General ePoster Discussion | Monday - 7/30/2018 | ||
Imaging General ePoster Discussion | 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 8 | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F8-1 : Displacement Forces On MR Conditional Laryngoscopes M.Goette*, N.Desai | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F8-2 : Experience with the Set-Up of a 7T Clinical MRI Scanner A.Fagan*, R.Watson, S.Carlson, K.Amrami, K.Welker, J.Felmlee | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F8-3 : Implantable Pulse Generator Radiofrequency Safety Considerations for Low Field MRI-Guided Radiotherapy H.Gach* | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F8-4 : Radiomics Feature Robustness as Measured From An MRI Radiomics Phantom J.Lee*, A.Steinmann, Y.Ding, H.Lee, J.Wang, D.Followill, L.Court | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F8-5 : The Effect of Flip Angle On Phosphorus-31 MRS Enhancement by the Nuclear Overhauser Effect J.Vasquez*, S.Deng, G.Clarke | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F8-6 : Virtual Scanner and Breast Phantoms to Test K-Space Sampling Schemes in Ultrafast DCE-MRI T.Easley*, B.Kim, F.Pineda, G.Karczmar, R.Barber | |