(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Room: Stars at Night Ballroom 4
Surface imaging (SI) is a non-invasive, non-radiographic form of imaging that can be used as a tool to perform image-guided radiotherapy. SI guided systems use a real-time optical imaging technique to register live surface images to a reference surface image that is correlated to the isocenter of the radiation delivery system. By matching both surfaces, the inter-fractional positioning correction vectors can be determined to ensure accurate patient setups. SI has been integrated into many photon and proton radiotherapy clinics throughout the world as the technology has shown to help improve the overall positioning and monitoring of patients for general radiotherapy treatments as well as stereotactic and gated radiotherapy treatments. Key technical advantages of these systems over x-ray-based imaging systems are: 1) ability to image and localize without the use of x-rays—e.g. lower patient dose, 2) ability to provide real-time feedback for patient posture positioning—e.g. aid in positioning of limbs, 3) ability to monitor the patient position after set up localization and during delivery of treatment and 4) ability to provide a surface surrogate as a respiratory signal for motion management strategies. With this in mind, the objectives of this session are to provide an overview of system capabilities and new developments as well as discuss the practical issues and clinical advantages/disadvantages of SGRT for certain treatment sites. The session ultimately serves to provide valuable information for new SGRT users, physicists looking to implement a SGRT program, and current users looking to learn about future SGRT applications.
Learning Objectives
•Provide an overview of current SGRT technologies and clinical application of these technologies
•Educate current SGRT users of the approaches used to improve patient treatment efficiency with SGRT
•Educate the community on the upcoming clinical uses of SGRT technologies
Surface Matching, Setup Verification
TH- RT Interfraction motion management : General (most aspects)
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