Moderator 1: Adam Yock, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Ctr
Moderator 2: John Wong, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-1 : Automated Standardization of Organ Labeling in Head and Neck Using Deep Learning T.Rozario*, D.Nguyen, M.Lin, T.Long, M.Chen, W.Lu, S.Jiang |
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-2 : BEST IN PHYSICS (JOINT IMAGING-THERAPY): Deep Learning Mapping of CT to MRI for Longitudinal Tracking of Lung Tumors for MRI-Guided Radiotherapy J.Jiang*, Y.Hu, N.Tyagi, P.Zhang, A.Rimner, J.Deasy, G.Mageras, H.Veeraraghavan |
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-3 : Automated Detection of Vertebral Body Metastases for Fully-Automated Palliative Radiotherapy Using Transfer Learning T.Netherton*, C.Cardenas, A.Klopp, P.Balter, C.Chung, C.Peterson, R.Howell, L.Court |
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-4 : An Automated Method to Generate Patient-Specific Dose Distributions for Radiotherapy Using Deep Learning X.Chen*, K.Men, J.Yi, Y.Li, J.Dai |
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-5 : Incorporating L0-Norm Regularization Into Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) for MR-To-CT Translation H.Kim*, H.Lee, J.Kwak, C.Jeong, B.Cho |
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-6 : JACK KROHMER JUNIOR INVESTIGATOR COMPETITION WINNER: Selecting Predictive Genomic Biomarkers for Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment Prediction by Use of Advanced Machine Learning Method J.Wu*, C.Lian, S.Ruan, S.Mutic, M.Anastasio, H.Gay, W.Thorstad, X.Wang, H.Li |
| Monday | MO-K-KDBRC-7 : A Virtual Reality Platform for Medical Imaging Analysis and Radiation Therapy Planning C.Williams*, K.Kovtun |