(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: Current commissioning and annual quality assurance of linear accelerator data requires substantial time for measurement and analysis and can vary in quality based on the experience and analysis software available to the physicist. Currently, radiation therapy data from the linear accelerator can come from many formats including scanning tank or profiler beam data format. Other sources of data could potentially be the treatment planning system—both the TPS software calculated data and the data used to configure the calculation beam models.
Methods: A custom application was developed to assist in the format and analysis of beam data from multiple sources of radiation therapy beam data and simplify the process of data acceptance. Currently, an application at our institution can collect data from the previously mentioned data sources, analyze the data for completion and quality and compare the data to a selected reference data set from an independent data source. The comparison can be completed with output data for analysis in spreadsheet format, graphical image representation, and PDF report functionality for record keeping and compliance.
Results: Eclipse provides the dose difference between the processed measured and calculated profiles. By extracting 7 scans with dose differences ranging from -7% to 5%, the dose difference was measured at half the field width, and the maximum and minimum dose difference positions. The average difference between the results from custom application and Eclipse of 0.02%±0.08%. The application also agreed well with research level gamma analysis calculations previously employed within the department.
Conclusion: A combination of vendor provided API data access and modern application development practices offer the ability to yield an inclusive data verification tool which allows the physicist to analyze data from various sources for linac commissioning, annual quality assurance, TPS upgrades and algorithm changes, and measurement device calibration.
Acceptance Testing, Validation, Modeling
TH- External beam- photons: Quality Assurance - IMRT
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