Moderator 1: Rodney Wiersma, The University of Chicago
Moderator 2: John Lewis, UCLA School of Medicine
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-1 : Cerenkov Emission Tomography Using Silicon Photomultipliers I.Oraiqat*, S.DeBruin, H.Lei, W.Zhang, R.Clarke, I.El Naqa |
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-2 : Cone Beam CT-Ventilation From Mass Conserving Point Cloud Density Functions E.Castillo*, R.Castillo, Y.Vinogradskiy, d.Solis, A.Thompson, T.Guerrero |
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-3 : Comparison of the Localization Accuracy in Conventional and Ultra-Low Dose CT Fluoroscopy - A Simulation Study M.Wagner*, F.Lee, L.Hinshaw, P.Laeseke, T.Szczykutowicz, M.Speidel, C.Mistretta |
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-4 : Advantages of Dual-Source Dual-Energy CT for Radiation Therapy Planning G.Noid*, A.Tai, D.Schott, D.Prah, N.Mistry, J.Robbins, X.Li |
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-5 : A Rotating Blocker for Random-Ray Under-Sampling Cone Beam CT for Simultaneously Dose Reduction and Scatter Correction: A Proof-Of-Concept Study Y.Xu*, B.Li, C.Shen, J.Ma, L.Zhou, S.Jiang, X.Jia |
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-6 : Automatically Adjusting Reconstruction Parameters in Iterative CT Reconstruction Problems Like a Human C.Shen*, Y.Gonzalez, L.Chen, S.Jiang, X.Jia |
| Sunday | SU-E-KDBRB1-7 : Spatial Mapping of High Gleason Grade Prostate Cancer Using Quantitative Multi-Parametric MRI for Improving Targeted Biopsies G.Ghobadi*, P.van Houdt, Jong, I.Walraven, C.Dinh, H.van der Poel, S.Heijmink, F.Pos, S.Isebaert, R.Oyen, S.Rylander, L.Bentzen, S.Høyer, E.Klawer, C.Dinis Fernandes, K.Tanderup, K.Haustermans, U.van der Heide |