| | PO-GeP-I-1 : 3D Dose Reconstruction Using An In-House Radioluminescence Imaging System M.jia*, L.Wang, Y.Yang, L.Xing, X.Li |
| | PO-GeP-I-2 : A 5D Motion Phantom for Simulating Simultaneous Cardiac and Respiratory Motions X.Wu*, S.Goddu, A.Curcuru, H.Gach, H.Li, D.Yang |
| | PO-GeP-I-3 : A Body Mass Index-Based Method for Size-Specific Dose Estimates (SSDE) in Adults D.Yan*, B.Chen, W.Lu, J.Qiu, L.Shi |
| | PO-GeP-I-4 : A Comparison of Noise Properties Between Statistical-Based Hybrid and Model-Base Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in CT C.Schaeffer*, S.Leon, E.Olguin, M.Arreola |
| | PO-GeP-I-5 : A Deep Learning Approach On Cirrhosis Diagnosis Utilizing Ultrasound B-Mode Images of Segmented Liver Left Lobes Using Liver Biopsy as the Gold Standard P.Drazinos, I.Gatos, S.Tsantis, P.Zoumpoulis, I.Theotokas, D.Mihailidis, G.Kagadis* |
| | PO-GeP-I-6 : A Deep Learning-Based End-To-End CT Reconstruction Method K.Lu*, L.Ren, F.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-I-7 : A Deep-Learning Neural Network Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Sparse-View CT I.Herrera, P.Mandke, W.Feng, G.Cao* |
| | PO-GeP-I-8 : A Five Year Review of Established Local DRLs for Adult CT Examinations in Nova Scotia S.Schofield, E.Tonkopi* |
| | PO-GeP-I-9 : A Machine Learning Based Automatic Lung Lobe Segmentation in Fast Helical Free Breathing CT Scans L.Naumann*, B.Stiehl, M.Lauria, R.Pande, S.Suthar, H.Sundaram, S.Narayanan, S.Siva, D.Low, A.Santhanam |
| | PO-GeP-I-10 : A Method for Assessing Confidence of Dual-Contrast Photon-Counting CT Material Quantification C.Leary*, T.Griglock |
| | PO-GeP-I-11 : A Multifunction Software Tool for ACR MRI QC Evaluation and Accreditation Program J.Wang*, W.Sobol |
| | PO-GeP-I-12 : A New Approach for Coronary Calcium Scoring at Reduced Dose with Lower Tube Voltage -A Simulation Study Based On Reference Image Acquisitions Y.Zhou*, D.Zhang, W.Paz |
| | PO-GeP-I-13 : A Novel Linear Model for Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based On Spin Echo Sequence: A Feasibility Study S.Li*, Y.Zhang, H.Wu |
| | PO-GeP-I-14 : A Novel Technique in Therapeutic Ultrasound: Histotripsy and Aberration Correction in Heterogenous Tissue z.Xu, E.Yeats, V.Kumar* |
| | PO-GeP-I-15 : A Phantom-Based Assessment of Low-Contrast Performance Comparing Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in CT S.Leon*, C.Schaeffer, E.Olguin, M.Arreola |
| | PO-GeP-I-16 : A Preliminary Study of the Geometric Distortion in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Simulation x.liu, J.Qiu |
| | PO-GeP-I-17 : A Rapid Dual VENC Scheme for Velocity-To-Noise Ratio (VNR) Optimization in Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging A.Ajala*, J.Zhang, E.Buko, B.Cheong, P.Hor, R.Muthupillai |
| | PO-GeP-I-18 : A Robust Real-Time Acceleration and Reconstruction Scheme for Rapid MRI Using Principal Component Analysis M.Wright*, B.Dietz, E.Yip, J.Yun, B.Fallone, K.Wachowicz |
| | PO-GeP-I-19 : A Semi-Automatic Cardiac Substructure Segmentation Platform for Radiotherapy Planning CT E.Zhang*, J.Li, R.Timmerman, P.Allur, M.Chen, W.Lu, X.Gu |
| | PO-GeP-I-20 : A Sparse Sampling RF Pulse Sequence for 3D 13C Metabolic MR Chemical Shift Imaging J.Wang* |
| | PO-GeP-I-21 : A Study On Fast CBCT J.Dai, M.Li* |
| | PO-GeP-I-22 : Accuracy of Dual-Energy CT Virtual Non-Contrast/unenhanced and Material Density Images: A Phantom Study B.Li*, M.Pomerleau, A.Gupta, J.Soto, S.Anderson |
| | PO-GeP-I-23 : Accuracy of the Fill Factor Formula in the Halbach System F.Balci, N.Dogan, A.Bingolbali* |
| | PO-GeP-I-24 : Accurate 3D Stopping-Power Ratio Estimation by Statistical Image Reconstruction From Dual Energy CT Sinogram Data Exported From a Commercial Multi-Slice CT Scanner M.Medrano*, T.Ge, D.Politte, J.Williamson, T.Zhao, R.Liu, R.Liao, M.Porras-Chaverri, B.Whiting, J.O'Sullivan |
| | PO-GeP-I-25 : Advanced Silicon Photomultiplier ASIC Readout for PET Imaging Applications D.Yang, X.Cheng, W.Zhang, D.Gong, Q.Sun, J.Ye, Y.Shao, |
| | PO-GeP-I-26 : Age Differences in Default-Mode, Executive-Control, and Salience Networks During Working Memory L.Zhang, W.Chai, Z.Qu, Q.Jiao, W.Cao*, C.Luo, D.Yao |
| | PO-GeP-I-27 : AirNet: Fused Analytical and Iterative Reconstruction with Deep Learning Regularization of Densely Connected Deep Neural Networks for Sparse-Data CT G.Chen*, Q.Huang, B.Bradshaw Ghavidel, T.Liu, H.Gao |
| | PO-GeP-I-28 : Altered BNST-Insula Functional Connectivity in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder W.Cao*, Y.Guo, D.Cui, Q.Jiao, W.Gao, L.Su, G.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-I-29 : Altered Volume of Hippocampus Subfield in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Patients Revealed by Structural MRI L.Kuang, Y.Guo, D.Cui, Q.Jiao*, W.Cao, W.Gao, L.Su, G.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-I-30 : An Approach for Evaluating Image Registration and Dose Accumulation Errors Based On Dose Gradient X.Wu*, J.Ippolito, P.Grigsby, H.Gach, J.Williamson, D.Yang |
