Moderator 1: Derek Brown, University of California, San Diego
Moderator 2: Laura Padilla, Virginia Commonwealth University
| Wednesday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM | WE-E-TRACK 6-0 : Clinical Communication Training for Medical Physicists T.Atwood*, D.Brown*, L.Padilla*, J.Burmeister* |
| | 3:30 PM WE-E-TRACK 6-1 | The importance and impact of physicist-patient interactions T.Atwood* |
| | 3:42 PM WE-E-TRACK 6-2 | Teaching residents effective communication skills D.Brown* |
| | 3:54 PM WE-E-TRACK 6-3 | Teaching graduate students effective communication skills L.Padilla* |
| | 4:06 PM WE-E-TRACK 6-4 | Implementing a physicist-patient communication program J.Burmeister* |