Moderator 1: Benedick Fraass, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Moderator 2: Kristy Brock, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
| Sunday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-0 : Explanatory AI M.Giger*, T.Purdie*, R.Caruana* |
| | 1:00 PM SU-CD-TRACK 2-1 | Explanatory AI in Diagnostic Imaging M.Giger* |
| | 1:18 PM SU-CD-TRACK 2-2 | Explanatory AI in Treatment Planning T.Purdie* |
| | 1:36 PM SU-CD-TRACK 2-3 | Explanatory AI in Health Care R.Caruana* |
| Sunday 1:56 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-4 : A Data Driven Fully Automated Contouring and Planning Solution for Cervical Cancer D.Rhee*, A.Jhingran, B.Rigaud, K.Huang, K.Kisling, B.Beadle, C.Cardenas, S.Kry, S.Vedam, L.Zhang, K.Brock, W.Shaw, D.O'reilly, H.Simonds, L.Court |
| Sunday 2:04 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-5 : Automatic CBCT-Based Multi-Organ Segmentation Using Deep-Learning for Pancreatic Adaptive Radiotherapy Y.Liu*, Y.Lei, J.Janopaul-naylor, J.Harms, T.Wang, W.Curran, P.Patel, T.Liu, X.Yang |
| Sunday 2:12 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-6 : Deep-Learning Assisted Automatic Segmentation of Interstitial Needles in 3D Ultrasound Based High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy of Prostate Cancer B.Han*, F.Wang, L.Xing, H.Bagshaw, M.Buyyounouski |
| Sunday 2:20 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-7 : A Random Forest Machine-Enabled Diagnostic Algorithm Combing Quantitative CT Radiomics and Clinical Factors for the Identification of Patients with Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19): A Discovery and Validation Study X.Li*, J.Li, X.Zhao, Z.Ding, B.Yang, Q.Deng, S.Ma, Y.Kuang |
| Sunday 2:28 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-8 : Multi-Block Discriminant Analysis of Integrative 18F-FDG-PET/CT Radiomics for Predicting Circulating Tumor Cells in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy S.Lee*, G.Kao, S.Feigenberg, J.Dorsey, M.Frick, S.Jean-baptiste, C.Uche, Y.Fan, Y.Xiao |
| Sunday 2:36 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-9 : Unsupervised Machine Learning of Metabolic Response From Radiomic Expression of Oropharyngeal Cancers K.Lafata*, Y.Chang, C.Wang, Y.Mowery, I.Vergalasova, J.Liu, D.Brizel, F.Yin |
| Sunday 2:44 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-10 : Deriving Ventilation Imaging From Free Breathing Proton MRI Via Deep Convolutional Neural Network D.Capaldi*, F.Guo, L.Xing, G.Parraga |
| Sunday 2:52 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 2-11 : Detection and Segmentation of Brain Metastases On MR Images Using Machine Learning and a Novel Optimized Thresholding Technique D.Hsu*, M.Aristophanous, A.Ballangrud, L.Cervino, J.Deasy, A.Li, H.Veeraraghavan, M.Hunt, A.Shamseddine |