(Monday, 7/15/2019) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Room: 301
Purpose: The physics residency education quality uniformity has greatly improved recently as CAMPEP continuously works to update the accreditation standards. Nevertheless, as the specifics of education are left in the hands of those implementing them, the training experience can still vary substantially. This work aims to share our efforts and experience in developing a unified residency education framework to standardize our training.
Methods: Our proposed education framework consists of four pillars: structure, efficiency, sustainability, and flexibility. First, we created a full set of forms to organize the entire residency training. The goal was to ensure the clarity for both faculty and residents about the expectation and timeline on both the macro and the micro levels. Second, we divided the education efforts into two distinct parts, repetitive and resident-specific, to promote training efficiency. A high-quality set of training contents were created to address those repetitive efforts so that residents can learn and practice at their own pace. Faculty can instead focus on educating the residents based on their specific responses to those contents. Third, we regularly ask every program participant to contribute to the program by adding resources or providing feedback, and have a follow-up chain to ensure these contributions are properly documented and implemented, making our training sustainable. Finally, we recognize different qualities in residents and hence make the program tailorable to individual residents for their maximum benefits with many built-in mechanisms that allow flexibility.
Results: With the new education framework implemented for almost a year, very positive and constructive feedback was received. We are working toward strengthening our framework.
Conclusion: We hope to promote this unified framework so that all institutions can work together to build a network of training resources. We believe that the standardization of residency training can benefit both the programs and our future generation residents.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Education: Knowledge of methodology
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