Moderator: Tian Liu, Emory University
Moderator: Ke Nie, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
| Tuesday 1:00 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-1 : A Novel Minimally Invasive Dynamic Shield System for Cervix Brachytherapy M.Morcos*, A.Viswanathan, S.Abbasinejad Enger |
| Tuesday 1:08 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-2 : DIBH@HOME Patient Practice App: A MedPhys3.0 Proof of Concept in IOS J.Belardo*, N.Sperling |
| Tuesday 1:16 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-3 : Dose to the Left Ventricle and the Right Atrium as Well as Mean Lung Dose Predicts Overall Survival in RTOG 0617: An Updated and More Detailed Cardiopulmonary Dose-Response Model M.Thor*, A.Apte, R.Haq, R.Pandya, A.Iyer, J.Oh, J.Deasy |
| Tuesday 1:24 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-4 : Multiresolution-Level Inverse Planning for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma Z.Tian*, X.Yang, D.Giles, T.Wang, E.Butker, M.Walb, W.Curran, S.Kahn, T.Liu |
| Tuesday 1:32 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-5 : SIB-VMAT for Left-Breast DIBH Patients On Halcyon Linac: A Novel Approach to Integrate Electron Breast Boost Dose in the Primary Beams J.Snyder*, M.Bernard, D.Pokhrel |
| Tuesday 1:40 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-6 : Survival of Low-Risk and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with IMRT Or Brachytherapy T.Podder* |
| Tuesday 1:48 PM | TU-C-TRACK 3-7 : Will Patients Accept Horizontal Rotation During Radiotherapy Treatment? Patient Reported Outcomes of Rotation On a Prototype Fixed Beam Radiotherapy System E.Debrot*, P.Liu, B.Whelan, M.Gardner, S.Downes, M.Jackson, P.Keall |