Moderator 1: Parminder Basran, Cornell University
Moderator 2: Luc Beaulieu, Centre Hospitalier Univ de Quebec
| Wednesday 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | WE-B-TRACK 6-0 : Are You the One Dropping the Ball? Tools, Tips and Tricks for Improving Workplace Efficiency in the Clinical and Research Setting P.Basran*, L.Beaulieu*, T.Bjarnason* |
| | 11:30 AM WE-B-TRACK 6-1 | From the “procrastination equation” to “getting things done” P.Basran* |
| | 11:45 AM WE-B-TRACK 6-2 | Tools, tips and tricks for improving research productivity L.Beaulieu* |
| | 12:00 PM WE-B-TRACK 6-3 | IT locked you down? Tips for improving clinical productivity using typical health authority infrastructure T.Bjarnason* |