Moderator: Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, University of Victoria
| Wednesday 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | WE-C-TRACK 3-0 : Small Animal Radiotherapy: What's New? Y.Poirier*, K.Sheng*, M.Ghita* |
| | 1:00 PM WE-C-TRACK 3-1 | The potential of automated QA in radiation biology using comprehensive EPID-based QA tools for image-guided small animal irradiators Y.Poirier* |
| | 1:20 PM WE-C-TRACK 3-2 | A novel platform for efficient small animal IMRT K.Sheng* |
| | 1:40 PM WE-C-TRACK 3-3 | Preclinical models for radiation induced normal tissue toxicity M.Ghita* |