Moderator: Xun Jia, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr
Moderator: Julianne Pollard-Larkin, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
| Monday 3:30 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-1 : BEST IN PHYSICS (THERAPY): Ionized Radiation Acoustic Imaging (iRAI) for In-Vivo FLASH Dosimetry N.Ba Sunbul*, I.Oraiqat, W.Zhang, S.Clarke, M.Matuszak, S.Pozzi, I.El Naqa |
| Monday 3:38 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-2 : Development of a Megavoltage Photon FLASH Radiotherapy Platform at TRIUMF N.Esplen*, L.Egoriti, A.Gottberg, M.Bazalova-Carter |
| Monday 3:46 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-3 : Investigation of a Simple Calorimeter Design for the Dosimetry of Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rate (FLASH) Electron Beams M.McEwen, A.Bourgouin*, A.Schueller |
| Monday 3:54 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-4 : ROAD: ROtational Direct Aperture Optimization with a Decoupled Ring-Collimator for FLASH Q.Lyu*, R.Neph, D.O'Connor, D.Ruan, S.Boucher, K.Sheng |
| Monday 4:02 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-5 : An Ionizing Radiation Acoustic Imaging (iRAI) Technique for Real-Time Deep Tissue Dosimetric Measurements for FLASH Radiotherapy I.Oraiqat*, W.Zhang, D.Litzenberg, K.Lam, N.Ba Sunbul, J.Moran, K.Cuneo, P.Carson, X.Wang, I.El Naqa |
| Monday 4:10 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-6 : Ultra-High Dose Rate (FLASH) Proton Beam Scanning in Clinical Gantry: Evaluation of Biological Benefit in Radiation Induced Skin Fibrosis and Muscle Atrophy M.Sertorio*, K.Vairamani, S.Mccauley, S.Cunningham, J.Speth, J.Perentesis, A.Mascia |
| Monday 4:18 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-7 : Implementation and Dosimetry of EFLASH Radiotherapy C.Mendez*, T.Karan, M.Petric, A.Bergman, D.Ta, J.Sweeney, A.Kyle, J.Baker, C.Duzenli, A.Minchinton |
| Monday 4:26 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-8 : Use of 2D Robotic Scanning to Simulate Proton PBS at FLASH Dose Rates E.Diffenderfer*, M.Kim, J.Zou, B.Teo, S.Avery, D.Carlson, C.Koumenis, J.Metz, K.Cengel, L.Dong, R.Wiersma |
| Monday 4:34 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-9 : A First Step Toward Dose Calibration in FLASH Electron Beams J.Polf*, F.Bateman, S.Mossahebi, P.Sabouri, M.MacFarlane, R.Tosh |
| Monday 4:42 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-10 : DeepMCDose: Variance-Reduced Monte Carlo Beamlet Dose Prediction for Accelerated Online-Adaptive MRI-Guided Treatment Planning R.Neph*, Q.Lyu, Y.Huang, Y.Yang, K.Sheng |
| Monday 4:50 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-11 : Enabling Fast and Accurate Dose Calculation in Magnetic Fields Using Macro Monte Carlo R.Kueng*, G.Guyer, W.Volken, D.Frei, F.Stabel, M.Stampanoni, P.Manser, M.Fix |
| Monday 4:58 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-12 : Recent Progress On the Development of An Open-Source, High-Performance Microscopic Monte Carlo Simulation Package -- GMicroMC Y.Lai*, X.Jia, Y.Chi |
| Monday 5:06 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-13 : Validation of the TOPAS Monte Carlo Toolkit for Brachytherapy Simulations F.Berumen*, Y.Ma, J.Ramos-Mendez, J.Perl, L.Beaulieu |
| Monday 5:14 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-14 : Monte Carlo Dose Denoising Using Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning T.Bai, B.Wang*, W.Lu, D.Nguyen, S.Jiang |
| Monday 5:22 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 3-15 : Deep DoseNet: A Deep Neural Network Based Dose Calculation Algorithm P.Dong*, L.Xing |