(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: The aim of this work to accomplish quality assurance process for new designed phantom which is able to verify and evaluate the beam properties with multi-axis ion chamber array (IC PROFILER, Sum Nuclear Corporation, Melbourne, FL, USA). To measure using the phantom can be simplified procedure of setup and analyzed data.
Methods: The phantom consists of several layers of controlling for build-up region and extra holes to be checked point dose by Ionization chambers. Also within the IC PROFIELR panel can put inside the phantom frame can obtain beam signals both of vertical and horizontal directions. Its response was characterized with respect to radiation beam properties, including dose, and flatness and symmetry. In addition, it is known as the results from IC PROFIELR panel as exact as with a 3-dimensional water phantom. To handle this array for QA process is affected to measure the same as water.
Results: Before usage of the phantom for vertical direction comparing to data from horizontal angle between the IC PROFILER and water. The results of crossline and inline show around 1%-range difference with nominal data. After compare to coronal direction outcomes of symmetry and flatness, the phantom with IC PROFILER stands up sagittal direction for collect the percentage depth dose (PDD). Raw data of PDD was not well matched the nominal data from water because the material of phantom is not water equivalent. Therefore, it considers of coefficient of phantom factor and build-up region of array. Secondly, it check the attenuation part and assume a trend line. It finds out the parameter range: 2.5~3 in photon depend on field size.
Conclusion: Using the phantom causes to measure without water thank every QA process and helps to examine the profiles both directions. It can save the time for setup and curtail the analysis results.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was supported by a grant of the National Medical Center, Republic of Korea (grant number: NMC2018-MS-04)
IM/TH- Formal quality management tools: General (most aspects)
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