| | PO-GeP-I-31 : An Investigation of Using a Single CT Image to Assess Size-Specific Dose Estimates (SSDE) A.Abuhaimed*, C.Martin |
| | PO-GeP-I-32 : An Optimised Diffusion MRI Technique To Study Neuron Microstructure N.Arezza*, D.Tse, C.Baron |
| | PO-GeP-I-33 : Anti-Scatter Grid Performance in 2D Breast X-Ray Imaging R.Boggs*, M.Yester, G.Barnes |
| | PO-GeP-I-34 : Apparent Transverse Relaxation Times of Omega-3 and Non-Omega-3 Fat Methyl Protons in Mouse Adipose Tissue at 9.4 T C.Fallone*, A.Tessier, C.Field, A.Yahya |
| | PO-GeP-I-35 : Assessment of Image Quality and Dose Reduction Via Grid Elimination Using Statistical Pixel Angiography Over Digital Subtraction Angiography in Interventional Radiology E.Olguin*, L.Rill, M.Arreola |
| | PO-GeP-I-36 : Assessment of the Patient-Specific Image Quality for Chest Computed Tomography with Automatic Tube-Current Modulation Y.Huang*, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-I-37 : Automated ACR Image Analysis for MR Imaging for All Seven Tests C.Burton* |
| | PO-GeP-I-38 : Automatic CT Air Bubble Artifact Detection in Routine QC Images A.Verones*, S.Wong, J.Cheung, T.Lee, T.Bjarnason |
| | PO-GeP-I-39 : Automatic Neurological Disorder Diagnosis Using Fractal-Based Manifold Learning with Resting-State FMRI N.Xu, Y.Zhou*, A.Patel, Y.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-I-40 : BGNet: Towards Bridging Gaps in Multi-Level Features to Improve Medical Image Segmentation Y.Muyuan, X.Qi, S.Tan* |
| | PO-GeP-I-41 : Building 3D Dynamic Keyhole Library with Compressive Sensing and Parallel Imaging Reconstruction D.Lam*, B.Lewis, H.Gach, S.Mutic, T.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-I-42 : Building a Comprehensive 4DCT QA Program M.Camborde*, T.Karan, K.Luchka |
| | PO-GeP-I-43 : Calculation of Radiation Doses to Patients Undergoing Interventional Procedures by Monte Carlo Simulations H.Nam, M.Lee, H.Na, K.Kim* |
| | PO-GeP-I-44 : CBCT Image Reconstruction to Compensate for Gravity-Induced Motion During Patient Rotation M.Gardner*, E.Debrot, O.Dillon, C.Shieh, S.Downes, M.Jackson, P.Liu, P.Keall |
| | PO-GeP-I-45 : CBCT-Based Radiomics of Prostate Cancer for Predicting Patient Outcome to Radiotherapy R.Delgadillo*, B.Spieler, J.Ford, D.Kwon, F.Yang, M.Studenski, K.Padgett, M.Abramowitz, R.Stoyanova, A.Pollack, N.Dogan |
| | PO-GeP-I-46 : Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping Using Resting-State Functional MRI in Patient with Gliomas M.Yeh*, E.Gates, P.Hou, V.Kumar, J.Johnson, K.Noll, S.Prabhu, S.Ferguson, G.Rao, D.Schomer, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-I-47 : Challenges to Harmonization in CT Protocol Management and Review D.Gauntt* |
| | PO-GeP-I-48 : Characterization of Liver and Pancreatic Tumor Motion Using Real-Time Planar Cine MR Images D.Gunasekara*, J.Darko, E.Osei, B.Maraghechi, T.Mazur, H.Li |
| | PO-GeP-I-49 : Characterization of Tissue Optical Properties for Total Skin Electron Treatment (TSET) Patients Using Multifiber Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy System T.Zhu, Y.Ong* |
| | PO-GeP-I-50 : Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI: Sensitive to Intracellular PH Change Over Time in a Rat Model of Brain Cancer M.Mozaffari*, N.Nystrom, A.Li, M.Bellyou, T.Scholl, R.Bartha |
| | PO-GeP-I-51 : Clinical Decision Making in CT: Risk Assessment Comparison Across 12 Risk Metrics in Patient Populations F.Ria*, W.Fu, J.Hoye, P.Segars, A.Kapadia, E.Samei |
| | PO-GeP-I-52 : Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels in Diagnostic Radiology: Preliminary Results in Qatar H.Al Naemi*, M.Kharita, A.Omar, A.Al Obadli, M.Al Kuwari, A.Mohamed, S.Alkhazzam, A.Aly, V.Tsapaki |
| | PO-GeP-I-53 : Clinical Dosimetry Tool Implementation of I-131 MIBG Therapy for Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma R.Perez Franco*, A.Pugachev |
| | PO-GeP-I-54 : Clinical Impact Study of a New High Resolution Fluoroscopic Imager: Analysis of 400,000 Irradiation Events A.Kuhls-Gilcrist*, M.Hohn, N.Xenos, D.Marek, Y.Hoi |
| | PO-GeP-I-55 : CNR Dependence On Spatial Resolution and Subject Contrast in Phase Contrast CT B.Nelson*, S.Leng, C.McCollough |
| | PO-GeP-I-56 : Comparing Radiation Output and Image Quality Between Factory-Default and Clinically-Used Protocols for a Single-Plane Flat-Panel-Detector Based Fluoroscopy System: A Call for Optimizing Equipment Performance J.Dave* |
| | PO-GeP-I-57 : Comparison and Validation of Noise Magnitude Estimation Methods From Patient CT Images F.Ria*, T.Smith, E.Abadi, J.Solomon, E.Samei |
