(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: Recently, an electrometer equipped with a constant-current generator has become available for sale in Japan. This electrometer can test the performance of oneself and other electrometers easily in radiotherapy clinics, using its constant-current generators. In this work, we tested performance of an electrometer using the electrometer equipped with a constant–current generator.
Methods: We used the EMF 521R electrometer equipped with a constant– current generator (EMF Japan, Hyogo) for testing. The electrometer tested here was the EMF 521R and RAMTEC Smart electrometer (Toyo Medic, Tokyo). Charges (±5, ±20, and ±200 nC) were inputted into the EMF 521R and RAMTEC Smart by the EMF 521R electrometer. Each charge was subsequently inputted continuously five times. As a result, we assessed the nonlinearity and repeatability of the two electrometers.
Results: Repeatability of the EMF 521R and RAMTEC Smart did not exceed 0.01%. Nonlinearities for the RAMTEC smart electrometer were within ±0.03%, whereas those for the EMF 521R electrometer did not exceed 0.01%.
Conclusion: We tested the electrometers easily. Additional work will be necessary to test various types of electrometers and to study long-term stability and charge leakage using the EMF 521R.
Dosimetry, Ionization Chamber, Quality Control
TH- Radiation dose measurement devices: ion chamber
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