Improving Health Through Medical Physics


Angela R. Keyser | Alexandria, VA

AAPM Newsletter — Volume 44 No. 4 — July | August 2019

AAPM supports MedTech10

As a new initiative in 2019, AAPM provided travel awards through Science Council for two early-career investigators to participate in the 10th Annual Medical Imaging Technology Showcase in Washington, D.C., also called MedTech. The Academy of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research hosts the annual event to educate members of Congress and their staff about the impact of imaging technology. Early career investigators, including AAPM travel award recipients Emily Marshall and Brian Taylor, met with NIH Institute and Center directors and staff, visited with Capitol Hill representatives and staff and presented their research. I'm pleased to report that they represented AAPM well!

AAPM was also invited to the Academy Leadership Research Roundtable held during MedTech10. The stated goal of the roundtable was "to create a better understanding of mutual worlds and how academia, industry and government agencies can work more effectively together, beyond commercial transactions, to leverage one another and be more impactful. Attendees included academia, society and industry leadership and representatives from government agencies. Medical physics was well represented by Erin Angel, John Hazle, Mahadevappa Mahesh, along with me and Shaya Knazik from HQ.

The general consensus of those who participated is that this is a very worthwhile event and AAPM should continue to support and engage with the Academy on future MedTech events.

My newsletter article is typically focused on relaying important AAPM information to members. I'm going to stray a bit from the norm in this issue as I would like to share a few personal reflections on MedTech10. I've attended many events during my 25+ years of service on your AAPM HQ team, but for some reason, I left this event feeling especially pleased to be a part of the AAPM community. I am very proud of AAPM as an organization and the impact of the efforts of 1,900+ volunteers in support of the profession. And, while I feel so fortunate to lead your HQ team, it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture of "why I do what I do."

Shortly after I arrived at the opening reception, I met Rachelle (Berger) Crescenzi from Vanderbilt whose first words to me were something like "I want to tell you my great AAPM story." (Music to my ears!) Rachelle went on to share how her career path was significantly impacted through her 2008 experience as an AAPM Summer Undergraduate Fellow (SUFP), working with Andrew Maidment at the University of Pennsylvania. Then, travel award winner Brian Taylor joined the conversation and I learned that he too participated in the 2005 SUFP, working with Sanjiv Samant at St. Jude Hospital. As I listened to them, their energy was contagious, and I was struck by the tangible evidence that Education Council's SUFP and DREAM programs are making a difference. Powerful!

The Medical Imaging Technology Showcase was held the next evening and the 36 early career investigators presented their research. One of the highlights for me was the patient keynote speakers because as one speaker stated so well, "stories stick." Kristine Zakarison, who suffers from epilepsy and Stacey Matvya, whose daughter Charlee was diagnosed with stage 5 cancer at age 4, shared their compelling stories. Their stories stuck. While I sincerely hope that our members are often uplifted by stories just like this, your HQ team doesn't often get the opportunity to engage in this way. This did my heart good. The Academy compiled two videos, one of the testimonials and one of the MedTech highlights. Need a boost? I encourage you to take a few moments to soak it in:

The Academy's Patient Testimonial "How does imaging impact your life?" Highlights of MedTech10

It was great to come back to HQ and share with members of our team the testimonials from the SUFP and how "a whole lot of imaging" saved Kristine. Yes, team, processing those SUFP applications, dealing with the applicant questions, the volunteers and reviews, the challenges…our efforts matter and are making a difference. Think we all had a bit more pep to our step after our team meeting that day!

Mahadevappa Mahesh, John Hazle, Brian Taylor, Shayna Knazik, Emily Marshall, Angela Keyser and Christiane Burton #TalkRADtome at the MedTech10 Reception.

#AAPM2019 – Annual Meeting News

Building Bridges, Cultivating Safety, Growing Value

Come and build lasting partnerships with colleagues and vendors, learn how to cultivate a safety culture, and increase your value to those you work with and to the patients you serve.

