP-T-454 : Feasibility of Soft Robot Assisted 4pi Supine Breast Radiotherapy D.Shang*, W.Gu, Q.Lyu, R.Neph, K.Sheng |
| | PO-GeP-T-455 : Feasibility Study of 3D-Printed Scintillation Detector for Quality Assurance K.Yasui*, Y.Saito, M.Terakura, S.Ogawa, M.Ichihara, N.Hayashi |
| | PO-GeP-T-456 : Feasibility Study of Total Lymph Node Planning with Halcyon Using Three Isocenters W.Feng, M.Needham, G.Huebscher, S.Zhang, W.Qi, A.Grann* |
| | PO-GeP-T-457 : Feasibility Study to Use HDR Interstitial Brachytherapy for the Treatment of Small Skin Cancer at Nose Z.Gu*, J.Robbins, A.Kakakhel, Y.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-458 : Feasibility Study Using Low-Energy X-Ray to Treat Superficial Lesions for Head Cases S.Hoffman*, H.Kang, S.Gros, R.Patel |
| | PO-GeP-T-459 : Fiducial Registration Between Planning Space and Measurement Space for 3D Patient Specific QA Y.Wang*, O.Dona, A.Xu, J.Adamovics, C.Wuu |
| | PO-GeP-T-460 : Filmless Quality Assurance Tests for the Leksell Gamma Knife Iconâ„¢ B.Maraghechi*, T.Kim, J.Dise, S.Goddu, T.Mitchell, J.Kavanaugh, J.Zoberi, S.Mutic, N.Knutson |
| | PO-GeP-T-461 : Fine Tuning of the Collimator Calibration Parameters for Modeling An Elekta Synergy Accelerator with An Agility Head in RayStation P.Trepanier*, F.Girard |
| | PO-GeP-T-463 : First Experimental Demonstration of Accurate Bragg Peak Localization with Ionoacoustic Tandem Phase Detection (iTPD) H.Wieser*, Y.Huang, J.Schauer, J.Lascaud, A.Chmyrov, V.Ntziachristos, G.Dollinger, W.Assmann, K.Parodi |
| | PO-GeP-T-464 : FLASH Proton Radiotherapy: Exploring the Tradeoff Between Dosimetric Plan Quality and Volumes Receiving Ultra-High Dose Rates M.Folkerts, A.Magliari*, A.Katsis, J.Perez, A.Harrington, E.Abel |
| | PO-GeP-T-465 : FLASH: Flash Leverages A Sudden Hypoxia F.Van den Heuvel*, A.Vella, K.Petersson, M.Brooke, M.Hill, B.Vojnovic, A.Giaccia |
| | PO-GeP-T-466 : Flexible Film Dosimeter for In Vivo Dosimetry J.Cho*, J.Son, C.Choi, J.Kim, H.Wu, S.Jeong, J.Park, J.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-467 : Four-Dimensional Dose Calculation Algorithm Using Displacement Vector Fields From Deformable Image Registration for Proton Therapy as An Alternative to Robust Planning I.Ali*, N.Alsbou, S.Ahmad |
| | PO-GeP-T-468 : Full Automation of Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SRS/SBRT) Planning Using Varian Eclipse Scripting API J.Teruel*, M.Malin, A.Mccarthy, E.Sulman, J.Silverman, D.Barbee |
| | PO-GeP-T-469 : Fully Automated Planning and Delivery of Hippocampal-Sparing Whole Brain Irradiation I.Rusu*, J.Roeske, E.Melian, A.Solanki, H.Kang |
| | PO-GeP-T-470 : Fully Automating Tangential Beam Placement for Left-Sided Intact Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning G.Zhao*, C.Cardenas, C.Nguyen, M.Amirmazaheri, L.Court, M.Martel, M.Salehpour |
| | PO-GeP-T-471 : Fully Probabilistic Optimization Framework That Integrates Uncertainty in Target Volume Definition G.Buti*, K.Souris, A.Barragan Montero, J.Lee, E.Sterpin |
| | PO-GeP-T-472 : Gamma Testing Results On MC Vs PB Algorithms On Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy for Breast Cancer Treatment C.Liu*, D.Zheng, J.Bradley, R.Mailhot Vega, Z.Li, N.Mendenhall, X.Liang |
| | PO-GeP-T-473 : Generation of 3D Dosimetric Reference Datasets Using Model-Based Dose Calculations for COMS Eye Plaque Brachytherapy E.Fletcher*, F.Ballester, L.Beaulieu, Y.Ma, H.Morrison, M.Rivard, R.Sloboda, J.Vijande, R.Thomson |
| | PO-GeP-T-474 : GPU Based Parallel Computation for Fast Monte-Carlo Photon Transport K.Hadad*, M.Mirzapour, R.Faghihi, R.Hamilton |
| | PO-GeP-T-475 : Gross Patient Error Detection Via Cine Transmission Dosimetry N.Dang*, V.Leandro Alves, M.Ahmed, J.Siebers |
| | PO-GeP-T-476 : Half-Beam Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in the Re-Treatment Scenario G.Luciani*, S.Davis, N.Kalman, R.Tolakanahalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-477 : High Accuracy Measurement of Absorbed Dose to Water Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter in High-Energy Photon Beam Field S.Goto*, H.Hayashi, H.Yamaguchi, M.Shimizu, R.Akino, H.Sekiguchi |
| | PO-GeP-T-478 : Hippocampal-Sparing in Whole-Brain Radiation Therapy: A New VMAT Treatment Planning and Optimization Technique D.Soultan*, M.Smith, J.Edds, H.Saleh |
| | PO-GeP-T-479 : How Much CTV Coverage Is Lost When the PTV Margin Is Zero? J.Chang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-480 : How to Forget About Photon Skyshine P.McDermott* |
| | PO-GeP-T-481 : Image Quality of Commercial CT Metal Artifact Reduction Algorithms and a Novel In-House Algorithm for Head and Neck (H&N) Cancer and the Dosimetric Implications On Proton Therapy D.Branco*, S.Kry, P.Taylor, X.Zhang, J.Rong, S.Frank, D.Followill |
| | PO-GeP-T-482 : Image Quality Through Ultrasound-Compatible Cylinders for Transvaginal Ultrasound-Guided Gynecologic High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy D.Van Elburg*, M.Roumeliotis, A.Fenster, J.Rodgers, T.Meyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-483 : Image-Based Prediction of Patient QA Passing Rate Using Neural Architecture Search X.Zhang*, D.Lam, T.Zhao, S.Mutic, B.Sun |
| | PO-GeP-T-484 : Image-Guided Radiotherapy with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Investigated in Animal Models of Pancreatic Cancer M.Moreau*, W.Ngwa |
| | PO-GeP-T-485 : Imaging the Effective Point of Measurement of a Dosimeter Inside a Phantom S.Cyriac*, J.Liu, E.Calugaru, J.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-T-486 : Impact of Breathing Pattern Variations On Respiration-Gated Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer C.Zeng, X.Li, T.Li* |
| | PO-GeP-T-487 : Impact of Doped Samarium On Radiosensitizing Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Vitro M.Nakayama*, C.Smith, P.Harty, F.Gagliardi, M.Geso |
| | PO-GeP-T-488 : Impact of Magnetic Field On Dose Distribution in MR-Guided Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer W.Xia*, K.Zhang, Y.Tian, K.Men, J.Yi, J.Dai |
| | PO-GeP-T-489 : Impact of MC Dose Algorithm for CNS Proton Treatments C.Bloch*, J.Saini, J.Rockhill, Y.Tseng, L.Halasz |
| | PO-GeP-T-490 : Impact of Radiation Source Activity On Short-Term Outcomes of Cervical Carcinoma Patients Treated with Brachytherapy: A Propensity Score Based Analysis C.Li*, X.Li, J.You, B.Liang, Y.Huang, H.Wang, Y.Zhang |
| | PO-GeP-T-491 : Impact of Range Shifter Parameters On the Plan Quality of Intra Cranial Proton Beam Therapy R.Thiyagarajan*, D.Sharma, G.Krishnan, K.Patro, M.Noufal, A.Manikandan, A.Nambiraj N, R.S R, M.Sawant, R.Jalali |
| | PO-GeP-T-492 : Impact of Rod Arrangements On Deriving CT to Material Calibration Curve with Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Technique P.Wu*, T.Chao, Y.Tsai, T.WU, W.Hsu, Y.Chiang, C.Lee |
| | PO-GeP-T-493 : Impact of Sampling Time On the Performance of the Exradin W2 Scintillation Detector in Beam Profile Scans R.Kolany*, W.Culberson |
| | PO-GeP-T-494 : Impact of SpaceOAR On Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy r.zheng*, R.Chan |
| | PO-GeP-T-495 : Impact of the Change in the Mean Excitation Energy of Diamond On Energy Deposition in Different Beam Qualities V.Kaveckyte*, Ã.Carlsson Tedgren, J.Fernandez Varea |
| | PO-GeP-T-497 : Implementation and Evaluation of a Tool for Calculating 3D Dose Rates for Proton FLASH Radiotherapy Research P.Lansonneur, M.Folkerts*, M.Alcanzare, M.Ropo, V.Petaja, A.Harrington, J.Perez, E.Abel |
| | PO-GeP-T-498 : Implementation of a Knowledge-Based Planning Model for Gastrointestinal (GI) Site-Specific Photon Radiotherapy Planning A.Dimofte*, P.Irmen, J.Marcel, T.Zhu |
| | PO-GeP-T-499 : Implementation of a Novel Cloud-Based Monte Carlo Application for Delivery Performance Monitoring and Secondary Dose Calculation for Tomotherapy: A Multiple-Treatment-Site Study L.Sensoy*, Q.Chen, Y.Rong, S.Benedict |
| | PO-GeP-T-500 : Implementation of a Novel Dose and Anatomy Features-Driven Automated IMRT/VMAT Inverse Planning Y.Yang*, N.Kovalchuk, L.Xing |
| | PO-GeP-T-501 : Implementation of a Patient Motion Monitoring System Using Kinect V2 Sensor D.Lee*, M.Chetvertkov, S.Oh, J.Sohn |
| | PO-GeP-T-502 : Implementation of New QA Method for Source Sector Movement Verification in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery G.Natanasabapathi*, R.Bisht, S.Chander, S.Kale |
| | PO-GeP-T-503 : Implementation of the Full Sun Check Platform Dose Check and Per Fraction in a Community Setting A.Yorke*, J.Zhai, A.Gonzalez |
| | PO-GeP-T-504 : Implementing Radiation Safety Practices During the Decline, Expiration and Post Mortem of An I-131 Patient J.Howley*, M.Seddon, M.Hough, A.Donohoe, C.Inbornone |