| | PO-GeP-I-58 : Comparison of Image Noise in Dual Energy CT Images Reconstructed Using Filtered Back-Projection, Hybrid Iterative Reconstruction, and Deep Learning Methods P.Prakash*, B.Nett, J.Tang |
| | PO-GeP-I-59 : Comparison of IMAR and AiMAR Techniques for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT-Guided Microwave Ablations M.Jacobsen*, E.Thompson, X.Liu, B.Odisio, E.Cressman, R.Layman |
| | PO-GeP-I-60 : Comparison of Lens Dose Received During 2.5 MV and 6 MV Imaging T.Tran*, B.Subramanian |
| | PO-GeP-I-61 : Comparison of Radiomic Feature Variability Between Different MR Pulse Sequences in Brain Metastases D.Mitchell*, S.Buszek, B.Tran, H.Liu, S.Ferguson, C.Chung |
| | PO-GeP-I-62 : Compatibility Evaluation of Dose Modulations Among Various CT Scanners J.James*, G.Anthony, Y.Liang |
| | PO-GeP-I-63 : Concepts in Protocol Management and Review From TG309 D.Gauntt* |
| | PO-GeP-I-64 : Constancy Measurements On a Re-Purposed Water Tank Electrometer H.Jans* |
| | PO-GeP-I-65 : Correlation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Water Equivalent Diameter (Dw) Used for Size-Specific Dose Estimates (SSDE) A.Abuhaimed*, C.Martin |
| | PO-GeP-I-66 : Cross-Modality Esophagus Segmentation Using Physics-Based Data Augmentation S.Alam*, T.Li, S.Zhang, D.Lee, P.Zhang, S.Nadeem |
| | PO-GeP-I-67 : CT Exam Alert Level Setting, Evaluation, and Case Examples R.Lamoureux*, D.Sandoval, G.Chambers, R.Selwyn |
| | PO-GeP-I-68 : CT Textures Predict Post-Treatment Radiation-Related Fibrosis in Head-And-Neck Cancer Patients D.Toomeh*, I.Mihaylov, D.Kwon, G.Azzam, S.Samuels |
| | PO-GeP-I-69 : CT-Derived Pulmonary Perfusion E.Castillo*, R.Castillo, Y.Vinogradskiy, G.Nair, I.Grills, T.Guerrero, C.Stevens |
| | PO-GeP-I-70 : DAP Measurements in Dental/Maxillofacial Cone Beam CT E.Gingold*, A.Stratis, D.Mihailidis |
| | PO-GeP-I-71 : DCT-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Low Dose CT Reconstruction L.Li, J.Wang, S.Tan* |
| | PO-GeP-I-72 : Deep Learning-Based Model Observer for Image Quality Evaluation of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis S.Choi*, S.Choi, H.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-I-73 : Deep-Learning-Based CT ImageStandardization to Improve Stability of Radiomics Features in Non-Small CellLung Cancer J.Zhang*, M.Selim, M.Brooks, B.Fei, G.Zhang, J.Chen |
| | PO-GeP-I-74 : Dental and Maxillofacial Cone Beam Computed Tomography Dose Index in Full-Fan and Full-Scan Mode S.Jia*, L.Zhang, Y.Xing, H.Gao |
| | PO-GeP-I-75 : Design and Fabricating Diagnostic X-Ray Spectrum Unfolding Systems Based On HPGe Detector and CR Film A.Mahjoob, S.Sina*, R.Faghihi |
| | PO-GeP-I-76 : Design of a Parallel Transmit System for TRASE Radiofrequency-Encoded MRI H.Sun*, J.Sharp |
| | PO-GeP-I-77 : Detectability of Urinary Stone Sizes and Compositions by Various Scanning Parameters in Dual Energy CT J.Shin, H.Choi, S.Pak, Y.Kwon |
| | PO-GeP-I-78 : Determination of Backscatter Factors in Diagnostic Kilovoltage X-Ray Beams R.Tanabe*, F.Araki, T.Ohno |
| | PO-GeP-I-79 : Developing a Novel Approach for ECG Classification Using Modified Local Binary Patterns e.zeraatkar*, M.Gholamian, N.Jahani, M.Yazdi |
| | PO-GeP-I-80 : Development and Evaluation of General Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction (G-SMEIR) S.Zhou*, Y.Chi, J.Wang, M.Jin |
| | PO-GeP-I-81 : Development and Validation of a GPU Based Monte Carlo Simulator for Diffraction Imaging in Cancer O.Fasina*, A.Kapadia |
| | PO-GeP-I-82 : Development of a Pulsed Accelerator for Short Half Life PET Isotope Production Q.Diot*, D.Westerly, M.Miften |
| | PO-GeP-I-83 : Development of a Quality Assurance Phantom for Proton Radiographic Images Using the MEVION Spot Scanning Proton Therapy System C.Pelas*, Z.Richards, N.Alsbou, S.Ahmad, I.Ali |
| | PO-GeP-I-84 : Development of An MRI Gradient Coil for Use in a Compact Head-Only MRI Platform Capable of Imaging C7 and Below E.Lessard*, W.Handler, B.Chronik |
| | PO-GeP-I-85 : Development of An Optical/micro-CT Specimen Imaging System Optimized for Breast Conserving Surgery B.Maloney*, S.Streeter, M.Jermyn, M.Gesner, P.Travis, J.Kempner, J.Meganck, K.Paulsen, B.Pogue |
| | PO-GeP-I-86 : Diagnosis of White Matter Hyperintensities Using Brain Morphometry and Support Vector Machine L.Zheng, W.Lu, W.Lu*, L.Shi, J.Qiu |
| | PO-GeP-I-87 : Digital Whole Slides-Based Deep Learning for the Prediction of Treatment Outcome in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma H.Yu, D.Jing, W.Lu, W.Lu, J.Qiu, L.Shi* |
| | PO-GeP-I-88 : Directly Measuring Peak Skin Dose During Fluoroscopically-Guided Neuroradiology Interventional Surgeries N.Quails*, D.Laurent, B.Corliss, B.Hoh, A.Polifka, W.Fox, L.Rill, M.Arreola |