If your schedule allows, please attend AAPM committee meetings that may be of interest to you. The schedule is online. Remember, according to the AAPM Rules: 3.3.2 – Any AAPM member may attend any meeting of the Board, any council, any committee except the Executive Committee, any subcommittee, any working group or any task group except for executive sessions.

Tuesday, July 16 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM is dedicated time to Visit the Vendors. An online Buyers Guide is available, with information about the exhibiting companies. Exhibit hours are:

  • — Sunday, July 14 – 12:30 – 5:00 PM
  • — Monday, July 15 – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • — Tuesday, July 16 – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • — Wednesday, July 17 – 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

New this year — Entrepreneur Start-Up Showcase

The AAPM annual meeting is offering an exhibiting opportunity to new entrepreneur start-up businesses. As medical technology spurs new innovations, an increasing number of start-up companies in the radiation oncology and radiology imaging sector are seeking to present their products or services to potential investors. We are very pleased with the response and hope that you will visit these companies:

  1. ProtonVDA, Inc.
  2. Medscint, Inc.
  3. QalibreMD
  4. Multi Leaf Consulting
  5. Macromedics, LLC
  6. Pymedix, Inc.

The 2019 Night Out on Tuesday, July 15 will once again not be a dinner event. You are encouraged to meet your colleagues at the venue for limited light snacks and then make your way to one of the many restaurants in the area for dinner. Or, dine first and make your way to the event for a bite of something sweet at the end of the evening!

Some of you may remember the fun Night Outs at La Villita Historic Arts Village during the 1988 and 1998 meetings. We will be back there for the event this year as well. La Villita, settled nearly 300 years ago as one of the city's first neighborhoods, now serves as an artists' market with tree-lined walkways, shops and galleries.

The outdoor Arneson River Theater will feature live music by the Juke Box Heroes Quartet. Known for their acoustic guitar, acoustic drum (Djembe) and three-part harmonies, the band specializes in the greatest Motown hits and classic rock of the 70's.

Inside Venue Villita, The Pictures Band will cover a variety of songs starting from the 50's to the 90's, plus the Top 40, Disco songs, funk and country. Look for outdoor games, including giant Jenga and ladder golf just outside on Venue Villita's patio.

Each adult Night Out ticket will include 1 drink ticket, good for beer or a glass of wine. No ticket is required for soft drinks. Please make your plans in advance and dine at a restaurant of your choice and favorite cuisine! We encourage you to either make reservations on your own, or with help from the restaurant desk at the Convention Center.

New this year! A "Meet the Editors Reception" will be held on Wednesday, July 17 from 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM in Room 220. Then, make your way to Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP, in Room 225BCD. Sweet and savory refreshments will be served.

Don't miss your opportunity to be heard by AAPM leadership. The 2019 Annual Business and Town Hall Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 17 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM in the - Stars at Night Ballroom 2-3 of the Henry B. González Convention Center. AAPM's President Cynthia McCollough and Treasurer Mahadevappa Mahesh will report on the status of the organization. What should AAPM be working on? How can the organization better serve you? Members of the AAPM Board of Directors want to hear directly from the membership.

AAPM HQ Team at your Service

Who does what on the AAPM HQ Team? See a list with contact information and brief descriptions of responsibilities online. An Organization Chart is also provided.

Staff Recognition

I firmly believe that part of the success of AAPM HQ operations is our ability to attract and retain an excellent team of high performing association management professionals. The following AAPM team members celebrated an AAPM anniversary in the first half of 2019. I want to publicly thank them and acknowledge their efforts.

Nancy Vazquez 23 years of service
Zailu Gao 18 years of service
Jennifer Hudson 18 years of service
Karen MacFarland 16 years of service
Lisa Schober 14 years of service
Laurie Allen 12 years of service
Viv Dennis 9 years of service
Melissa Liverpool 8 years of service
Rachel Smiroldo 8 years of service
Shayna Knazik 5 years of service
Richard Martin 5 years of service
Robert McKoy 5 years of service
Jaime Hoza 3 years of service
Jill Moton 2 years of service
Aaron Rudd 2 years of service
Ashely Zhu 2 years of service

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