| | PO-GeP-T-505 : Implementing Volume-Staged Radiosurgery for Treatment of Large-Volume Arteriovenous Malformations On a Conventional Linac-Based System E.Sudentas* |
| | PO-GeP-T-506 : Implenting Dosimetric Quality Index in Lattice Radiotherapy Treatments M.Banos-capilla*, J.Lago-martin, J.Bea-gilabert, L.Ros-garcia, L.Larrea-rabassa, E.Lopez-munoz, P.Antonini, V.Gonzalez-vidal, M.Berenguer |
| | PO-GeP-T-507 : Implications of Metallic Spine Hardware On Dosimetry and Image Verification in Spine SBRT E.Tchistiakova*, H.Morrison, K.Thind, N.Ploquin |
| | PO-GeP-T-508 : Improved Prediction of MLC and Gantry Errors During VMAT Delivery Utilizing An Artificial Neural Network I.Hajizadeh*, M.Price, A.Yock |
| | PO-GeP-T-509 : Improving Clinical Efficiency and Consistency with RapidPlan for Single Lesion Brain SRS Q.Shang*, K.Koch, D.Wiant, T.Hayes, N.Koch, B.Sintay, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-T-510 : Improving SBRT Lung Plans by the Addition of Oblique Beams; a Clinical Experience M.Webster*, J.Yeo, S.Tanny, N.Joyce |
| | PO-GeP-T-511 : Improving the Speed of Optimizing Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Treatment Plans by Means of Redesigning the Fluence Map Optimization Based In-House Proton Therapy Center Optimizer at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center A.Adair*, L.Liao, X.Zhang, X.Zhu, N.Sahoo, B.Gunn, S.Frank, P.Yepes |
| | PO-GeP-T-512 : Improving the Therapeutic Ratio of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Centrally Located Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer H.Fakir*, J.Laba, G.Randhawa, |
| | PO-GeP-T-513 : IMRT QA Workflow Automation Using a Custom Script T.Wolken*, R.Sheu |
| | PO-GeP-T-514 : In Vivo Dosimetry with XR RV3 Radiochromic Films in IORT S.Lozares*, D.Villa-gazulla, M.Hernández-hernández, A.Gandia, S.Jimenez, V.Alba, J.Font, S.Flamarique, A.Campos |
| | PO-GeP-T-515 : Incorporating Parotid Gland Sub-Region Importance Data Into the Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Process C.Sample*, J.Wu, S.Thomas, H.Clark |
| | PO-GeP-T-516 : Incorporating Total Treatment Time Into Butterfly Optimization for Vaginal Cylinder Brachytherapy X.Wu*, I.Brezovich, S.Shen, E.Covington, D.Stanley, R.Popple |
| | PO-GeP-T-517 : Incorporation of Experimental Uncertainties Associated with in Vitro Determination of Radiobiological Parameters Used in Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy B.Chow*, B.Warkentin, A.Gamper, G.Menon |
| | PO-GeP-T-518 : Influence of Dosimeter Leakage Current On the Determination of Absorbed Dose to Water N.Kinoshita*, A.Takemura, H.Oguchi, E.Kidoya, H.Shioura, H.Kimura |
| | PO-GeP-T-519 : Initial Experience with Mobius3D Secondary Dose Calculations for HDR Brachytherapy J.Huang*, M.Lawless, J.Miller, C.Wallace |
| | PO-GeP-T-520 : Initial Steps Towards A Clinical FLASH Radiotherapy System: Pediatric Whole Brain Irradiation with 40 MeV Electrons D.Breitkreutz*, M.Shumail, K.Bush, S.Tantawi, P.Maxim, B.Loo |
| | PO-GeP-T-521 : Institutional Experience of 10 Years 2ndary Dose Calculations of Intensity Modulated Beams S.Stathakis*, C.Kabat |
| | PO-GeP-T-522 : Integrating Knowledge-Based Models for An Enhanced Iterative Automated Treatment Planning Process M.Vaccarelli*, J.Baker |
| | PO-GeP-T-523 : Integration and Testing of Dynamic Collimation System Controller for Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy K.Patwardhan*, T.Geoghegan, R.Flynn, D.Hyer |
| | PO-GeP-T-524 : Intensity Modulated HDR GYN Brachytherapy J.Dupere*, J.Munro, D.Medich |
| | PO-GeP-T-525 : Interactive Dosimetric Evaluation Scorecard Interface Based On Clinical Goals Defined in An External Database A.Lauzon*, L.Étienne, F.Hobeila, M.Hinse, B.Carozza |
| | PO-GeP-T-526 : Interfraction Dose Deviation and Catheter Position in Cervical Interstitial and Intracavitary Image Guided HDR Brachytherapy Y.Xu*, T.Harris, D.O'Farrell, L.Lee, M.King, I.Buzurovic |
| | PO-GeP-T-527 : Intracavitary Versus Combined Intracavitary/Interstitial Applicators During High Dose Rate (HDR) Image Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy (IGABT) for Cervical Cancer: A Dosimetric Comparison D.Soultan*, T.Bodine, A.Hoover |
| | PO-GeP-T-528 : Intra-Fractional Dose Variation of HR-CTV and Applicator Shift in Image-Guided Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Y.Takayama*, K.Edamitsu, H.Matsukawa, K.Matsumoto, Y.Kasai, K.Inoue, T.Hirose, J.Fukunaga, Y.Shioyama, T.Sasaki |
| | PO-GeP-T-529 : Introduction of a Generalizable Method of Couch Attenuation Characterization and Its Application to Couch Commissioning and the Development of a RayStation EMC Compatible Couch Model C.Collins*, Y.Yang, U.Langner, M.Schwer |
| | PO-GeP-T-530 : Investigating Aperture-Based Approximations to Model a Dynamic Collimation System for Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy N.Nelson*, B.Smith, W.Culberson, R.Flynn, D.Hyer, S.Rana, P.Hill |
| | PO-GeP-T-531 : Investigating How Various Parameters Influence Secondary Neutron Spectra Produced During High-Energy Electron-Beam Treatments F.Mathew*, G.Al Makdessi, L.Montgomery, J.Kildea |
| | PO-GeP-T-532 : Investigating the Dosimetric Consequences of Eclipse Couch Rail Modelling K.Spuhler, K.Osterman* |
| | PO-GeP-T-533 : Investigating the Dosimetric Effect of the Qfix Encompass SRS Immobilization System On Cone-Based SRS Treatment Planning Y.Lei*, S.Wang, A.Granatowicz, Q.Fan, W.Nie, S.Wisnoskie, S.Zhou |
| | PO-GeP-T-534 : Investigating the Impact of Inter-Fractional Variations to the Delivered Dose to Esophagus During VMAT for Lung Cancer Using CBCT-Based Deformable Image Registration P.Mavroidis*, C.Trustram Eve, A.Walters, A.Weiner, C.Shen, S.Stathakis, J.Hammers, S.Das, K.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-535 : Investigating the Impact of Using TCP and NTCP Objectives in Treatment Plan Optimization of Head & Neck Cancers M.Dance*, B.Chera, S.Das, P.Mavroidis |
| | PO-GeP-T-536 : Investigation of Dose Perturbations Around Brachytherapy Seeds in High-Energy Photon Beams S.Ogawa*, K.Yasui, Y.Saito, K.Ouchi, J.Nagata, N.Hayashi |
| | PO-GeP-T-537 : Investigation of Monte Carlo User Codes for the Simulation of the Xoft Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy Source: A Comparative Study A.Walter*, L.DeWerd |
| | PO-GeP-T-538 : Investigation of Plan Quality Metrics for Multiple-Metastases Using Single-Isocenter Radiosurgery Technique with Millennium MLC E.Flores-Martinez*, G.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-539 : Investigation of Potential Dosimetric Errors in the Treatment Planning System of An Image-Guided Small Animal Irradiator K.Liu*, Y.Wang, C.Wuu |
| | PO-GeP-T-540 : Investigation of Radiation Damage On Mitochondria of Cells by Measuring the ROS Levels After Irradiation with and Without Gold Nanoparticle F.Tabatabaie*, R.Franich, M.Geso, B.Feltis, M.Nakayama |
| | PO-GeP-T-541 : Investigation of Radiophotoluminescent Glass Dosimeter Response for a Spot Scanning Proton Beam Dosimetry J.Nagata*, K.Yasui, N.Hayashi, S.Ogawa, K.Ouchi |
| | PO-GeP-T-542 : Investigation of the Bolus Effects From Patient Immobilization Devices for IMRT and VMAT Treatment of Shallow Tumors S.Howard*, N.Neba, L.Augustine |
| | PO-GeP-T-543 : Investigation of the Dosimetric Accuracy of Treatment Planning for Total Body Irradiation Using Extended Distance Technique A.Eldib*, T.Lin, J.Liu, M.Hossain, M.Afifi, R.Price, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-545 : Investigation of the Potential for Dosimetric Accuracy Improvements When Utilizing the Gammex 1467 Advanced Electron Density Phantom for CT Number Conversions of High-Density Biologic Material A.Plypoo*, E.Lobb, K.Ruchala, |
| | PO-GeP-T-546 : Investigation of the Temporal and Spatial Dose Fluctuation in the 45MV Photon Beam of the LA45 Racetrack Microtron J.Liu*, A.Eldib, T.Lin, J.Xu, J.Panetta, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-547 : Investigation of Variability and Standardization in Normal Tissue Dose Limits Across Multi-Institutional Clinical Trials S.Quirk*, T.Ritter, M.Ebert, W.Smith, P.Taylor, J.Sohn, M.Matuszak |
| | PO-GeP-T-548 : Investigation On the Portability of Patient-Specific Quality Assurance Between Matched Linear Accelerators B.Barraclough*, S.Frigo, Z.Labby |
| | PO-GeP-T-549 : Investigation On the Use of Our 3D Age-Scaling Functions (ASF) to Scale Whole-Body Regions to Any Arbitrary Age A.Gupta*, C.Owens, S.Shrestha, C.Lee, P.Balter, S.Smith, R.Weathers, S.Kry, D.Followill, J.Long, R.Howell |
| | PO-GeP-T-550 : Investigations of Well Chamber Altitude Corrections for a Cs-131 Low Energy Brachytherapy Source J.Lambeck*, W.Kennan, L.DeWerd |
| | PO-GeP-T-551 : Is Accuracy of Calculated X-Ray Dosimetric Quantities Improved with Renormalized Photoelectric Cross Sections? E.Mainegra-Hing* |
