(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: To assess and verify the quality of SBRT treatment plans with a commercially-available treatment plan evaluation software.
Methods: The evaluation of a SBRT plan is both labor-intensive and time-consuming. Significant benefit in efficiency results through quantitative tools available for plan evaluation: target dose coverage, critical structure sparing, and conformality. Twenty SBRT plan evaluations were compared between an in-house spreadsheet and RADformation’s ClearCheck, embedded as a script within Eclipse. Both tools evaluated dose coverage, tissue tolerances, and conformality indices: R100, R50 and D2cm as described in NRG-BR001. High dose spillage and the maximum dose and its location within the PTV was assessed and verified.
Results: The spreadsheet, while providing a thorough analysis is a time intensive process requiring the manual entry of values from the planning system’s DVH. The commercially available software allows for immediate assessment of all constraints in addition to enabling the user to make comments as necessary for constraints that may or may not have passed due to patient habitus or tumor location. The statistics are nearly identical with minor differences based on rounding. This software also features a thorough plan check from verifying contours for stray pixels, calculation grid size, CT slice thickness to collision checks in addition to much more. The software can produce a very thorough report for coverage goals and normal tissue tolerances for stereotactic cases.
Conclusion: This robust software embedded within Eclipse provides a near instantaneous evaluation for SBRT plans that clearly displays pass/fail criteria. A comprehensive report is additionally easily generated and available for printing to a patient’s chart.
Quality Assurance, Treatment Planning
TH- External beam- photons: General (most aspects)
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