| | PO-GeP-I-89 : Distinguishing Triglyceride and Diglyceride Content with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3 T E.Saive, L.Fairgrieve-park, A.Yahya* |
| | PO-GeP-I-90 : Distribution of Lead (Pb) and Selenium (Se) in Mouse Brain Following Subchronic Pb Exposure by Using Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence A.Webb*, K.Spiers, G.Falkenberg, H.Gu, Y.Du, W.Zheng, H.Nie |
| | PO-GeP-I-91 : Does the Radiation Output From Mobile C-Arms of the Same Vendor Utilizing Different Image-Receptor Technology Differ? J.Dave* |
| | PO-GeP-I-92 : Dose Alert Levels for Pediatric General Fluoroscopy & Mobile C-Arms Studies K.Strauss*, S.Brady, E.Somasundaram |
| | PO-GeP-I-93 : Dose Comparison of Elekta Infinity 4D Symmetry Scan Versus Cone Beam CT I.Koistinen*, M.Koistinen |
| | PO-GeP-I-95 : Dose to the Lens of the Eye During Automated Computed Tomography Examination of Acute Stroke Patients W.O'Connell*, E.Silvestrini, M.Ghanim |
| | PO-GeP-I-96 : Dual Energy CT Protocol Optimization for Increased Blood Detectability of Virtual Non-Contrast Images in a Single Source Dual Energy CT System: A Phantom Study C.Olguin*, S.Leon, I.Barreto, R.De Jesus, M.Arreola |
| | PO-GeP-I-97 : Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI (dOE-MRI): A Method to Detect Tumour Oxygenation Changes After VEGF-Ablation Therapy F.Moosvi*, J.Baker, A.Minchinton, S.Reinsberg |
| | PO-GeP-I-98 : Early Detection of Changes in Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake Before and After Radiotherapy Using 17 Segment Model in Patients with Esophageal Cancer X.Sha, G.Gong, Y.Yin* |
| | PO-GeP-I-99 : Effect of Contrast Agent Administration On Water Equivalent Diameter in CT B.Viggiano*, T.Szczykutowicz |
| | PO-GeP-I-100 : Effect of Gonadal Shielding for Adult and Pediatric Patients in Radiography of the Abdomen, a Monte Carlo Study K.Strauss*, S.Brady, E.Somasundaram |
| | PO-GeP-I-101 : Effect of Region-Of-Interest Selection On IVIM Analysis in the Liver J.Vasquez*, S.Deng, G.Clarke |
| | PO-GeP-I-102 : Enhanced 4DCT Combined with Image Histology Screening and Quantitative Analysis of Left Ventricular Myocardial Function Changes and Stability Characteristics M.Su*, G.Gong, Y.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-I-103 : EPI Distortion Correction Using Log-Demons Method in MR Diffusion Tensor Images T.Arsenault*, F.Yin, J.Chino, O.Craciunescu, Z.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-I-104 : Establishing Diagnostic Radiation Dose Levels in Pediatric Osseous Survey Studies in Mississippi H.Khosravi*, J.Storrs, A.Fatemi |
| | PO-GeP-I-105 : Estimating Water-Equivalent Diameter From CT Localizers and Applying It to Patient Data C.Burton* |
| | PO-GeP-I-106 : Estimation of 3D Imaging Dose for KV-MV-STR CBCT M.Shi*, M.Jacobson, M.Myronakis, D.Ferguson, M.Lehmann, P.Baturin, T.Harris, P.Huber, R.Fueglistaller, I.Valencia Lozano, C.Williams, D.Morf, R.Berbeco |
| | PO-GeP-I-107 : Estimation of X-Ray Energy Spectrum for CT Scanner From Percentage Depth Dose Measurement Y.Hasegawa*, A.Haga, D.Sakata, Y.Kanazawa, M.Tominaga, M.Sasaki, T.Imae, K.Nakagawa |
| | PO-GeP-I-108 : Evaluating Breast Tomosynthesis with a Multi-Projection Observer for Arbitrary Lesion Shapes J.Mainprize*, M.Yaffe |
| | PO-GeP-I-109 : Evaluation of a Low Energy X-Ray Diffraction Imaging System for Breast Tissue Characterization J.Xiao*, A.Kapadia, J.Greenberg, S.Striker |
| | PO-GeP-I-110 : Evaluation of a Z Resolution Enhancement Method (Fine Z) in CT B.Nett*, A.Hagiwara, K.Mcclure |
| | PO-GeP-I-111 : Evaluation of Coordinate Coincidence Among Multiple Image Guidance Systems K.Ouchi*, N.Hayashi, T.Ogawa, T.Saito, H.Anma, K.Yasui |
| | PO-GeP-I-112 : Evaluation of Deep Learning Based Image Reconstruction for Dual Energy CT Gout Imaging E.Nett*, M.Dimoff |
| | PO-GeP-I-113 : Evaluation of Dual-Energy CT Reconstructed Virtual Monoenergetic Images for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning B.Broekhoven*, W.Godwin, D.McDonald |
| | PO-GeP-I-114 : Evaluation of Fluoroscopic Image Quality in Interventional Cardiology Using Channelized Hotelling Observer S.Tao*, B.Schueler, K.Fetterly |
| | PO-GeP-I-115 : Evaluation of Image Quality in Digital Radiography Based On Marginal Detectability A.Scott*, Y.Zhou, D.Zhang, N.Binesh, C.Lee, W.Bosteder |
| | PO-GeP-I-116 : Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms Performance for the Classification of Euthymic Pediatric Bipolar Disorder and Healthy Adolescents From Resting-State FMRI Data T.Wang, Y.Guo, Q.Jiao*, W.Cao, D.Cui, W.Gao, L.Su, G.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-I-117 : Evaluation of Phantom Image Quality with Curved and Flat Compression Paddle in 2D Mammography P.Brunick*, J.Yang |
| | PO-GeP-I-118 : Evaluation of Radiomic Feature Stability for CT Imaging Parameters in Lung Nodules S.Koizumi*, T.Magome |