| | PO-GeP-T-552 : Is Optimizing the Effective Spot Size Necessary to Achieve Accurate Dosimetry for SRS and SBRT Treatment Under a Robust Beam Model Building Process? Y.Wang*, X.Wu, T.Mutanga, M.Nielsen, G.Zeng |
| | PO-GeP-T-553 : Is the Prediction of the Gamma Pass Rate for IMRT QA Measurements Possible? A Study Including 250 Patient Cases P.haering*, C.Lang, M.Splinter |
| | PO-GeP-T-554 : Is the Transient Dose Significant and Is It Compensated in Gamma Knife ICON? T.Qu* |
| | PO-GeP-T-555 : Jaw Tracking VMAT: A Robust Option in Delivering Whole Breast Radiotherapy with a Simultaneously-Integrated Boost (WBRT+SIB) K.Guida*, J.Coster, S.Howard, V.Radice |
| | PO-GeP-T-556 : Knowledge-Based RapidPlan Models for Left and Right Breast Using RapidArc O.Apaza*, A.Garcia, M.Almada, C.Venencia |
| | PO-GeP-T-557 : Lateral Scattering of Single Pencil Beam Spots in Proton Tissue Equivalent Materials C.Correa Alfonso*, W.Bolch, W.Hsi, E.Olguin, E.Macartney, Z.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-558 : Lead Foil for Flattening Filter Free Reference Dosimetry: Do We Really Need It? D.Campos* |
| | PO-GeP-T-559 : Learning the Plausible VMAT Subspace with Deep Autoencoders N.Bice*, N.Kirby, R.Li, C.Kabat, D.Nguyen, N.Papanikolaou, M.Fakhreddine |
| | PO-GeP-T-560 : Lens Dose to Standing Patients Treated With Electrons to the Hand J.Van Schelt* |
| | PO-GeP-T-561 : LET Painting Through Proton Mono-Energetic Arc Therapy (PMAT) to Enhance Radiobiological Effectiveness A.Bertolet Reina*, A.Carabe-Fernandez |
| | PO-GeP-T-562 : Leveraging Machine Learning Strategies for Reduced Uncertainty in Small Field Dosimetry W.Zhao*, C.Chuang, Y.Yang, L.Xing, E.Schueler |
| | PO-GeP-T-563 : Linac Dynamic QA with An EPID F.San Miguel*, F.Clemente-Gutiérrez, P.Chamorro Serrano |
| | PO-GeP-T-564 : Linac-Based SBRT Delivery QA and Decreased Gamma Criteria R.Price*, I.Veltchev, T.Lin, A.Eldib, L.Chen, X.Chen, L.Jin, L.Wang, J.Liu, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-565 : LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery Dosimetric Outcomes Dictated by Isocenter Settings J.Zhang*, S.Lee, W.Inouye, W.Lien |
| | PO-GeP-T-566 : Liver Contouring Technique Comparison for Y90 Microspheres Liver Radioembolization for Patients with Non-HCC Liver Disease D.Alvarez*, R.Gandhi, M.Chuong, A.Gutierrez |
| | PO-GeP-T-568 : Long-Term Monitoring of Patient Delivery Parameters Using Trajectory Logs J.DeMarco*, J.Lewis, B.Fraass |
| | PO-GeP-T-569 : Low Cost Radiochromic Film Based QA Device for Brachytherapy Afterloader D.Johnson*, Z.Richards, L.Muller, Y.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-570 : Low-Energy Spectral Changes in NIPAM Polymer Gel Dosimeters L.Turner*, B.Smith, W.Culberson |
| | PO-GeP-T-571 : Manipulating Gamma Knife Collimator Size in Treatment Planning to Improve Plan Quality C.Tien, J.Bond*, N.Nguyen, Z.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-572 : Margin Assessment for Intracranial SRS Localization and Linac-Based Delivery Techniques Using Brainlab and Eclipse Treatment Planning Systems G.Deshazer*, F.Kalantari Mahmoudabadi, E.Galhardo, S.Morrill, G.Narayanasamy |
| | PO-GeP-T-573 : Maximizing the Value of Incident Reporting: A Medical Physics Perspective T.Ritter, R.Kapoor*, S.Kim, E.Bump, J.Madridejos, T.Adams, K.Willis, L.Padilla, D.Arthur, J.Palta |
| | PO-GeP-T-574 : MCSquare Can Be Used as a Fast Secondary Dose Calculation Engine for Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Using Synchrotron-Based Narrow and Mini Beams V.Moskvin*, M.Cohilis, L.Wilson, K.Souris, A.Faught |
| | PO-GeP-T-575 : Measured, Calculated and Monte Carlo Simulated Dose Distributions in a Unique Gold Applicator Loaded with I-125 Seeds C.Trauernicht*, E.Hering, F.Du Plessis, G.Maree, D.Van Eeden |
| | PO-GeP-T-576 : Measurement Based Halo Characterization for Secondary MU Check in PBS Proton Therapy Plans L.Yin*, C.Ainsley, E.Garver, L.Dong |
| | PO-GeP-T-577 : Measurement of Radiation-Induced Air Scintillation with An On-Board EMCCD Camera for Quality Assurance in Small-Animal Cabinet Irradiators D.Breitkreutz*, E.Simiele, G.Pratx, E.Graves |
| | PO-GeP-T-578 : Method for Optimizing MLC Beam Model Parameters in RayStation for VMAT Deliveries J.Hansen*, M.Belanger, A.Shepard, S.Frigo |
| | PO-GeP-T-579 : Microdosimetric Assessment of Model Based Relative Biological Effectiveness in Carbon Ion Therapy S.Hartzell*, F.Guan, O.Vassiliev, P.Taylor, C.Peterson, S.Kry |
| | PO-GeP-T-580 : Mixed Electron-Photon Radiation Therapy Delivery and Quality Assurance V.Heng*, M.Renaud, M.Serban, J.Seuntjens |
| | PO-GeP-T-581 : MKM Versus Phenomenological Models for the Calculation of Proton RBE in Prostate Radiotherapy A.Bertolet Reina*, A.Carabe-Fernandez |
| | PO-GeP-T-582 : Modeling and Testing of a Virtual Source Model for An Independent Monte Carlo Radiation Dose QA Software with the Magnetic Field Option Q.Cheng*, H.Yang, Y.Xu, X.Pei, L.Mao, Q.Ren, A.Wu, D.Adam, B.Bednarz, P.Caracappa, X.Xu |
| | PO-GeP-T-583 : Modeling Direct and Indirect Action DSBs From Intracellular Gold Nanoparticles Using a Single Cell Model with Complete Human Genome in Geant4 X.Zhao*, R.Liu, T.Zhao, F.Reynoso |
| | PO-GeP-T-584 : Modeling FLASH RT Effect for Ultra-Short Pulsed Cell Irradiation at High Repetition Rates S.Zhou*, D.Zheng, Y.Yan, S.Wang, A.Besemer, C.Zhou, C.Enke |
| | PO-GeP-T-585 : Modeling MLC and Jaws Effective Position Correction of An Elekta Synergy Accelerator with An Agility Head in RayStation P.Trepanier*, F.Girard |
| | PO-GeP-T-586 : Modulation Complexity Score Evaluation for Multitarget Site Planning Using VMAT and IMRT Technique G.Natanasabapathi*, D.Rajasekharan, S.Saini, V.Subramani, L.MACHARLA, R.Bisht, D.Sharma, S.Chander, G.Rath |
| | PO-GeP-T-587 : Monitoring X- Energy Variation in Daily QA3 Considering Uncertainty of Detector Inserted in Daily QA 3 Device S.Han*, J.Kim, M.Han, K.Chang, K.Park, J.Kim, D.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-T-588 : Monte Carlo and Water Calorimetric Determination of Ionization Chamber Correction Factors for Medium Energy X-Ray Beams J.Bancheri*, S.Ketelhut, L.Bueermann, J.Seuntjens |
| | PO-GeP-T-589 : Monte Carlo Based Treatment Plan Optimization for Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy R.Kueng, H.Loebner*, S.Mueller, D.Frei, W.Volken, D.Aebersold, M.Stampanoni, M.Fix, P.Manser |
| | PO-GeP-T-590 : Monte Carlo Investigation of the Perspective Direction Dependence of Cherenkov Emission T.Dou*, E.Larochelle, T.Zhu |
| | PO-GeP-T-591 : Monte Carlo Method Combined with Deep Learning for Predictive Denoising and Accelerating the Simulation of Radiotherapy C.Guo*, J.Dai |
| | PO-GeP-T-592 : Monte Carlo Validation of Simple Geometry in Homogeneous Medium for Pencil Beam Scanning M.Hobson*, L.Coutinho |
| | PO-GeP-T-593 : Monte Carlo-Based Organ Dose Reconstruction for Wilms Tumor Patients During Cobalt-60 External Beam Therapy J.Dempsey*, M.Pauliah, M.Mille, M.Gopalakrishnan, J.Jung, J.Kalapurakal, C.Lee |
| | PO-GeP-T-594 : Monte Carlo-Based Patient Specific QA Procedure for Proteus One at UFHPTI C.Liu*, Z.Li, y.song, M.Ho, W.Hsi, J.Park, X.Liang, H.Feng |
| | PO-GeP-T-595 : Monte_Carlo_Simulations_of_Varian_ProBeam_Compact_Single-Room_Proton_Therapy_System S.String*, W.Muhammad, C.Shang |
| | PO-GeP-T-596 : Mosaiq Integrated Digital Whiteboard A.Kalet, J.Meyer, N.Cao*, L.Young, M.Lavilla |
| | PO-GeP-T-597 : MR-Guided Patient Specific QA Devices: Single Plane Ionization Array Versus Orthogonal Diode Planes T.Romaguera*, K.Mittauer, D.Alvarez, V.Mishra, A.Godley, T.Poozhikala, W.Romaguera, A.Gutierrez |
| | PO-GeP-T-598 : Multicentre Comparison of Scatter Factors for Square and Rectangular Small Fields Defined for TrueBeam Linacs C.Venencia*, A.Alarcon, F.Bregains, N.Larragueta, A.Alarcon, R.Hill, R.Hill, J.Morales, A.Adrada, D.Gonzalez, N.Vaca, J.Paz |
| | PO-GeP-T-599 : Multi-Leaf Collimator Leaf Open Time Sinogram (LOTS) Based Patient Specific Quality Assurance: A Novel Approach for Total Marrow Irradiation R.Thiyagarajan*, D.Sharma, G.Krishnan, A.Manikandan, M.Noufal, K.Patro, A.Nambiraj N, S.Kaushik, R.Jalali |
| | PO-GeP-T-600 : Multi-Source Conformal Superficial Brachytherapy: A Dose Escalation Study B.Rogers*, J.Lawrence, C.Ferreira |
| | PO-GeP-T-601 : Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Radiation Dose Enhancement S.Ashmeg*, P.Zygmanski, T.Gayle, E.Eisenbraun, E.Holupka |
| | PO-GeP-T-602 : Non-Coplanar VMAT Improves Plan Quality for Locoregional Radiotherapy of Left-Sided Breast Cancer with Internal Mammary Nodes Y.Xu*, Y.Xu, Z.Hu, Y.Tian, P.Ma, K.Men, S.Wang, J.Dai |
