| Tuesday | TU-C1030-GePD-F8-1 : Are There Tangible Differences in Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) Images Obtained From Different Vendors? L.Trunz*, S.Gummadi, J.Dave |
| Tuesday | TU-C1030-GePD-F8-2 : Deep Learning for Pneumothorax Detection Using Networks Fine-Tuned with Chest Radiographs From Institutional and Publically Available Datasets J.Crosby*, T.Rhines, F.Li, H.MacMahon, M.Giger |
| Tuesday | TU-C1030-GePD-F8-3 : Developing and Assessing the Efficacy of 3D-Printed Bismuth/Plastic Collimators for Use with Intraoral Dental Radiography D.Beaulieu*, D.Kim, R.MacDougall |
| Tuesday | TU-C1030-GePD-F8-4 : Initial Experience with High-Speed Angiography (HSA) Applied to Cardiovascular Flow in An Animal Model A.Shields*, J.Krebs, A.Shankar, L.Gutierrez, D.Bednarek, S.Rudin |
| Tuesday | TU-C1030-GePD-F8-5 : The Design of a Dynamic Cardiac Phantom with Simulated Coronary Artery W.Hou*, z.sun, X.Shi, J.Qiu, W.Lu, K.Hou, H.Zhao, L.Shi |
| Tuesday | TU-C1030-GePD-F8-6 : X-Ray Image Identification for Single Patient Based On Artificial Intelligence z.Wang*, L.Shi, W.Lu, Q.Sun, q.Meng, J.Qiu |