(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: • Familiarize residents with radiographic, fluoroscopic, and mammographic diagnostic x-ray equipment• Demonstrate tubestand positioning and interlocks• Familiarize residents with x-ray generator console, radiographic technique selection, and exposure switch operation.• Measure radiographic and fluoroscopic output, beam absorption, and image quality as a function of technique parameters
Methods: First year residents attend laboratories in radiographic/fluoroscopic, mammography, and stereotactic suites. The labs consist of:• Tour of suite including identification of each component, equipment positioning, interlocks, and technique selection and options available on the generator console.• Measurement of radiographic output as a function of technique.• Measurement of beam absorption as a function of technique including first and second half value layer.• Measurement of entrance exposure as a function of technique using phototiming.• Measurement of fluoroscopic output as a function of technique, magnification modes, absorber thickness, grid, and tower height.• Demonstration of image quality as a function of magnification mode and collimation.• Measurement of fluoroscopic scatter as a function of beam size• Demonstrate mammography phototiming as a function of absorber thickness• Demonstrate mammography tomosynthesis.• Demonstrate viewing conditions as a function of room lighting and masking.
Results: In performing these laboratories, residents position equipment, set technique, and make radiographic exposures. They are encouraged to predict measurement results during the lab. This is the sole opportunity for our residents to manipulate equipment and make radiation measurements.
Conclusion: Radiology residents are expected to understand exposure parameters and how each affects output and beam quality. Laboratories allow residents to gain understanding by manipulating parameters and making measurements. They also gain familiarity with the use and positioning of imaging equipment helping them not only pass their board exam but also prepare them for a career in which they may purchase equipment and supervise personnel.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was highlighted in a short presentation to SEAAPM in February, 2017. A future publication is being considered.
Radiography, Dose, Mammography
IM- X-ray: General (Most aspects)
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