Moderator 1: David Carlson, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator 2: Robert Stewart, University of Washington
| Tuesday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM | TU-E-TRACK 5-0 : Mechanisms and Clinical Significance of Particle RBE D.Carlson*, J.Ödén*, F.Kamp*, H.Paganetti*, R.Stewart* |
| | 3:30 PM TU-E-TRACK 5-1 | An Introduction to the Problem of RBE in Particle Therapy D.Carlson* |
| | 3:40 PM TU-E-TRACK 5-2 | Track-end objectives in intensity modulated proton therapy to reduce linear energy transfer J.Ödén* |
| | 3:50 PM TU-E-TRACK 5-3 | Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of biological modeling in proton and carbon ion treatment planning F.Kamp* |
| | 4:00 PM TU-E-TRACK 5-4 | Proton Therapy and Variations in RBE - A Clinical Perspective H.Paganetti* |
| | 4:15 PM TU-E-TRACK 5-5 | Variable RBE (vRBE) Models are the Future of Particle Therapy Treatment Planning R.Stewart* |