(Wednesday, 8/1/2018) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Room: Karl Dean Ballroom B1
Purpose: IR-UWB radars have attracted a lot of attention in the medical field over the past decade. Researchers have investigated its use in monitoring vital signs, detecting breast cancer, and tracking human targets. In this respect, radiation oncology rises as a perfect environment for the exploration of IR-UWB radar's capabilities in detecting and tracking dynamic lung tumors in real-time. Hence, we introduce this revolutionary technology to dramatically improve the efficacy and efficiency of radiation therapy for lung cancer patients, while increasing their comfort.
Methods: We setup an experiment that included a phantom and an IR-UWB transceiver. The phantom consisted of a control system, a linear actuator, a mechanical frame and linkage, a relatively small target to mimic a lung tumor, and a plastic tank filled with isopropyl alcohol, which approximates the relative permittivity of an inflated lung. We performed a series of independent measurements in which the target followed a dynamic motion model with a maximum displacement of 1.5 cm, at a rate of 14.63 displacement-cycles per minute. Detection and tracking performances were assessed by collecting the reflected signals and processing them in real-time.
Results: The displacement rate is found to be 13.94 displacement-cycles per minute. Hence, our results confirm that the proposed technology can penetrate through the plastic tank filled with isopropyl alcohol. Not only does this technology detect the existence of a moving target, but also show a promising real-time tracking performance as per the obtained results that also admit a maximum displacement of 1.5385 cm.
Conclusion: The proposed system shows great promise as a real-time sensing and imaging technique for radiation oncology. This is backed by potentially better clinical outcomes, higher patient throughput, and increased patient comfort through significant decrease in healthy tissue radiation and treatment-induced cancer occurrences, and normal respiratory functioning during radiation.
Target Localization, Lung, Image Guidance
IM- Other imaging modalities: Microwave
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