(Monday, 7/30/2018) 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 9
Purpose: To test and characterize a new high-density glass scintillator for the potential use in proton imaging through Monte Carlo simulation.
Methods: A model of the proposed scintillating detector was constructed in MCNPX. The design includes 7,000 1mm x 1mm x 10cm europium-doped Gd₂O₃ -WO₃ -B₂O₃ scintillating glass bars, with a density of 5.84 g/cm³ each, wrapped in 0.1mm of aluminum. The bars are arranged in 70 layers of 100, with each layer in alternating horizontal and vertical orientations for coordinate tracking and dose distributions. Scintillation yield is determined by the total energy deposition in each detector layer. Depth dose curves are found with the energy deposited in each layer.
Results: Protons beams up to 190 MeV stopped within the 7 cm thick scintillator. Depth dose curves and Bragg peaks were found for each of the tested proton energies with 1mm precision. Results indicated a relatively constant water equivalence ratio (average 3.674 ± 0.017) for proton range in this particular scintillating material, which can be used to determine a calibration curve between proton range and proton energy.
Conclusion: Preliminary Monte Carlo simulation results showed a compact, high-density scintillating detector may be used to detect the residual range of the clinical proton beam, and therefore be used as an on-board imager for proton imaging and quality assurance. Future work will be done to fully characterize the detector’s relevant properties.
IM- Particle (e.g., proton) CT: Detector development & evaluation
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