| | PO-GeP-T-603 : Novel Multiple-Isocentric Automatic Planning Approach for Craniospinal Irradiation C.Gong*, J.Xiong, X.Xiang, F.Yu, J.Zhao, X.Zhang, L.Qiu, K.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-604 : Novel Radiochromic Films for Dosimetry in Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery A.Mittal*, N.Gopishankar, A.Verma, P.Kumar |
| | PO-GeP-T-605 : On the Dosimetric Quality of Current External Beam Radiation Technologies for Partial Breast Irradiation Z.Richards*, T.Nguyen, C.Henson, S.Ahmad, T.Herman, T.De La Fuente Herman |
| | PO-GeP-T-606 : On the Feasibility of Angle-Resolved Portal Dosimetry for Patient Specific Quality Assurance of VMAT Plans E.Draeger*, W.Donahue, Z.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-608 : On the Systematic Difference Between IROC TLD Measurements and Tomotherapy TPS Dose Calculation for Small Body Phantoms A.Kapulsky*, A.Ndlovu |
| | PO-GeP-T-611 : Optical Calibration of Radiochromic Film Thickness With IR Dye R.Kaiyum*, N.Allam, C.Schruder, O.Mermut, A.Rink |
| | PO-GeP-T-612 : Optical Calorimetry for Radiation Dosimetry J.Roberts*, J.Meyer, S.Marsh, A.Moggre |
| | PO-GeP-T-613 : Optimal Choice of Flattening Filter Free Beam for SBRT in Carcinoma of Lung R.KINHIKAR*, P.AGARWAL, R.Barman, S.Hazarika, S.Kale, E.Dandpani, N.Mummudi, A.Tibdewal, J.AGARWAL |
| | PO-GeP-T-614 : Optimisation Strategy and Conformity Guidance for Mono-Isocentre SRS VMAT of Targets K.Blythe*, D.Eaton |
| | PO-GeP-T-615 : Optimization and Construction of a Glass Vessel and MR-Compatible Water Calorimeter for Use in Clinical Photon and Electron Beams M.D'souza*, H.Nusrat, V.Iakovenko, J.Renaud, A.Sarfehnia |
| | PO-GeP-T-616 : Optimization of Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPIDs) for Small VMAT Fields M.Koo*, J.Darko, E.Osei |
| | PO-GeP-T-617 : Optimization of Fractionated HDR Brachytherapy of Gynecological Cancer by Using Multiple Channel Cylinders S.Li*, B.Wang, A.Hollander, T.Giaddui, C.Miyamoto, B.Micaily |
| | PO-GeP-T-618 : Optimization of Treatment Isocenter Location in Radiation Therapy to Minimize the Impacts of Rotational Uncertainties T.Cui*, Y.Zhou, N.Yue, I.Vergalasova, Y.Zhang, J.Zhu, K.Nie |
| | PO-GeP-T-619 : Optimizing Gold Nanoparticles for Radiation Dose Enhancement in Ir-192 HDR Brachytherapy J.Gao, S.Zhang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-620 : Orchestrating Clinical and Technical Data Flow to Drive Automation of Treatment Planning B.Carozza, F.Girard, L.Étienne, A.Lauzon*, M.Hinse, F.Hobeila |
| | PO-GeP-T-621 : Output Factor Measurements with Multiple Unshielded Dosimeters In Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery System M.Manavalan*, M.Duraisamy, G.Narayanasamy, S.Stathakis, F.Godson, S.Vikraman |
| | PO-GeP-T-622 : Override of High-Density Implants and Validation of Their Dose Perturbation in Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy W.Zheng*, X.Li, J.Vadas, D.Yan, D.Moore, K.Les, C.Stevens, P.Kabolizadeh, X.Ding |
| | PO-GeP-T-623 : Overview of IROC Houston's Process for Credentialing and Phantom Irradiation H.Mehrens, N.Hernandez, T.Nguyen*, B.Lewis, N.Hernandez, N.Pajot, S.Cheng, A.Molineu, D.Followill |
| | PO-GeP-T-624 : Oxygen Depletion From Proton Spot Scanning: Could Delivery-Optimisation Meet the Conditions for FLASH? B.Rothwell*, M.Lowe, N.Kirkby, M.Merchant, A.Chadwick, R.Mackay, K.Kirkby |
| | PO-GeP-T-625 : Pacemakers in Total Body Irradiation: The Shielding Possibilities and Impact of a Deactivation Magnet R.Frederick*, D.Van Elburg, A.Swan, G.Pierce |
| | PO-GeP-T-626 : Pass Rates of IROC Houston's Head and Neck Phantom Based On Technique, Manufacturer, and Treatment Planning System B.Lewis*, N.Pajot, H.Mehrens, T.Nguyen, N.Hernandez, S.Cheng, S.Edward, A.Molineu, D.Followill |
| | PO-GeP-T-627 : Patient Chair-Design Allows PBS-Adaptive-Treatments for All Major Indications in a Gantry-Less System S.Koren*, Y.Braude, Z.Tochner, M.Marash |
| | PO-GeP-T-628 : Patient Specific Collision Zones for 4-Pi SRS/SRT C.Northway*, J.Lincoln, B.Little, A.Syme, C.Thomas |
| | PO-GeP-T-629 : Patient Specific QA for External Beam Radiotherapy Using the HYPERSCINT Plastic Scintillation Detector M.Goulet* |
| | PO-GeP-T-630 : Patient Specific Quality Assurance of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT): Portal Dosimetry Compared with ArcCheck Phantom K.Utitsarn*, T.Watthanasarn, J.Pimthong, K.Krongkietlearts, C.Pihusut, W.Chaloemchawalit, J.Jitmon, S.Khuanchana |
| | PO-GeP-T-631 : Patient SRS Plans Verification of the New O-Ring System (Halcyonâ„¢) D.NGUYEN*, J.Farah, F.Josserand Pietri, M.Khodri |
| | PO-GeP-T-632 : Patient-Specific Quality Assurance Using Trajectory Log File-Based Dose Reconstruction for SRS VMAT H.Park*, J.Park, M.Artz, S.Huh |
| | PO-GeP-T-633 : Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Treatment Planning for Breast Cancer Patients with Metal Tissue Expanders W.Xiong*, H.Lin, M.Kang, h.Zhai, C.Apinorasethkul, P.Tsai, G.Yu, Q.Chen, L.Hu, W.Tomé, C.Teng, D.Huang, C.Simone, I.Choi |
| | PO-GeP-T-634 : Performance Characterization of a Clinical 1.5 T MR-Linac B.Keller*, A.Kim, V.Iakovenko, M.Ruschin, C.Mccann, D.Beachey, B.Chugh, A.Elzibak, A.Sahgal, A.Sarfehnia |
| | PO-GeP-T-635 : Performance of a Multi Leaf Collimator System On 1.5T MR-Linac K.Zhang*, Y.Tian, K.Men, J.Dai |
| | PO-GeP-T-636 : Performance Validation of a Novel Biology-Guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) TPS Following the IAEA-TECDOC-1540 Methodology D.Zaks, R.Bassalow, S.Maganti*, Y.Voronenko, D.Rigie, O.Volotskova, P.Olcott, G.Kuduvalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-637 : Personalized Treatment Gating Thresholds in Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using Predictions of Dosimetric Fidelity and Treatment Interruption R.Macdonald*, Y.Lee, J.Schasfoort, H.Soliman, A.Sahgal, M.Ruschin |
| | PO-GeP-T-638 : Photon Vs Proton Therapy Comparison of Clinically Significant Dosimetric Parameters That Lead to Radiation Induced Toxicity in Lung SBRT K.Wijesooriya*, B.Neal, J.Colen, E.Aliotta, S.Katugampola, C.Hodge, J.Larner |
| | PO-GeP-T-639 : Photoneutron Equivalent Dose Measurements in GRID Therapy Using TLD Types 600/700 and Polycarbonate Film S.Gholami*, S.Tajiki, A.Hakimi, A.Meigooni, F.Kalantari Mahmoudabadi |
| | PO-GeP-T-640 : Physical Characteristics of Annihilation and Related Background Photons Produced in X-Ray Irradiation with Medical Linear Accelerator K.Takahashi*, T.Hanada, H.Miyauchi, Y.Tanaka, M.Hashimoto, T.Hasegawa |
| | PO-GeP-T-641 : Plan Quality Assessment for Rectal Cancer Patients Using Prediction of Organ-At-Risk Dose Metrics A.Vaniqui*, R.Canters, F.Vaassen, C.Hazelaar, I.Lubken, K.Kremer, C.Wolfs, W.Van Elmpt |
| | PO-GeP-T-642 : Plan Quality Assessment of Intensity Modulated External Photon and Proton Beam Radiation for the Treatment of Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer T.De La Fuente Herman*, T.Nguyen, S.Ahmad, T.Herman, Z.Richards |
| | PO-GeP-T-643 : Portal Dosimetry Comparison for Three Beam-Matched Varian TrueBeam LINACs K.Yang*, W.Jiang, R.Patel, S.Sharma, A.Ju |
| | PO-GeP-T-644 : Possible to Treat with Lower Energy? Tangential Whole Breast Irradiation with Electronic Tissue Compensation Technique S.Wisnoskie*, A.Wahl, N.Bennion, A.Granatowicz, X.Liang, S.Zhou, D.Zheng |
| | PO-GeP-T-645 : Practical Application of NIPAM KV-CBCT Dosimetry to Determine KV-MV Isocenter Alignment K.Pant*, M.Oldham, W.Giles, J.Adamson |
| | PO-GeP-T-646 : Pre-Clinical and Clinical Evaluation of the HYPERSCINT Scintillation Dosimetry Research Platform I.Schoepper, E.Trestrail*, S.Dieterich, M.Kent |
| | PO-GeP-T-647 : Preclinical Application of Electronic Portal Imaging Device A.Anvari*, A.Sawant |
| | PO-GeP-T-648 : Pre-Clinical Assessment of HDR Eye Plaque Treatment Using a Monte Carlo-Based Treatment Planning System D.Aramburu Núñez*, M.Antaki, M.Morcos, S.Huang, S.Abbasinejad Enger, C.Barker, A.Damato, G.Cohen |
| | PO-GeP-T-649 : Preclinical Feasibility and Evaluation of An IMRT Optimization Method That Directly Incorporates Personalized Radiosensitivity Models D.Polan*, V.Wu, M.Varsta, D.Owen, M.Epelman, M.Schipper, M.Matuszak |
| | PO-GeP-T-651 : Pre-Clinical Testing On a Novel Film OrthoChromic OC-1 for Quality Assurance in Radiation Therapy W.Feng*, A.Chu, C.Shi |
| | PO-GeP-T-652 : Predicting Linac Failure Risks From Machine Performance Check Application Using An Integration of Statistical Process Control and Machine Learning T.Fuangrod*, M.Barnes, P.Greer |
| | PO-GeP-T-653 : Predicting Radiation-Induced Xerostomia Using Parotid Dose Cluster Models M.Chao*, J.Wei, Y.Lo, R.Bakst, J.Penagaricano |
| | PO-GeP-T-654 : Prediction of Three-Dimensional Radiotherapy Optimal Dose Distributions for Lung Cancer Patients with Asymmetric Network Y.Shao*, H.Chen, Z.Xu |
