(Sunday, 7/14/2019) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Stars at Night Ballroom 4
Purpose: The process of commissioning one or more new linacs and performing multiple comparisons of the measured data to that in the treatment planning system can be labor intensive and prone to errors. Automation of this analysis has the potential to decrease the time spent performing these comparisons and to improve the quality of the analysis through standardized reporting and metrics that go beyond maximum deviations. There are a finite number of commercial treatment planning systems and water-tank systems. As such, open source solutions can be easily adapted to other clinics and has the potential to facilitate verification of clinically matched linacs.
Methods: The original measured commissioning data and the model data were exported from the treatment planning system (RayStation) as a .csv and compared to the water tank data (IBA Blue Phantom 2) acquired for two newly installed linacs. Routines were written in python to compare the percent depth dose curves, the inline profiles and the crossline profiles. In house tolerances were determined that met or exceeded current guidelines for commissioning and beam matching.
Results: The comparison of measurements from three linear accelerators to the treatment planning system took seconds to run when employing the open source solutions. Automatic reports and output in a standardized format ensure that more information is at the hands of the clinical physicist and potentially the medical physics community.
Conclusion: These open source solutions have the potential to allow physicists to record meaningful data pertaining to the commissioning of new linacs in a standardized format that can be queried and also allow for automatic report generating. Minor modifications in the code should render it useful for other combinations of treatment planning systems and water tank measurements than the ones demonstrated.  
Commissioning, Data Acquisition, Linear Accelerator
TH- External beam- photons: General (most aspects)
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