| | PO-GeP-I-119 : Evaluation of Synthetic CT Generation From CBCT Using a Deep Learning Model A.Haidari*, D.Granville, E.Ali |
| | PO-GeP-I-120 : Fast DTI Using Deep Learning Based On Cartesian and Non-Cartesian Undersampling Schemes Z.Gao*, T.Arsenault, Z.Chang |
| | PO-GeP-I-121 : Feasibility of An Analytical Medical Image Quality Assessment That Requires No User Input F.Eashour*, S.Pistorius |
| | PO-GeP-I-122 : Feasibility of Anatomy-Specific Exposure Index in Clinical Digital Radiography Images Z.Long*, L.Littrell, B.Schueler |
| | PO-GeP-I-123 : Feasibility of Using Average Intensity Projection of 4D In-Treatment CBCT for Patient Setup Verification J.Kim*, C.Hong, K.Keum, J.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-I-125 : Good Methodological Practices in Radiomics: FAIR-Inspired Strategies for Managing and Preserving Costly Information G.Couture*, D.LeBlanc, L.Archambault, P.Després |
| | PO-GeP-I-126 : Gout Phantom for Dual Energy CT M.Dimoff*, E.Nett |
| | PO-GeP-I-127 : Gray Matter-Based Radiomics and Machine Learning for the Diagnosis of Attention-Ddeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder S.Zhao*, Z.Mu, H.Zhao, J.Qiu, W.Lu, W.Lu, L.Shi |
| | PO-GeP-I-128 : Heel Effect and Its KVp Dependence in Mammography V.Garcia*, C.Stallcup, W.Wang |
| | PO-GeP-I-129 : High Temporal Resolution DCE-MRI Using Partial K-Space Data for Imaging the Early Phase of Contrast Agent Uptake Z.Ren*, T.Easley, F.Pineda, X.Fan, M.Zamora, D.Mustafi, C.Wu, R.Barber, T.Yankeelov, G.Karczmar |
| | PO-GeP-I-130 : How Localizer Orders Impact Image Quality and Radiation Dose in Computed Tomography - A Phantom Study J.Jimenez, J.Rong, C.Jensen, A.Jones, X.Liu* |
| | PO-GeP-I-131 : Image Quality Assessment of Samsung GM 85 Mobile Digital Radiographic Units Using Leeds TOR CDR Phantom O.Osunbayo*, J.Feng |
| | PO-GeP-I-132 : Image Quality Improvements in a CT Head Pad B.Nett*, G.Wagner |
| | PO-GeP-I-133 : Image Quality in the Slice-Plane of Half-Reconstructed Computed Tomography in Filtered Back Projection and Iterative Reconstruction Methods N.Tsuda*, K.Mitsui, S.Oda, N.Tanaka, H.Aibe |
| | PO-GeP-I-134 : Imaging Biomarker Analysis for Grading Malignant Gliomas Based On a Few Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences T.Nakamoto*, W.Takahashi, A.Haga, S.Takahashi, S.Kiryu, K.Nawa, T.Ohta, S.Ozaki, Y.Nozawa, S.Tanaka, A.Mukasa, K.Nakagawa |
| | PO-GeP-I-135 : Impact of a 3D Convolution Neural Network Method On Liver Segmentation: An Accuracy and Time-Savings Evaluation N.Cole*, H.Wan, J.Niedbala, Y.Dewaraja, A.Kruzer, D.Pittock, C.Halley, A.Nelson |
| | PO-GeP-I-136 : Impact of Low Contrast Objects On a PET Continuous Bed Motion Data Driven Gating Algorithm J.Meier*, O.Mawlawi |
| | PO-GeP-I-137 : Impact of Quantization Parameters On Radiomics Feature Variation in Low Field Strength Magnetic Resonance Images G.Simpson*, G.Simpson, J.Ford, F.Yang, N.Dogan |
| | PO-GeP-I-138 : Impact of Scanner Speed On the Rate of Radiologist Complaint of Motion Artifact On Pediatric Body CT M.Lipford*, T.Szczykutowicz |
| | PO-GeP-I-139 : Improvement of Image Quality Using Image-Domain Multi-Material Decomposition Framework for Dual-Energy CT H.Kim, H.Lee*, S.Choi |
| | PO-GeP-I-140 : Influence of Water Equivalent Diameter (Dw) Variability Inside the Scan Area On Size-Specific Dose Estimates (SSDE) A.Abuhaimed, C.Martin* |
| | PO-GeP-I-141 : Initial Empirical Investigation of Photon Counting Circuits Based On Polycrystalline Silicon TFTs A.Liang*, M.Koniczek, Y.El-Mohri, Q.Zhao, L.Antonuk |
| | PO-GeP-I-142 : Integrating Gross Tumor Volume and Margin Features to Predict Treatment Response for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients M.diMayorca*, Y.Zhang, L.Shi, X.Sun, S.Jabbour, Y.Zhang, N.Yue, K.Nie |
| | PO-GeP-I-143 : Inter-Scanner T1 and T2 Mapping Evaluation Using Multiple MRI Phantoms at 3T J.Yu*, S.Fahrenholtz, Y.Zhou, W.Sensakovic, A.Panda |
| | PO-GeP-I-144 : Investigating in Vivo PH Mapping Using Hyperpolarized 31-Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Imaging L.Smith*, C.Mckenzie |
| | PO-GeP-I-145 : Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Artifacts in Digital Radiography J.Wells*, L.Washington, E.Samei |
| | PO-GeP-I-146 : Linear Regression for Modeling Common Fluoroscopy Dose Metrics in Cardiac Catheterization Procedures S.Mann*, Z.Wegermann, M.Russ, T.Wei, W.Jones |
| | PO-GeP-I-147 : Machine Learning Based On CT Radiomic Features Can Predict Residual Tumor From Radiation Changes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Definitive Chemoradiotherapy E.Florez*, T.Thomas, C.M. Howard, H.Khosravi, J.Storrs, S.Lirette, A.Fatemi |
| | PO-GeP-I-148 : Matching Convolution Kernels and Iterative Reconstruction for Quantitative Accuracy and Noise Power Spectrum in Dual-Layer and Dual-Source Spectral CT G.Anthony*, Y.Liang |