| | PO-GeP-T-655 : Predictive Gamma Passing Rate of 3D Array Detector-Based VMAT QA Via Deep Learning Combining Dose Distribution and Accumulated Dose Uncertainty Potential Distribution T.Matsuura*, D.Kawahara, A.Saito, E.Shiba, K.Yamada, S.Ozawa, Y.Nagata |
| | PO-GeP-T-656 : Preliminary Clinical Analysis with Dose-Averaged LET Calculation for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated by Using Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy S.Lee*, A.Yamamoto, K.Yamaoka, E.Hotta, M.Yamamoto, Y.Suzuki, A.Inomata, M.Suga, M.Koto, R.Kohno |
| | PO-GeP-T-657 : Preliminary Studies of a New Method for Confirming the Activity of Ru106 Plaques for Uveal Melanoma M.Hauze*, A.Portocarrero Bonifaz, T.Ma, D.Wilkinson |
| | PO-GeP-T-658 : Preliminary Study for Super-Resolution of Dose Calculation Grid Size Using a Deep Learning in VMAT Prostate Plan D.Shin*, K.Kim, S.Kang, S.Kang, T.Kim, J.Chung, T.Suh |
| | PO-GeP-T-659 : Prompt Gamma Spectroscopy of Metallic Implants in Proton Therapy: A Monte Carlo Study C.Liu*, C.Su, Y.Chiang, T.Chao, C.Lee, H.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-660 : Prone Breast Plans with Wedged Fields to Remove the Need for Breast Board Subfields A.Lee*, D.Pearson, A.Wilkinson |
| | PO-GeP-T-661 : Protection Against Radiotherapy-Induced Damage to Bone Tissues by Melatonin D.Shabeeb, A.Musa* |
| | PO-GeP-T-662 : Proton Dose Calculation with Dual Energy CT Using Scripting A.Kassaee*, C.Cheng, S.O'Reilly, L.Yin, L.Dong, J.Zou, R.Hytonen, B.Teo |
| | PO-GeP-T-663 : Proton Energy Spectrum-Based Linear Energy Transfer Measurement W.Yao* |
| | PO-GeP-T-664 : Proton Linear Energy Transfer Differs According to Beam Delivery Method L.Wilson*, F.Pirlepesov, V.Moskvin, T.Merchant, A.Faught |
| | PO-GeP-T-665 : Proton Spot Dose Perturbation by Common Dental Materials Y.Hu*, L.Wu, D.Mundy |
| | PO-GeP-T-666 : Proton Treatment Planning With Extended HU Stoichiometric Method K.Lai*, S.Petro, M.Leyva |
| | PO-GeP-T-667 : Proton/Photon Beam Profile Based Isocentricity Check R.Rahimi Darabad*, Y.Yang, P.Wang, J.Fan |
| | PO-GeP-T-668 : PTV Margins for Gamma Knife Icon Frameless Treatment: A Validation Study P.Diagaradjane*, E.Han, D.Luo, Y.Ding, G.Kalaitzakis, E.Zoros, K.Zourari, T.Boursianis, E.Pappas, Z.Wen, J.Wang, T.Briere |
| | PO-GeP-T-669 : Qualification and Reproducibility of Proton FLASH Fields Delivered with Prototype Ultra-High Dose Rate Hardware M.Folkerts*, T.Pfeiler, I.Huth, I.Kalichava, A.Douiri, J.Heese |
| | PO-GeP-T-670 : Quality Assurance and Clinical Experience of MASEP Rotating Gamma System S.Pokhrel*, M.Ballo, G.Dash, J.Gray, R.Kulkarni, P.Patra |
| | PO-GeP-T-671 : Quality Assurance for a Commercial Automated VMAT SRS System Y.Yuan*, R.Sullivan, R.Popple |
| | PO-GeP-T-672 : Quality Assurance Tool for Determination of Position and Transit Time of a Co-60 Source in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy G.Piriz, H.Ortega, G.Gonzalez Sprinberg, |
| | PO-GeP-T-673 : Quality Correction Factors of Small-Cavity Ionization Chambers in Small MR-Guided Radiotherapy Beams Y.Cervantes*, I.Billas, S.Duane, H.Bouchard |
| | PO-GeP-T-674 : Quality of Head and Neck VMAT Treatment Plans Transferred Between Machines R.Zakariaee*, J.DeMarco, J.Lewis, Z.Zumsteg, B.Fraass |
| | PO-GeP-T-675 : Quantification of the Correlation Between Outcome with Dose Computed Using Rigid and Deformable Registration H.Sharifi*, A.Ghanem, Q.Wu, I.Chetty |
| | PO-GeP-T-676 : Quantified VMAT Plan Complexity in Relation to Measurement-Based Quality Assurance Results M.Nguyen*, G.Chan |
| | PO-GeP-T-677 : Quantifying Lateral Penumbra with a Prototype Aperture for Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Beam Delivery S.Ewart*, S.Zimmerman, E.Lee, J.Speth, A.Mascia |
| | PO-GeP-T-678 : Quantifying Patient Shifts Using In Vivo EPID Images J.Zavala Bojorquez*, C.Bojechko |
| | PO-GeP-T-679 : Quantitative Analysis and Quality Assurance (QA) of Gynecological Brachytherapy Applicators Using Radiochromic Film Dosimetry S.Aldelaijan*, Y.Khouj, M.Khosravi, T.Harris, D.O'Farrell, M.Jacobson, J.Seuntjens, S.Devic, I.Buzurovic |
| | PO-GeP-T-680 : Quantitative Assessment Based On a Yearlong Survey of the Production of Radioactive Materials in Mevion Hyperscan Proton Therapy System B.Chiang*, G.Macdurmon, S.Ahmad, Y.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-T-681 : Quantitative Characterization of Free Radical Generation Under High-Energy Photon Irradiation for Gold Nanoparticle Mediated Radiation Therapy K.Xie*, A.Ray, D.Shvydka, E.Parsai |
| | PO-GeP-T-682 : Quantitative Versus Qualitative and Dosimetric Evaluation of Automated Segmentations J.Pursley*, G.Maquilan, G.Sharp |
| | PO-GeP-T-683 : Quick Estimation of Cutout Factor in 2D Electron Radiotherapy Using Deep Learning S.Kazemifar*, A.Owrangi, M.Lin, S.Jiang, Y.Park |
| | PO-GeP-T-684 : Radiation Planning and the Dosimetric Impact On An Orthotopic and Syngeneic Murine Model of Breast Cancer S.Rusu*, B.Janic, S.Brown, G.Valadie, J.Ewing, I.Chetty, N.Wen |
| | PO-GeP-T-685 : Radiation Safety Aspects for GammaTile Implant Brachytherapy A.Alshreef*, D.Sterling, P.Alaei, C.Ferreira |
| | PO-GeP-T-686 : Radiobiological Influence of Mixed Photon Energies for Prostate Cancer Through Tumor Control Probability and Normal Tissue Complication Probability S.Momin*, J.Grafe, R.Khan |
| | PO-GeP-T-687 : Radiochromic Film Based Dosimetry of Novel Rectal Electronic-Brachytherapy Applicator L.Liang*, N.Tomic, S.Devic, F.Piccolo, L.Kelley, T.Furtado, T.Vuong |
| | PO-GeP-T-688 : Radiosurgery for Non-Malignant Intracranial Lesions - a Planning Comparison Between UAB Method and HyperArc Techniques S.Natarajan*, A.Vaz, V.Krishnamoorthy, S.Ramachandra, M.Raghunathan, S.Varadharajan |
| | PO-GeP-T-689 : Range Determination for Proton Beams. A Comparison Between Luminescence Imaging in Water and Standard Ionization Chamber Based Methods J.Burg*, F.Horst, J.Wulff, H.Vorwerk, K.Zink |
| | PO-GeP-T-690 : Range Verification in Heavy-Ion Therapy with a Hadron Tumour Marker (HTM) E.Kasanda*, J.Easter, D.Hymers, C.Burbadge, V.Bildstein, A.Spyrou, C.Hoehr, D.Muecher |
| | PO-GeP-T-691 : Rapid Delivery of GRID Therapy for Deep-Seated Bulky Tumors: A Novel 3D MLC-Based Forward Planning Treatment Technique Via 10MV-FFF Beam D.Pokhrel*, L.Critchfield, M.Halfman, M.Bernard, W.St Clair, M.Randall, M.Kudrimoti |
| | PO-GeP-T-692 : Rapid Hippocampal Sparing HyperArc VMAT Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Metastases A.Palmiero*, L.Critchfield, t.hunter, W.St Clair, M.Randall, D.Pokhrel |
| | PO-GeP-T-693 : RayStation MLC Parameter Value Determination Using Raytracing S.Frigo*, D.Adam |
| | PO-GeP-T-694 : RayStation Planning for Single Isocenter Multiple Metastases Radiosurgery Treatments R.Hamilton*, L.Smith-raymond, A.Locke, B.Stea |
| | PO-GeP-T-695 : RBE Calculation Using the Survival Simulation Tool for HSG, V79 and CHO Cells Irradiated by 12C, 20Ne and 3He Ions M.Suga*, T.Honma, S.Lee, M.Suzuki, H.Katou, M.Hashimoto, K.Tanimoto, R.Kohno |
| | PO-GeP-T-696 : RBE-Weighted Dose Models for Carbon Ion Therapy: In Vitro, in Vivo and in Patient Investigations Towards Modernization of Clinical Practice S.Mein*, B.Kopp, C.Klein, G.Magro, S.Harrabi, C.Karger, T.Haberer, J.Debus, A.Abdollahi, I.Dokic, A.Mairani |
| | PO-GeP-T-697 : Real-Time In-Vivo Dose Tracking for Scalp Cutaneous Lymphoma Treated with Electron: First Time Application of E-PSD for Patient Dose Tracking Z.Xu*, C.Langmack, A.Bhatt, T.Baig, B.Traughber, E.Harris, T.Podder |
| | PO-GeP-T-698 : Real-Time MOSkin In-Vivo Rectal Dosimetry for TRUS Based HDR Prostate Brachytherapy J.Poder*, A.Howie, R.Brown, J.Bucci, A.Rosenfeld, K.Enari, K.Schreiber, M.Carrara, D.Malouf, D.Cutajar |
| | PO-GeP-T-699 : Reducing Treatment Table Position Overrides Through Basic Statistical Review and Scripting J.Ververs*, Y.Xiong, T.Jacobson |
| | PO-GeP-T-700 : Reduction of Interobserver Contouring Variations Through a Retrospective, Evidence-Based Intervention H.Patrick*, L.Souhami, J.Kildea |
| | PO-GeP-T-702 : Relationship Between Yttrium 90 Radioactivity Distribution and Treatment Response in Transarterial Radioembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, An Institutional Study Results C.Adcock*, E.Florez, A.Patel, C.M. Howard, A.Fatemi, H.Khosravi |
| | PO-GeP-T-704 : Replacing Gamma Knife Beamprofiles On Film with Point-Detector Scans B.Rudek, T.Qu*, K.Bernstein |
| | PO-GeP-T-705 : Response of Parallel-Plate Ionization Chambers On the Buildup Dose Measurement in Inline Magnetic Fields N.Anami*, F.Araki, T.Ohno |
| | PO-GeP-T-706 : Retrospective Analysis of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Patients for Lung Cancer A.Bhangu*, E.Osei, J.Darko |
