(Sunday, 7/14/2019)
Room: ePoster Forums
Purpose: To complete shielding designs quickly for a new orthopedic clinic with eighteen x-ray imaging rooms.
Methods: RadShield semi-automated diagnostic shielding software was used to calculate air kerma rate, transmission, and iteratively solve for barrier thickness for many points on a floor plan, ultimately reporting maximum values for each barrier to the user. Three floor plans corresponding to each level of the clinic were imported into RadShield as a guide for the user to draw walls, x-ray sources, and occupied regions. The user entered the floor plan scale, workload distributions, number of exams, and other necessary variables via menu driven Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). For the operating rooms (ORs), RadShield calculated requirements for six suites simultaneously using a custom workload distribution based on C-arm manuals. Radiography/fluoroscopy rooms used NCRP report 147 methodology, sped up by first calculating one room and dragging the objects across the floor plan and recalculating.
Results: We recommended an extra sheet of gypsum wallboard for OR walls adjacent to hallways, and lead shielding for walls separating two OR suites. The translate/recalculate method for adjacent radiographic rooms was very effective in reducing overall time spent.
Conclusion: Eighteen x-ray imaging room shielding designs were completed and report-ready in approximately one business day.
Radiation Protection, Shielding, Software
IM- Radiation dose and risk: General (Most Aspects)
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