(Tuesday, 7/16/2019) 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 3
Purpose: To avoid daily anesthesia and potential associated risk during external beam radiotherapy we have developed a PBVDT tool for select pediatric patients. Existing PBVDT systems utilize mini projectors mounted to the head of the treatment couch (near the patient’s head) and project video onto a radiotransparent screen located above the patient eyes. Due to highly divergent projection, both the projector and screen must be placed in close proximity to a patient’s head to avoid collision with the gantry. These systems work well for coplanar IMRT or VMAT treatments, however, they are not practical for non-coplanar arc treatments since the radiation beam will be perturbed as it passes directly through the projector at large table angle rotations. To overcome the limitations of existing systems and to enable linac-based radiotherapy for all treatment approaches (3D CRT, IMRT, VMAT, and non-coplanar arcs), we have developed a novel multimedia distraction therapy system, called RadFlix.
Methods: In our approach, the system projects a long throw video image onto a radiotransparent screen which the patient views during treatment. Using a customized lens design specific to the projector, the projection system can be mounted at the foot of the treatment couch away from the radiation beam for any treatment configuration.
Results: We have used our RadFlix system in pediatric treatments including non-coplanar VMAT, CSI, and TBI. Our initial experience is promising with a number of pediatric patients likely able to forgo anesthesia with PBVDT.
Conclusion: Existing short throw PBVDT projector systems are limited from non-coplanar arc radiotherapy treatment approaches due to their location, whereas a long throw-based projector system can be utilized for all radiation treatment approaches including non-coplanar arcs without concern of beam attention. This approach could increase the use of PBVDT during radiation to reduce use of daily anesthesia for select pediatric patients.
Radiation Therapy, Image Visualization, Immobilization
TH- External beam- photons: Development (new technology and techniques)
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