| Wednesday | WE-C1030-GePD-F9-1 : 3D Conformal Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Delivered in the Prone Position Is Robust to Daily Setup Variations H.Al-Hallaq*, A.Xiao, G.Hubert, Y.Hasan, J.Jutzy, S.Chmura,
| Wednesday | WE-C1030-GePD-F9-2 : Commissioning of a Laying Down Technique for Total Skin Irradiation (TSI) Q.Wu*, O.Craciunescu, A.Rodrigues, S.Meltsner, C.Wang, H.Gao, C.Kelsey |
| Wednesday | WE-C1030-GePD-F9-3 : Development of Four-Dimensional Dose Calculation Method for Respiratory-Gated Radiotherapy by Using Real-Time Tumor Tracking System in Lung R.Onizuka*, T.Shiinoki, Y.Yuasa, K.Fujimoto |
| Wednesday | WE-C1030-GePD-F9-4 : Evaluation of a Novel Beam Angle and Multicriteria Optimization Technique On Liver Cancer k.li*, R.Jiang, j.wang, J.Wang, j.peng, L.Sun, W.Hu |
| Wednesday | WE-C1030-GePD-F9-5 : Lung Dose Threshold for Interstitial Pneumonitis for Patients Undergoing Total Body Irradiation A.Nalichowski*, M.Snyder, J.Rakowski, D.Ionascu, I.Chetty, R.Fisher, J.Burmeister |
| Wednesday | WE-C1030-GePD-F9-6 : Use of Passive Intensity Modulation for Bolus Electron Conformal Therapy R.Carver*, E.Chambers, E.Hilliard, K.Erhart, K.Hogstrom |