(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: A comprehensive and novel database for the physics on-call system was created for the emergency radiotherapy program. Physics on-call provides the necessary medical physics support on the emergency treatment planning quality assurance and consultancy 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.
Methods: The database was built on a MATLAB platform. A graphical user interface was created for data input of on-call parameters such as date and time of the on-call case, treatment site, name of the attending physicist and so on. The data was recorded and stored in EXCEL linked to the interface. Various MATLAB scripts were developed as needed for data analysis and processing. Probability density of the number of case per year, week or day can be generated from the database for the consideration of on-call scheduling.
Results: The physics on-call data from 2010 to 2018 show that the number of on-call case started to increase from January to March. The case dropped in April with the number similar to January but slowly increased to August. The peak of the number of case was found in September and then dropped in October, but slowly increased to December with the number similar to March. For the on-call case per days in a week, it is seen that the number of case did not change significantly from Sunday to Thursday. However, the number of case increased almost three times on Sunday and two times on Saturday. This shows that Friday and Saturday were busy days for emergency radiotherapy.
Conclusion: A physics on-call database was created to record/process on-call parameters in our cancer centre. Through data analysis of on-call parameters (e.g. time, number of case, number of treatment site), results can facilitate a better resource and strategic planning in the emergency radiotherapy program.
Quality Assurance, Data Acquisition
TH- External beam- photons: Development (new technology and techniques)
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