| | PO-GeP-T-707 : Retrospective Dosimetric Study of a Novel Automation Software for Whole Brain Planning Field-In-Field Treatment Plans C.Esquivel*, A.Tipton, L.Patton, D.Baldassari, B.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-708 : Retrospective Review of Machine Quality Assurance Results of a PET-CT Simulator Y.Cui*, A.Rodrigues, S.Yoo, F.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-T-709 : Retrospective Single Institution Clinical and Radiobiological Review of High Volume Ocular Melanoma Patients Treated with LDR Brachytherapy Z.Richards*, M.Nguyen, B.Firestone, M.Kutteh, C.Henson, S.Ahmad, T.Herman, T.De La Fuente Herman |
| | PO-GeP-T-710 : Revision of Red Bone Marrow Doses of Chernobyl Clean-Up Workers Based On Conversion Coefficients From Advanced Phantoms Depending On the Body Weight K.Chizhov*, C.Lee |
| | PO-GeP-T-711 : Robotic 3D Printed Quality Assurance Phantom for Commissioning Lung Calypso D.Capaldi, H.Zhang, L.Skinner, P.Dubrowski, K.Bush*, L.Xing, B.Fahimian, A.Yu |
| | PO-GeP-T-712 : Robust Proton Plan Optimization Considering Geometrical and Biological Uncertainties J.Ödén*, E.Traneus |
| | PO-GeP-T-713 : SABR Pre-Treatment Verification of Multiple Dosimeters (alanine, PTW60019, NanoDot, and TLD100H) N.Esen*, P.Ramachandran, P.Archer, M.Geso |
| | PO-GeP-T-714 : Scanning Beam-Based Dose Delivery for Rotating Gamma Ray Systems for Intra- and Extra-Cranial SRS/SBRT J.Xu*, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-715 : Scripting API-Based Frame Coordinate Calculator for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Y.Park*, Z.Iqbal, A.Pompos |
| | PO-GeP-T-716 : Sensitivity of Detecting MLC Positioning Errors for SBRT Treatment at Halcyon Linac J.Allen*, W.Luo, D.Pokhrel |
| | PO-GeP-T-717 : Sensitivity of Dose Distributions in Cervical Cancer Patients From Positioning Errors in Rotating Shield Brachytherapy K.Hopfensperger*, Q.Adams, Y.Kim, X.Wu, W.Xu, K.Patwardhan, B.Thammavong, R.Flynn |
| | PO-GeP-T-718 : Setting Table Coordinates Prior to Treatment Start Reduces Overrides and Increases Quality J.Donaghue*, S.Gajdos |
| | PO-GeP-T-719 : Should We Be Too Much Concerned About Inter Play Effect in PBS? - An Investigation On Different Strategies of Mitigating Interplay Effect in PBS M.Noufal*, D.Sharma, K.Patro, R.Thiyagarajan, A.Manikandan, G.Krishnan, M.Sawant, R.Jalali |
| | PO-GeP-T-720 : Significant Differences in Small-Field Output Factors Measured with Various Dosimeters H.Soysal*, C.Yang |
| | PO-GeP-T-721 : Simulation Study On the Application of Plastic Scintillator Based PET Detector Technology for Range Monitoring in Proton Therapy J.Baran, J.Gajewski, M.Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, P.Moskal, A.Rucinski* |
| | PO-GeP-T-722 : Simulation Study On the Correction Factor of Bragg Peak Chamber for Proton Therapy H.Tan*, J.Phua, K.Ang, A.Wibawa, Z.Master, S.Park |
| | PO-GeP-T-723 : Simulation-Based Assessment of Dosimetric Uncertainty Due to Catheter Reconstruction Error in TRUS-Guided Prostate HDR Brachytherapy K.Dekker, C.Joshi, A.Kerr* |
| | PO-GeP-T-724 : Simultaneous Image Reconstruction and Material Decomposition Using Multi-Energy Cone Beam CT On a Preclinical Irradiation Platform Y.Zhong*, C.Shen, Y.Huang, X.Jia |
| | PO-GeP-T-725 : Single Institution Experience with Clinical Implementation of Uniform Scanning Proton Beams for Ocular Melanoma Treatment H.Grewal*, M.Chacko, S.Rana, H.Jin, M.Storey, J.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-T-726 : Single Isocenter Multiple Target Stereotactic Radiosurgery Commissioning Experience From Concept to Patient Specific QA M.Piantino*, D.Piantino, J.Anderson, M.Cohen, R.Prahbu, S.Burri |
| | PO-GeP-T-727 : Sir-Sphere Dosimetry Calculation Based On Tumor Volume J.Goldman*, J.Cao |
| | PO-GeP-T-728 : SLD Repair Impact On Treatment Effectiveness of Proton Therapy with Various Cell Specific Parameters K.Kasamatsu*, T.Matsuura, S.Tanaka, K.Umegaki |
| | PO-GeP-T-729 : Small Field Stereotactic Radiosurgery Fluence Measurement for Cone and MLC-Based Plans Using SRS MapCHECK C.Geraghty*, T.Li, J.Carroll, B.Hasson |
| | PO-GeP-T-730 : Software Based Pre-Failure Characterization of Faulty MLC Drivetrains Using Trajectory Logs J.Kowalski*, E.Wolf, N.Kumar, D.Moyer, B.McGill, M.Lamba, D.Ionascu |
| | PO-GeP-T-731 : Some Unique Radiation-Safety Related Challenges with Installation of a MR-Linac G.Pang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-732 : Source Characteristics and Loading Pattern for a Unique Beta Irradiation Device for Preclinical Research of Cutaneous Radiation Injury T.Ren*, S.Prajapati, J.Dorand, J.Bourland |
| | PO-GeP-T-733 : Sparing Submandibular Gland Following Gland Transfer in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: Effect of Day-To-Day Setup Uncertainty V.Moiseenko*, T.Atwood, C.Coffey, P.Hua, M.Cornell, P.Sanghvi |
| | PO-GeP-T-734 : Spectral CT Based Elemental Composition Assignment to Increase the Accuracy of Monte Carlo Simulation in Proton Beam Therapy V.Moskvin*, J.Uh, C.Hua |
| | PO-GeP-T-735 : Spinal Stereotactic Radiotherapy Treatment Plan Quality and Delivery Comparison Between a Conventional Linac and a 1.5T MR-Linac M.Aima*, E.Han, N.Hughes, T.Briere, D.Yeboa, P.Castillo, J.Wang, J.Yang, S.Vedam |
| | PO-GeP-T-736 : Standardization of CSI Treatment Planning and Its Evaluation Using a DVH Registry E.Sepulveda*, H.Patrick, J.Kildea |
| | PO-GeP-T-737 : Statistical Process Control and Process Capability Analysis for Non-Normal VMAT Patient-Specific QA Processes G.Li*, Q.Xiao, S.Bai |
| | PO-GeP-T-738 : Step-Size Dependence of Monte Carlo Simulations for Cherenkov Emission (CE)-Based Dosimetry Calculations Y.Zlateva*, B.Muir, I.El Naqa, J.Seuntjens |
| | PO-GeP-T-739 : Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Lung Cancer Treatment Plans Comparison Between HD MLC and Normal MLC M.Pudasaini*, T.Leventouri, S.Pella, W.Muhammad |
| | PO-GeP-T-740 : Stereotactic Cone Output Factors of Flattening-Filter-Free Mode Photon Beams; a Plastic Scintillation Detector Measurement Study J.Kim*, D.Kahn, X.Qian, S.Lu, A.Hsia, Z.Xu |
| | PO-GeP-T-741 : Stoichiometric Curve Validation Through Biologic Tissue Measurements: End-To-End Range Uncertainty Determination E.Gelover*, C.Chen, K.Sheikh, W.Hrinivich, H.Li |
| | PO-GeP-T-742 : Stopping Power Estimation for Carbon Ion Beam Therapy Using Pseudo-Triple Energy CT Y.Kim*, J.Kim, S.Cho |
| | PO-GeP-T-743 : Strontium Aluminate Phosphorescent Materials: Bright Idea for in Vivo Dosimetry X.Tang*, E.Ehler, D.Mathew |
| | PO-GeP-T-744 : Study of Scatter Contribution From Prone Breast Board to Breast Apex Skin Dose Using Monte Carlo Simulations A.Lau*, I.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-745 : Study of Signal Filtering of a Dosimetry System with a Luminescent Plastic Detector, Designed for Dosimetry in Radiotherapy, by Means Spectral Analysis L.Nunez* |
| | PO-GeP-T-746 : Study On the Improved Internal Feedback System of RapidPlan Model C.Ma* |
| | PO-GeP-T-747 : Study On the Verification of the Source Positioning and Dwell Time Based On the Well-Chamber q.zhao, x.wu, |
| | PO-GeP-T-748 : Successful Turing Test of a Physician-Specific Knowledge Based Planning Model for Prostate Radiotherapy J.Lamb*, J.Ginn, C.King, N.Agazaryan, M.Steinberg, A.Kishan, S.Tsai |
| | PO-GeP-T-749 : Superellipse: A Novel Approach for the Dosimetric Definition of (small) Field Sizes I.Mendez*, B.Casar |
| | PO-GeP-T-750 : Surface Dose Evaluation with the Use of EBT3 Gafchromic Films Placed in a Water Phantom Surface in the Presence of Strong Magnetic Field A.Episkopakis*, N.Marinos, X.Gonzalez Souto, J.Arts |
| | PO-GeP-T-751 : Synthesis and Dosimetric Study of the Nucleus-Targeted Pd-103/Au Nanoparticles for a Radionuclide Treatment Using TOPAS J.Lee*, S.Wong, C.Mccann, C.Kumaradas |
| | PO-GeP-T-752 : Systematic Evaluations of a Flat-Panel Imager for Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) Plan Patient-Specific QA Z.Su*, S.Rossomme, W.Hsi |
| | PO-GeP-T-753 : Target Definition On Multi-Modality MRI Image Sets for Gliomas J.Feng*, W.Jiang, Z.Wang, Y.Sa |
| | PO-GeP-T-754 : Technical Experience On Clinical Commissioning of Volumetric Repainting Technique in Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy S.Rana*, J.Bennouna, A.Rosenfeld, S.Alnaghy, A.Gutierrez |
| | PO-GeP-T-755 : Temporal Variation of the Polymerization in X-Ray- and Proton-Irradiated Radiochromic Films S.Momin, A.Darafsheh, R.Khan* |
| | PO-GeP-T-756 : Testing Code of Practice (IAEA-AAPM) of Small Field Dosimetry for Tomotherapy R.KINHIKAR*, S.Kaushik, C.Tambe, S.Kadam, S.Kale, R.Upreti |