| | PO-GeP-I-149 : Metal Artifact in CBCT and the Impact On Dental Implant Planning A.Ismail, N.Ford* |
| | PO-GeP-I-150 : Metal Artifact Reduction Algorithms for CT in the Trauma Setting: Do They Take Too Long? S.Rose*, M.Lipford, N.Stabo, B.Carrie, M.Lubner, T.Szczykutowicz |
| | PO-GeP-I-151 : Modification of the Vendor Computed Tomography Stray Radiation Data Using Pediatric Patient Parameters for Shielding Design W.Wang*, V.Garcia |
| | PO-GeP-I-152 : Monte Carlo Simulation of Laboratory X-Ray Grating Interferometry Setups S.Tessarini*, M.Fix, W.Volken, D.Frei, P.Manser, J.Vila Comamala, M.Stampanoni |
| | PO-GeP-I-153 : Monte Carlo Simulation-Based Feasibility Study of Novel Digital Mammograpy System to Reduce Scattered Radiation Y.Yoon*, J.Morishita, J.Kim, K.Kim |
| | PO-GeP-I-155 : Non-Circular Source-Detector Trajectories Suitable for Limited Angle and Low-Dose CBCT-Based Interventions S.Hatamikia*, A.Biguri, G.Kronreif, J.Kettenbach, T.Russ, W.Birkfellner |
| | PO-GeP-I-156 : Novel Radiotherapy Application of Eulerian Amplification for Predicting Skin Erythema R.Culcasi*, M.Snyder |
| | PO-GeP-I-157 : NRsim: Normal Resolution Simulations Using High Resolution Acquisitions On a Commercial CT Scanner A.Hernandez*, D.Shin, C.Abbey, J.Seibert, N.Akino, T.Goto, J.Vaishnav, K.Boedeker, J.Boone |
| | PO-GeP-I-158 : Occupational Radiation Exposure in the Radiological Departments: Assessing the Importance of Radiation Protection of Medical Radiation Workers F.Nuru*, E.Osei |
| | PO-GeP-I-159 : Optimization and Validation of An Automatic Noise Measurement Algorithm for Clinical CT Image Data M.Ahmad*, A.Thomas, M.Jacobsen, R.Layman, K.Brock |
| | PO-GeP-I-161 : Optimization of [18F]FDG Injected Activity for a New GE Discovery MI PET/CT Scanner Using a NEMA Phantom A.Hart*, T.O'Briain, M.Bazalova-Carter, A.Rahmim, W.Beckham, C.Uribe-munoz |
| | PO-GeP-I-162 : Optimizing Imaging Angles in CBCT Z.Hui*, O.Dillon |
| | PO-GeP-I-163 : Organ Dose Estimation in Body CT Examinations Using a Mathematical Model Based On Planar Scan Range Average Dose R.Faghihi, S.Sina, M.Masoudi* |
| | PO-GeP-I-164 : Pattern of Myocardial [18F]FDG Uptake Related to Radiation Dose Before and After Radiotherapy in Patients with Esophageal Cancer X.Sha*, G.Gong, Y.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-I-165 : Pediatric CT Radiation Exposure: Where We Were, and Where We Are Now A.Mustafa*, T.Goodman, E.Rowe |
| | PO-GeP-I-166 : Performance Evaluation of a Digital PET/CT Based On NEMA NU2-2018 Protocol and Jaszczak Phantom Analysis: Comparison Between 68Ga and 18F M.M. ALABDOABURAS*, L.Champion, C.Schmitt, L.Ammour, C.Provost, R.Belshi, A.Belly-poinsignon |
| | PO-GeP-I-167 : PET Count Variation During PET/MRI Acquisition with Multiple EPI Sequences E.Diller*, J.Parker |
| | PO-GeP-I-168 : Photon-Counting Detector Calibration with Pulse Pile-Up Correction Using Transmission Measurements of Step-Wedge Phantom E.Sidky*, E.Paul, J.Phillips, T.Schmidt, X.Pan |
| | PO-GeP-I-169 : Positron Emission Tomography Scatter Image Reconstruction with CNN Machine Learning G.Fontaine*, S.Pistorius |
| | PO-GeP-I-170 : Predicting the Severity of White Matter Hyperintensities Using Structural MRI and Machine Learning W.Lu*, H.Li, L.Zheng, L.Shi, W.Lu, J.Qiu |
| | PO-GeP-I-171 : Projection Acquisition Condition of Slow Gantry Rotation for Respiratory Correlated 4D Inverse Geometry Computed Tomography K.Kim*, D.Shin, T.Kim, J.Chung, S.Kang, W.Cho, T.Suh |
| | PO-GeP-I-172 : Prospective Study of PET/CT to Assess Cardiovascular Complications in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Proton and Photon Radiotherapy S.O'Reilly*, T.Johnson, T.Werner, E.Kothekar, P.Jahangiri, C.Simone, S.Swisher-McClure, S.Feigenberg, A.Alavi, J.Zou |
| | PO-GeP-I-173 : Prospective Study Using Delta-Radiomics and MRI Biomarkers to Assess Tumor Response of the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesion (DIL) at Multiple Treatment Time Points M.Dumas*, E.Mohamed, E.Carver, A.Feldman, M.Pantelic, D.Hearshen, B.Movsas, I.Chetty, N.Wen |
| | PO-GeP-I-174 : Pursuit of Efficient Image Domain Motion Estimation for G-SMEIR S.Zhou*, Y.Chi, J.Wang, M.Jin |
| | PO-GeP-I-175 : Quantification of Small Airway Dimensions Using High Resolution Computed Tomography: A Phantom Study Y.Zhao*, A.Hernandez, J.Boone, S.Molloi |
| | PO-GeP-I-176 : Quantification of the HU Variation On KV CBCT for Direct Dose Calculation in Adaptive Radiotherapy N.Givehchi*, A.StrzeleckI, M.Lehmann, M.Plamondon, S.Scheib |
| | PO-GeP-I-177 : Quantitative Analysis for Digital Radiography Systems with Various Grid Ratio Using Image Quality Indicators in Terms of ALARA Principle J.Kim*, Y.Kang, W.Youn, M.Park, W.Chung |
