Moderator: Yannick Poirier, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Moderator: Patricia Lindsay, Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
| Wednesday 2:00 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-1 : Radiotherapy Boosted with Continuous Release of Anti-CD40 Inhibits the Tumors Progression in Mouse Metastatic Cervical Cancer Model J.Wood*, W.Swanson, R.Mueller, S.Yasmin-Karim, N.Bih, W.Ngwa |
| Wednesday 2:08 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-2 : A Phenomenological Model to Predict Carbon Ion Radiosensitivity and RBE On the Basis of a Cell Line's Photon Radiosensitivity D.Flint*, S.Bright, C.McFadden, T.Konishi, D.Ohsawa, A.Kobayashi, S.Shaitelman, G.Sawakuchi |
| Wednesday 2:16 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-3 : An Examination of the Mutational Signature of X-Ray Irradiation Using Single-Cell Whole Genome Sequencing J.Yeo*, R.Li, Y.Wang, N.Ybarra, J.Kildea, I.Ragoussis |
| Wednesday 2:24 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-4 : Groundwork for Potential Organ Dosimetry System Revisions in the Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivor Cohorts K.Griffin*, C.Paulbeck, T.Sato, S.Funamoto, H.Cullings, S.Egbert, S.Domal, A.Endo, N.Hertel, W.Bolch, C.Lee |
| Wednesday 2:32 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-5 : In-Situ Vaccination with Caflanone Delivered From Smart Radiotherapy Biomaterials in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer M.Moreau*, S.Yasmin-Karim, V.Ainsworth, W.Ngwa, H.Lowe, N.Toyang |
| Wednesday 2:40 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-6 : RBE for STING Immunogenic Signaling From Low LET X-Rays and High LET Neutrons D.Miles*, N.Cao, T.Pulliam, S.Cherny, R.Stewart, G.Moffitt, G.Sandison, P.Nghiem, P.Goff, E.Hatch, K.Stantz |
| Wednesday 2:48 PM | WE-D-TRACK 3-7 : Should We Use Peak Dose for Treatment Prescription in Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT)?- a Preclinical Study J.Rivera*, T.Kierski, S.Kasoji, A.Abrantes, P.Dayton, S.Chang |