| | PO-GeP-T-757 : TG-119 Equivalent for SRS: Standardizing Linac Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) Dosimetric Commissioning Using a Clinically Comprehensive Set of Intracranial Optimization Problems R.Culcasi*, G.Baran, M.Dominello, J.Burmeister |
| | PO-GeP-T-758 : The Benefit of Lens PRV in VMAT for Glioblastoma M.Alfishawy* |
| | PO-GeP-T-759 : The Correlation of MLCleaf Trajectory Errors and Gamma Passing Rates of Patient-Specific ArcCheck-Based QA for Varian TrueBeam VMAT Y.Watanabe*, L.Claps |
| | PO-GeP-T-760 : The Dependence of Tissue Inhomogeneity Correction Factors On Photon Beam Quality Index Variations M.Akhtaruzzaman* |
| | PO-GeP-T-761 : The Design of a Novel Direction Modulated Brachytherapy (DMBT) Vaginal Cylinder Using GEANT4 Monte Carlo Simulation Code M.Meftahi*, W.Song |
| | PO-GeP-T-762 : The Development of a Multi-Material 3D Printed Brachytherapy Training Phantom for Enhanced Resident Training S.Campelo*, E.Subashi, Z.Chang, S.Meltsner, J.Chino, O.Craciunescu |
| | PO-GeP-T-763 : The Dosimetric Characteristics of Titanium Implants On Proton Spine SBRT M.Kang*, J.Yamada, L.Hu, C.Ackerman, C.Apinorasethkul, P.Park, J.Moreau, G.Yu, I.Choi, C.Simone, H.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-764 : The Dosimetric Effect of Vertebral Body Replacement/Fixation Devices On Spine SBRT: A Monte Carlo Study X.Chen*, J.Fan, I.Veltchev, J.Li, J.Meyer, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-765 : The Dosimetric Evaluation of Cesium 131 Brachytherapy Permanent Implants for Resected Brain Tumors R.Badkul*, Y.Butler-xu, H.Jiang, N.Demez, S.Awan, H.Saleh, F.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-766 : The Dosimetric Study of Hippocampal-Avoidance Whole Brain Radiotherapy with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy T.Sun*, X.Lin, Y.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-T-767 : The Dosimetric Uncertainty of Assigning Wrong Material of Hip Prosthesis for RA Plan of Prostate with the Eclipse AcurosXb Algorithm S.Pokharel* |
| | PO-GeP-T-768 : The Effect of Mouse Size On Dose Delivered to Mouse-Like Phantoms From An X-Rad 320 Irradiator J.Stasko*, C.Hammer, W.Culberson |
| | PO-GeP-T-769 : The Effect of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Over the Efficiency of the Protective Garment Against Diagnostic X-Ray R.Zohdiaghdam, M.Mahmoudian, N.Riyahi Alam*, s.salimi |
| | PO-GeP-T-770 : The Effect of Spatiotemporal Variations in Thermal Neutron Transmission On Yb-169 Source Re-Activation Efficiency R.Flynn*, Q.Adams, K.Hopfensperger |
| | PO-GeP-T-771 : The Effects of Radiation On Cell Viability in Hydrogel Scaffolds Used for 3D Tumor Model Construction G.Babakhanova, T.Dukic, B.Bhandary, P.Maggi, N.Lamichhane, J.Mahmood, I.Pazos, R.Tosh, C.Simon, J.Polf* |
| | PO-GeP-T-772 : The Impact of Envelope Smoothing On Photon and Electron Beam Profile Characteristics K.Jiang*, M.MacFarlane, M.Guerrero, S.Becker, S.Chen, S.Lee |
| | PO-GeP-T-774 : The Impact of Jaw Positioning Errors for Dynamic Jaw Delivery in Tomotherapy Z.Hu*, K.Zhang, K.Men, J.Dai |
| | PO-GeP-T-775 : The Impact of Knowledge-Based Planning and Multicriteria Optimization On Treatment Planning Workflows J.Rogers* |
| | PO-GeP-T-776 : The Impact of Plan Feasibility Predictions On VMAT Treatment Planning J.Rembish*, C.Kabat, E.Jang, M.Olivares, C.Payne, C.Rendon, N.Kirby, S.Stathakis, N.Papanikolaou, P.Myers |
| | PO-GeP-T-777 : The Impact of Range Uncertainties On Organ at Risk Doses in Proton Therapy S.Tattenberg*, B.Gorissen, T.Madden, T.Bortfeld, J.Verburg |
| | PO-GeP-T-778 : The Impact of Standardization of Gamma Criteria On Imaging Radiation Oncology Core Phantoms Analysis F.Brooks*, M.Glenn, M.Hussein, C.Clark, J.Lye, J.Lehmann, I.Silvestre, S.Kry |
| | PO-GeP-T-779 : The Impact of the Source-Imager-Distance On the Results of EPID-Based Patient-Specific QA G.Kuzmin*, P.Xia, P.Qi |
| | PO-GeP-T-780 : The Importance of Monte Carlo (Geant4) Physics Settings for Clinical Proton Therapy Treatment Plans C.Winterhalter*, M.Taylor, D.Boersma, A.Elia, S.Guatelli, R.Mackay, K.Kirkby, L.Maigne, V.Ivanchenko, A.Resch, D.Sarrut, P.Sitch, M.Vidal, L.Grevillot, A.Aitkenhead |
| | PO-GeP-T-781 : The Improvement of SPR Calculation with Triple Energy CT by Extracting Two Atomic Numbers of Tissue J.Zhu*, B.Liu, X.Wang, Y.Zhou, K.Nie, R.Parikh, R.Davis, N.Yue, Y.Zhang |
| | PO-GeP-T-782 : The Influence of Ambience and Beamline Geometry On Neutron Yield of a Gantry-Mounted Synchrocyclotron Proton Therapy Machine N.Tatari*, M.BaradaranGhahfarokhi, T.Zhao, A.Darafsheh, R.Khan |
| | PO-GeP-T-783 : The Influence of Respiratory Motion On Dose Distribution in VMAT-APBI R.Yamauchi*, N.Mizuno, T.Itazawa, J.Kawamori |
| | PO-GeP-T-784 : The IROC Houston Quality Assurance Center's Independent Peer Review QA Program D.Followill*, J.Lowenstein, A.Molineu, P.Alvarez, P.Taylor, S.Kry |
| | PO-GeP-T-785 : The Modular Remote Afterloader: A New Approach for Distributing and Delivering Yb-169 to Enable Clinical Intensity Modulated Brachytherapy R.Flynn*, Q.Adams |
| | PO-GeP-T-786 : The Optimal Radiation Dose Rate for Pulsed Low-Dose-Rate (PLDR) Radiation Therapy Using in Vitro Clonogenic Analysis T.Dos Santos*, S.Liu, L.Yang, M.Li, L.Chen, D.Cvetkovic, C.Ma |
| | PO-GeP-T-787 : The Research of Automatic Treatment Planning by DVH Prediction Based On Classifying the OARs Overlap X.Pan*, D.Wang, J.Jia, L.Hu |
| | PO-GeP-T-788 : The Setup Accuracy of An IGRT System for Single-Isocentre, Multiple Target Non-Coplanar SRS Deliveries E.Gete*, K.Luchka |
| | PO-GeP-T-789 : The Use of 3D Printing in the Fabrication of Cadmium-Free Electron Cutout Blocks M.Moore*, R.Snelgrove, O.Masella, J.Darko, E.Osei |
| | PO-GeP-T-790 : The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Auto-Segment Organs-At-Risk in Total Marrow Irradiation Treatment A.Liu*, R.Li, C.Han, J.Liang, D.Du, A.Shinde, S.Dandapani, A.Amini, S.Glaser, J.Wong |
| | PO-GeP-T-791 : The Use of Opposing Conformal Arcs for Palliative Spine Treatments C.Langmack*, T.Baig, K.Xu, T.Podder |
| | PO-GeP-T-793 : Three-Dimensional Dose Verification Using a Stacked Radiochromic Film Dosimeter K.Liu*, Y.Wang, O.Dona, J.Adamovics, C.Wuu |
| | PO-GeP-T-794 : Three-Dimensional Isocenter Verification for Real-Time Tumor-Tracking Radiotherapy System Using a Reusable PVA-I Radiochromic Gel Dosimeter K.Ono*, T.Sera, T.Shiinoki, S.Hayashi, K.Fujino, Y.Akagi, Y.Hirokawa |
| | PO-GeP-T-795 : Time Delay Between the External Monitoring Surrogate and Internal Organ Movement in Deep Inhale Breath Hold (DIBH) M.Zhang*, Y.Song |
| | PO-GeP-T-796 : Timing Features of 4D Detector and Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy Can Improve WET Map Accuracy with Deep CNN C.Chang, S.Zhou*, J.Zhou, X.Yang, T.Zhang, L.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-797 : Total Body Irradiation at Short Distance Using Sweep Beams and Attachment Free Compensation K.Huang*, Y.Yue, J.Jones, C.Desrosiers, Y.Le, P.Maxim |
| | PO-GeP-T-798 : Total Spine Radiotherapy: A VMAT Approach E.Barnett*, R.Chmielewski, S.Abbas |
| | PO-GeP-T-799 : Toward Automated Planning of Ventricular Tachycardia Cases E.Schreibmann*, D.Qian, M.Lloyd, K.Higgins |
| | PO-GeP-T-800 : Towards An Image-Informed Mathematical Model of Response to Fractionated Radiation Therapy D.Hormuth*, A.Jarrett, T.Yankeelov |
| | PO-GeP-T-801 : Towards Automation of Treatment Planning System Quality Control J.Lovis*, L.Van Dyke, M.Roumeliotis, K.Thind, S.Quirk |
| | PO-GeP-T-802 : Towards Instantaneous, Patient Specific, Measurement Based Pre-Treatment QA by Utilizing Machine Learning of Trajectory Files and Routine MLC QA L.Lay*, J.Adamson, W.Giles, K.Chuang |
| | PO-GeP-T-803 : Towards Monte Carlo Modeling of the Optical Properties of Plastic Scintillation Detectors E.Simiele*, L.DeWerd |
| | PO-GeP-T-804 : Towards Quality Assurance for First AI-Driven Online Adaptive Radiotherapy Based On Failure Mode and Effect Analysis J.Booth*, P.Sibolt, E.Laugeman, B.Cai, D.Sjostrom, S.Mutic, M.Perez |
| | PO-GeP-T-805 : Treatment Couch Modeling Via Measured Attenuation Using a Symmetrically Shaped Stereotactic Phantom X.Du*, B.Rasmussen |
| | PO-GeP-T-806 : Treatment Outcome Prediction Using PET-Based Deep Learning M.Joo*, Q.Zhang, D.Nguyen, D.Sher, S.Jiang |
| | PO-GeP-T-807 : Treatment Plan Comparison of HybridArc and VMAT for Fractionated Stereotactic Intracranial Radiotherapy A.Landers*, J.Li, V.Gunn, W.Shi, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-T-808 : Treatment Planning for Synchrotron Radiotherapy Enhanced with Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles A.Ocadiz*, S.Reymond, N.Rosuel, A.Bulin, J.Ravanat, J.Kim, J.Jeon, G.Choi, J.Adam, H.Elleaume |
| | PO-GeP-T-809 : Treatment Planning Robustness for Intra-Pulse Motion M.Schwer*, E.Klein, G.Cardarelli |
