(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: To create a software for the designing of treatment vault of therapeutic accelerators. With the help of this software, the end user will be able to enter minimum information available for treatment vault design and all the calculations will be performed quickly and accurately. Bases on NCRP 151.
Methods: Treatment vault designing is a tedious, exhausting and time consuming job. Physicists must consider a lot of angles and different aspects during this process. To achieve this goal relatively easily and more accurately, this software was designed. In this software, the input requirement from end user is reduced a lot and is limited to basic information regarding the treatment vault like nature of the surrounding areas and distances of different walls from iso-center. Once this information is provided, the software will display occupancy factors dose required dose levels and will also calculate the thicknesses of all the primary and secondary walls. At the same time, a report will be generated automatically, and the end user just has to print the report for submission and record purposes. The occupancy factors, use factors and all the other relevant factors are based on NCRP report 151.
Results: Results show that the software calculates the thickness of all the walls accurately and it provides information that the end user will need for documentation purposes and software also shows all the equations used for calculation.
Conclusion: This software provides a quick and reliable platform to Physicists who are planning and designing the treatment vaults. It can also be an extremely excellent tool for state and other relevant institutions that verify the treatment vaults.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Author has created and designed this software and is entitled to all the benefits from it.
Shielding, Radiation Protection, Software
TH- External beam- photons: protection and shielding
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