| | PO-GeP-I-178 : Quantitative Evaluation of Image Quality of Deep-Learning-Based CT Reconstruction Using Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) K.Yang*, A.Parakh, R.Gupta, A.Kambadakone, X.Li, B.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-I-179 : Quantitative Evaluation of TrueFidelity (Deep Learning Image Reconstruction) for Gemstone Spectral Imaging B.Nett*, J.Tang, P.Prakash |
| | PO-GeP-I-180 : Quantitative Image Guided DECT Interventions: A Potential New Theranostic for Thermochemical Ablation E.Thompson*, M.Jacobsen, R.Layman, E.Cressman |
| | PO-GeP-I-181 : Quantitative Imaging of 177Lu in the Presence of 90Y for Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy: A Simulation Study C.Miller*, A.Rahmim, A.Celler, C.Uribe-munoz |
| | PO-GeP-I-182 : Quantitative MR Imaging Features Associated with Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients J.Jimenez*, A.Abeer, N.Elshafeey, J.Yung, J.Hazle, G.Rauch |
| | PO-GeP-I-183 : Radiation Risk Assessment of Using Gold Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent in Image-Guided Radiotherapy: A Monte Carlo Study J.Chow*, D.Mututantri-bastiyange |
| | PO-GeP-I-184 : Radiomic Analysis Performed Preoperatively of Radical Prostatectomy to Predict Lymph Node Metastases of High-Grade Prostate Cancers D.LeBlanc*, F.Rasekh, G.Couture, P.Després, J.Beauregard, F.Pouliot, L.Archambault |
| | PO-GeP-I-185 : Real Time Image Reconstruction Technique for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis-Guided Needle Biopsy P.Singh*, C.Choi, T.Vent, A.Maidment |
| | PO-GeP-I-186 : Reducing CSF Contamination in Cortical T2 Using a Fluid-Suppressed Dual-Echo Pulse Sequence R.Gabr*, M.Yang, P.Narayana |
| | PO-GeP-I-188 : Research Progress On Radiation Dose Optimization in CT Examination of Children in China D.Xing, W.Lu, L.Jing*, W.Lu |
| | PO-GeP-I-189 : Response of a Radiophotoluminescent Glass Dosimeter for Diagnostic Kilovoltage X-Ray Beams C.Nakatake*, F.Araki, T.Ohno |
| | PO-GeP-I-190 : Shape Analysis in PET Images Using Convolutional Neural Nets: Limitations of Standard Architectures I.Klyuzhin*, A.Rahmim |
| | PO-GeP-I-191 : Simultaneous Dual-Isotopes PET Imaging Using Triple Coincidence and Artificial Neural Network H.Lin*, M.Lee, C.Yu, K.Lue, C.Chiang, M.Jan, K.Chuang |
| | PO-GeP-I-192 : Small Animal LYSO-PET Detector Design L.Dingjie, Y.FAN* |
| | PO-GeP-I-193 : Spatial Resolution Improvement with Unsupervised Estimation of Non-Ideal Focal Spot Effect for Computed Tomography Z.Zhang*, X.Li, L.Yu, X.Liang, L.Xing |
| | PO-GeP-I-194 : Spectral Imaging in Photon-Counting CT: Virtual Monochromatic Analysis Vs. Principal Component Analysis X.Tang*, Y.Ren, H.Xie, W.Long |
| | PO-GeP-I-195 : Standard-Of-Care LutaThera Exposure Rates, Radiation Precaution Durations and Estimated Total Effective Dose Equivalents: One Institution's First Year and a Half Experience W.Erwin*, M.Jacobsen, R.Wendt |
| | PO-GeP-I-196 : Stochastic Backprojection for Accelerated Model-Based Iterative 3D Image Reconstruction A.Sisniega*, J.Stayman, S.Capostagno, C.Weiss, T.Ehtiati, J.Siewerdsen |
| | PO-GeP-I-197 : Structural and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network H.Liu* |
| | PO-GeP-I-198 : Structural MRI-Based Radiomics and Machine Learning for the Classification of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Subtypes C.Lin, J.Qiu, K.Hou, W.Lu, W.Lu, X.Liu, J.Qiu, L.Shi* |
| | PO-GeP-I-199 : Study On the Influence of Lung Cancer Target Delineation with Different SUV Thresholds On Feature Extraction in 18F-FDG-PET Images C.Ma* |
| | PO-GeP-I-200 : Study On the PET Radiomic Features of Myocardium in Patients Withesophageal Cancer Before and After Radiotherapy X.Sha*, G.Gong, Y.Yin |
| | PO-GeP-I-201 : Super Resolution Reconstruction of T2-Weighted Knee MRI From Single-Plane Low Resolution Interleaved Acquisitions R.Nosrati, O.Afacan*, A.Gholipour, A.Tsai, S.Warfield |
| | PO-GeP-I-202 : T2* Measurementaccuracy From Different MR Scanners P.Hou*, H.Liu, H.Chen, R.Stafford |
| | PO-GeP-I-203 : Tailoring Diagnostic Physics Performance Evaluation to the Imager Technology in Digital Roentgen Ray Imaging: Assessing Image Quality I.Bercha* |
| | PO-GeP-I-204 : Technique Evaluation of Dose Area Product Measurements for Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometer System J.Jimenez*, A.Thomas, W.Erwin |
| | PO-GeP-I-205 : Temperature Dependence of T1, T2 and T1rho in Agarose Phantoms P.Hardy*, X.Li |
| | PO-GeP-I-206 : The Contrast-To-Noise Ratio Optimized Fluoroscopy Operation Logic P.Lin*, A.Goode, F.Corwin |
| | PO-GeP-I-207 : The Design and Fabrication of a Dynamic Anthropomorphic Thorax Phantom Z.Xu*, Z.Sun, X.Shi, C.Lin, W.Lu, W.Lu, J.Qiu, L.Shi |
| | PO-GeP-I-208 : The Effect of Reconstruction and Volume Preset Parameters On Low-Contrast Visibility for KV CBCT H.Lee, M.Goss*, D.Pavord, S.Palefsky, J.Sohn |