| | PO-GeP-T-810 : Treatment Planning System Transition: The Effects On Treatment Plan Quality N.Stathakis*, W.Jones, E.Maani, P.Mavroidis, C.Kabat |
| | PO-GeP-T-811 : Treatment Planning Verification of In-Vivo OSLD Phantom Measurements A.Bowers*, J.Keller |
| | PO-GeP-T-812 : Treatment Verification in Prostate Brachytherapy Patients Using Electromagnetic Tracking Integrated in An HDR/BT Afterloader I.Kolkman-Deurloo*, L.Heerden Van, R.Paassen Van, J.Schiphof-godart, M.Christianen, J.Mens, M.Franckena, M.Maenhout, R.Rijnsdorp, L.Luthart, M.Hoogeman |
| | PO-GeP-T-813 : Trend Analysis and Simulation of Patient Breathing in Respiratory-Gated Carbon Ion Radiotherapy X.Ming*, D.You, Z.Huang, J.Yao, K.Shahnazi |
| | PO-GeP-T-814 : Triple Combination of Docetaxel, Gold Nanoparticles, and Radiation to Escalate the Therapeutic Dose to the Tumor K.Bromma, A.Bannister, D.Chithrani* |
| | PO-GeP-T-815 : Tuning Dose Curve in Tomotherapy U.Reyes Serrano* |
| | PO-GeP-T-816 : Uncertainty Analysis for Relative Biological Effectiveness Derived From Different Dose-Effect Curve Model Fits M.Ghafarian*, J.Eley |
| | PO-GeP-T-817 : Unconventional Dose Escalation with a Merging Treatment Technique Spot Scanning Proton Arc Therapy. Are We Ready for Such Treatment Paradigm? X.Ding*, X.Li, G.Liu, C.Stevens, D.Yan, P.Kabolizadeh |
| | PO-GeP-T-818 : Understanding Variations in Dose Fall-Off for Low Energy Electrons Vs. Mid and High Energies in Presence of Different Cutouts at Different SSDs E.Salari*, E.Parsai, D.Shvydka |
| | PO-GeP-T-819 : Update On a Dose Reconstruction Effort for a Large-Scale Retrospective Epidemiological Study of Late Health Effects Following Radiotherapy Within the National Wilms Tumor Study M.Mille*, M.Pauliah, J.Jung, M.Gopalakrishnan, J.Kalapurakal, C.Lee |
| | PO-GeP-T-820 : Use of a 2-Dimensional Ion Chamber Array to Measure Head Leakage of a Varian Truebeam Linear Accelerator S.Taneja*, J.Teruel, L.Hu, J.Xue, D.Barbee |
| | PO-GeP-T-821 : Use of a Novel Software Technology for Design and Production of Patient-Specific Silicone Bolus J.Robar*, J.Clancey, L.Best, K.Moran, A.Sengupta |
| | PO-GeP-T-822 : Use of DLG Tuning to Achieve Beam Matching for TrueBeam Linacs K.Sukumar*, Y.Liu, E.Elder, A.Iwinski Sutter, H.Gao, B.Bradshaw Ghavidel |
| | PO-GeP-T-823 : Use of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for Enterprise-Wide Implementation of Cloud Based Treatment Planning Infrastructure A.Kubli*, M.Kirk, T.LaCouture, K.Wilson, V.Nettleton, A.Macrone, E.Gressen, N.Degregorio, A.Harrison |
| | PO-GeP-T-824 : Use of Octavius 4D for the Patient Specific Dose Validation of Single-Isocenter Multiple Brain Metastasis Stereotactic Radiosurgery J.McCulloch*, J.Pawlowski, N.Kirby, K.Rasmussen, Z.Shi, P.Myers, S.Stathakis, N.Papanikolaou, D.Saenz |
| | PO-GeP-T-825 : Use of VirtuaLinac to Perform Monte-Carlo Based Dose Calculation for Verification of Radiotherapy Treatments On a Jawless Ring Gantry Linac with Double Stack MLC A.Sethi*, Z.Ji, R.Liu, E.Laugeman, D.Sawkey, T.Zhao, S.Mutic, G.Hugo, B.Cai |
| | PO-GeP-T-826 : Using a Commercial Convolution/Superposition Dose Engine for MR-LINAC On-Line Plan QA Y.Li*, T.Song, B.Wang, S.Ding, H.Liu, Y.XIA, X.HUANG |
| | PO-GeP-T-827 : Using Flattening Filter Free (FFF) Beams in Electronic Tissue Compensation (ECOMP) Whole Breast Irradiation with Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) for Left Sided Breast Cancer S.Wisnoskie*, A.Wahl, N.Bennion, A.Granatowicz, X.Liang, S.Zhou, D.Zheng |
| | PO-GeP-T-828 : Using Image-Based Immobilization Devices for Prostate Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy with Treatment Plans Derived From MR-Simulation L.Voros*, V.Yu, S.Hellman, P.Booth, M.Hunt, M.Zelefsky, D.Lovelock, J.Deasy |
| | PO-GeP-T-829 : Using In-Vivo EPID Measurements to Detect Deviations and Track Trends in Machine Performance Per Treatment Day C.Bojechko*, J.Zavala Bojorquez |
| | PO-GeP-T-830 : Using In-Vivo EPID Measurements to Improve Bowel Toxicity Modeling V.Moiseenko*, T.Nelson, D.Simpson, C.Bojechko |
| | PO-GeP-T-831 : Using Machine Learning Techniques to Determine Dose Thresholds Predictive of Grade >= 2 Acute Rectal Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Radiation Therapy J.Li, S.Vora, S.Schild, W.Wong, M.Fatyga, J.Hu*, W.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-T-832 : Using Varian Eclipse as An Independent MU Check for MRI-Guided Radiation Therapy J.Yang*, P.Zhang, N.Tyagi, P.Godoy Scripes, J.Mechalakos, A.Li, D.Lovelock, S.Lim |
| | PO-GeP-T-834 : Utilizing the Bragg Peak for Proton Flash Radiation M.Kim*, K.Shoniyozov, C.Koumenis, J.Metz, K.Cengel, L.Dong, E.Diffenderfer |
| | PO-GeP-T-835 : Vaginal Cylinder HDR Brachytherapy: Effect of Inhomogeneity On Dose Calculation M.Meftahi*, W.Song |
| | PO-GeP-T-836 : Validation and Implementation of Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Nozzle Using TOPAS Monte Carlo Simulation C.Lin*, Y.Feng |
| | PO-GeP-T-837 : Validation of a Commercial Software Dose Calculation for Y-90 Microspheres M.Guerrero*, M.Lin, W.Yao, B.Yi, S.Becker, J.Molitoris, A.Kaiser |
| | PO-GeP-T-838 : Validation of a New Tool for Testing Spatial Accuracy of Off-Axis Beam Apertures Used in Single-Isocenter Stereotactic Treatment of Multiple-Metastases of the Brain D.Pinkham*, A.Murray, H.Kudrolli, S.Hancock |
| | PO-GeP-T-839 : Validation of a Non-Isocentric Positioning of the ArcCHECK System for Patient-Specific QA On a 0.35 T MR-Linac O.Lorenzo, A.Petitfils, I.Bessieres* |
| | PO-GeP-T-840 : Validation of a Software Module to Verify the Fidelity of Arc Plan Delivery in Real Time V.Sarkar*, A.Paxton, J.Kunz, M.Szegedi, G.Nelson, P.Rassiah-Szegedi, H.Zhao, Y.Huang, F.Su, B.Salter |
| | PO-GeP-T-841 : Validation of ArcCHECK for Use with a Novel Ring Gantry-Based Biology-Guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) Machine D.Zaks, M.Narayanan*, R.Bassalow, O.Volotskova, C.Huntzinger, S.Shirvani, S.Mazin, G.Kuduvalli |
| | PO-GeP-T-842 : Validation of COMPASS for Pre-Treatment Patient-Specific Quality Assurance S.Sharma*, M.Sairem, A.Binjola, V.Subramani, S.Chander |
| | PO-GeP-T-843 : Validation of CT Calibration for Proton Therapy Using Water-Based Materials M.Cohilis*, E.Sterpin, K.Salvo, T.Depuydt, J.Lee, K.Souris |
| | PO-GeP-T-844 : Validation of OSLD In-Vivo Dosimetry for Total Body Irradiation E.Draeger, Z.Chen, X.Tang* |
| | PO-GeP-T-845 : Validation of the Proton Pristine Bragg Peak in a Compact Synchrotron Treatment System Y.Xu*, H.Kooy, N.Depauw, J.Shin, G.Sharp, B.Winey, K.Jee, B.Clasie |
| | PO-GeP-T-846 : Validation the Robustness of Breast Intensity-Modulated Proton Plans Against Setup Errors X.Liang*, D.Zheng, R.Mailhot Vega, Z.Li, N.Mendenhall, J.Bradley |
| | PO-GeP-T-847 : Varian Halcyon/Ethos for Breast Radiotherapy C.Stanton*, B.Zwan, A.Lee, B.Griffiths, K.Wu, K.Richardson, R.Bromley, M.Morgia, G.Lamoury, S.Carroll |
| | PO-GeP-T-848 : Verification of Brainlab Elements for Treating Multiple Brain Metastases with a Single Isocenter H.Jiang*, R.Badkul, N.Demez, H.Saleh |
| | PO-GeP-T-849 : Verification of MV Radiation Isocenter Using the CIRS ISO Phantom Model 23A W.Donahue*, H.Chen, M.Lazea, Z.Chen, B.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-T-851 : VMAT Vs 7-Field-IMRT with MR-Linac: Comparison of Dosimetric Parameters for Prostate Cancers D.Lee*, S.Lee, S.Oh, R.Fuhrer, J.Sohn |
| | PO-GeP-T-852 : Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Based Total Body Irradiation Five Year Clinical Experience E.Zhang, D.Parsons*, J.Tan, M.Joo, R.Reynolds, Y.Zhang, P.Lee, E.Chambers, N.Desai, T.Dan, K.Kumar, X.Gu |
| | PO-GeP-T-853 : Volumetric Proton Therapy at Relativistic Energies M.Freeman*, E.Aulwes, F.Merrill, D.Tupa, M.Espy |
| | PO-GeP-T-854 : Voxel-Based Analysis for Pericardial Effusion and Mortality in Patients Treated with Photons and Protons for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer R.Mohan*, S.Monti, T.Xu, M.Durante, L.Cella, Z.Liao, G.Palma |
| | PO-GeP-T-855 : Voxel-Specific Characterization of An Anthropomorphic Phantom as the Ultimate Ground Truth to Evaluate the Accuracy of Various Imaging Methods of Proton Therapy C.Chang*, J.Harms, S.Charyyev, J.Zhou, X.Yang, L.Lin |
| | PO-GeP-T-856 : Workflow Analysis for Framed Gamma Knife Treatments J.Liu*, E.Calugaru, J.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-T-857 : Workflow Analysis of Frameless Gamma Knife Treatments J.Liu*, E.Calugaru, J.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-T-858 : Automated SBRT Planning Using Constrained Hierarchical Optimization: Three Year Clinical Experience with Over 1900 Patients L.Hong*, Y.Zhou, Q.Huang, J.Yang, H.Pham, J.Mechalakos, M.Hunt, J.Deasy, M.Zarepisheh |