| | PO-GeP-I-209 : The Effect of Reconstruction Filters On Dual Energy CT Images From a Single-Source Sequential System C.Olguin*, I.Barreto, S.Leon, C.Schaeffer, A.Heshmat, M.Arreola |
| | PO-GeP-I-210 : The Linearity and Bias of Proton Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) Quantification at MRI Using a Micro-Emulsion Phantom H.Cho*, C.Lee, B.Ahn, S.Seok, C.Hong |
| | PO-GeP-I-211 : The Relationship Between Beam Width,Scan Length, and Dosimeter Dimension in CT Equilibrium Dose Measurement V.Weir, J.Zhang* |
| | PO-GeP-I-212 : The Relationship of T1rho and T2 to Muscle Health and Injury P.Hardy*, A.Andersen, C.Fry, B.Noehren |
| | PO-GeP-I-213 : Theoretical Feasibility of Dual-Energy X-Ray Imaging of Respiratory Disease F.Basharat*, J.Tanguay |
| | PO-GeP-I-214 : Theoretical Framework for Evaluation of X-Ray Spectra Shape Effects On Dual-Energy Image Quality I.Romadanov*, M.Sattarivand |
| | PO-GeP-I-215 : Tomographic Reconstruction Camera - Clarifying and Visualizing Sources of X-Radiation Using Circular Penumbra Analysis J.Brewer*, A.Nicholson, R.Walsh, J.Holzman, T.Bjarnason |
| | PO-GeP-I-216 : Toward Developing a Practical Approach for Evaluating CT Scanner Tube Current Modulation Performance S.Zhang*, J.Provencher, R.Subramaniam |
| | PO-GeP-I-217 : Towards Automation in Radiation Therapy: Extracting a Breathing Signal From a Patient-Specific Region Using a Depth Sensor E.Mathias*, R.O'Brien |
| | PO-GeP-I-218 : Tracking Breast Target Motion with 3D Surface Imaging During Deep-Inspiration Breath-Hold (DIBH): Use of An Evidence-Based Region of Interest (ROI) Y.Song*, B.Mueller, P.Tamas, M.Zhang, L.Hong, L.Braunstein |
| | PO-GeP-I-219 : Training and Validation of a Commercial Deep Learning Contouring Platforms J.Koo*, J.Caudell, V.Feygelman, E.Moros, K.Latifi |
| | PO-GeP-I-220 : Trigeminal Nerve Track Based Tractography After Gamma Knife Radiosurgery R.Juh*, J.Han, C.Kim, C.Oh, T.Suh |
| | PO-GeP-I-221 : Tumor-Specific 99mTc-Sestamibi Quantification in Molecular Breast Imaging with Monte Carlo Simulation B.Lopez*, F.Guan, G.Rauch, S.Kappadath |
| | PO-GeP-I-222 : Understanding the Interdependent Relationship Between Radiation Dose and Iterative Reconstruction Strength in Abdominal CT Using a Live Animal Model H.Ganesh*, F.Raslau, C.Adams, E.Escott, J.Zhang |
| | PO-GeP-I-223 : Upright Dedicated Cone-Beam Breast CT: Short-Scan, Non-Uniform, Sparse-View Angular Sampling for Radiation Dose Reduction H.Tseng, S.Vedantham*, A.Karellas |
| | PO-GeP-I-224 : Usefulness of Novel Temporal Subtraction Technique with Small Region of Interest for Finding Suspicious Lung Nodule On Digital Chest Radiographs M.Ozaki*, J.Morishita, Y.Shimizu, Y.Sasaki, Y.Yamashita, Y.Yoon, H.Yabuuchi |
| | PO-GeP-I-225 : Using Pattern Recognition to Assess Tumour Perfusion in High Grade Soft Tissue Sarcoma D.Patel*, Z.Ahmed, I.Levesque |
| | PO-GeP-I-226 : Using Slice Thickness Wire Pattern in ACR 464 CT Phantom to Study Effects of Reconstruction Algorithms On CTA Protocols G.Li*, Y.Liang |
| | PO-GeP-I-227 : Utilizing a Radiology-Based Informatics System to Impact Clinical Practice: A Study to Improve and Track Patient Alignment in Computed Tomography A.Moody*, L.DeWeese, T.Griglock |
| | PO-GeP-I-228 : Validation of a Deformable Image Registration Method to Assess Lung Ventilation From 4DCT C.Laplante*, S.Bedwani, J.Carrier |
| | PO-GeP-I-229 : Validation of a Novel 3D Printed Contrast-Detail Phantom for Cardiac Nuclear Medicine S.Green*, J.Grice |
| | PO-GeP-I-230 : Validation of Quantitative Activity Measurements From Clinical SPECT/CT Systems J.Halama*, J.Bian, R.Wagner |
| | PO-GeP-I-231 : Validation of Robust CT-Ventilation Methods E.Castillo*, R.Castillo, Y.Vinogradskiy, G.Nair, I.Grills, T.Guerrero, C.Stevens |
| | PO-GeP-I-232 : Variation of Tracer Kinetics and Cerebral Metabolic Rate During Dynamic 18FDG PET Acquisition S.Deng*, J.Vasquez, P.Fox, G.Clarke |
| | PO-GeP-I-233 : Variations in Image Artifacts at Ultra-Low Radiation Dose Levels Due to Differences in Scanner Make and Model: Implications for CT Screening Applications J.Browne, M.Bruesewitz, Z.Long*, T.Vrieze, C.McCollough, L.Yu |
| | PO-GeP-I-234 : Visualization of Meniscus with 3D Axial Reconstructions E.Lavdas*, M.Papaioannou, A.Tsikrika, E.Pappas, A.Tsagkalis, D.Paridis, V.Roka, S.Stathakis, P.Mavroidis |
| | PO-GeP-I-235 : Weisskoff Analysis Can Infer False Correlations in Functional Connectivity Analysis with Resting-State FMRI H.Chen*, M.Yeh, P.Hou, R.Stafford, H.Liu |
| | PO-GeP-I-236 : X-Ray Tube Monte Carlo Model Based On GEANT4 to Optimize Excitation Energy Spectrum and Source Collimator Designfor X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging R.Schmidt*, J.Shi, J.Ford, N.Dogan, A.Pollack |